
New Member
I'm so happy ladies my 12 year old cuzin who braids my hair came to me and said Meaka I want you to teach me how to take care of my hair so it grow and be healthy I'm so tired of my hair looking like this she said and I just got happy that she even came to me she said she wanted her hair long and healthy like my b4 I colored it but my hair was only APL but I guess that's long to her she said she wanna be BSL so I said I would help her so I'm taking her to the bss in the morning to get the basics and far as brand I'm going with ORS shampoo and conditioner oil moisturizer and I'm giving her my old heated conditioning cap like I said real basic and easy for her
That's great! The easier you make it for her, the more likely she'll stick to it.

Were you planning to get the ORS aloe shampoo? If so I would skip that one and get something gentler. It's a clarifier/chelator/neutralizer and if you're going to have her wash every week it will probably be too much for her hair. I've never used CON but if they have the original, you may want to get that for her (since it gets such great reviews here).

Anyway, congrats on being a good example!
That's amazing! So often we feel compelled to force what we learn here on other people (even though all we are trying to do is help). A true sign that you are doing something right is when the ones we love come to us instead.

You know you have to keep us updated!
That's great! I can't wait for the day to be asked about my hair care regimen from my cousins. Right now I am at the "Girl please, you know you can't grow your hair long" phase with them. Hopefully, hitting APL this year will help them to start to take me seriously.
It was a great idea to help her get the tools. It makes it far easier and it's really encouraging.
That's wonderful. It is good to see a young lady take pride in her appearance even if its just having good hair care practices. This will transfer into having good life practices as well. That is such a blessing to have her come to you and see you as a good role model. I wish you both the best of luck. Take lots of pics and give us some updates.

ITA with Msa about the ORS aloe poo it is really harsh for weekly use. I use it every 6wks or so since I have hard water and haven't gotten a filter yet. I like diluted castile soap for weekly cleaning and the bottle goes a long way.