My crazy FHI Runway story


Well-Known Member
OK ladies, I need a place to vent. In August I ordered the FHI Runway from Pink Corset. As many others, I had so many problems with them. Finally after six weeks of going back and forth with them, I was done. The lady at Pink Corset even told me to just file a dispute with my credit card company. That was all I needed to hear-I knew I was not going to receive my FHI Runway.

Fortunately, my credit card company investigated and found in my favor and credited back my account. I was able to find the Runway cheaper on ebay and it works just fine. At some point (about two weeks ago) one of the ladies from Pink Corset called me and left a message that I would receive a new tracking number. I was like:rolleyes:, just like the last tracking number that was non-existent right?

But today, the Fedex man arrives with an FHI Runway from Pink Corset. I am like WTH? After all I had been through with them, I thought we were done.:wallbash:. Now I am sitting with two FHI Runways in the house. I can't lie, the PJ in me says it is their bad. But I will definitely send it back, I don't need my bank calling me a liar. My husband already thought this whole story about an expensive flat iron was ridiculous.
TWO FHI Runways!!
.. but seriously... ty.. because i don't think i'll order from pink corset now..

Have you used it yet? do you like it?
No, please don't order from Pink Corset. They suck! I have tried the flat iron. It is O.K. (I always have been able to get a pin straight press because I have done to all my life). In that sense, I don't think it it anything special. However, a very evil part of me wants to give them back the one I already used and keep the new one. But my stepmom reminded me that we reap what we sow-so I will just call Pink Corset on Monday and tell them that I will return it.
Thanks for the update, I was wondering if you ever got your flatiron. I think I am going to be treating myself to the Runway to help me with my stretch. Will definitely not be ordering from Pink Corset. :nono:
Well let me know if you decide to keep it and want to sell it. I broke my FHI Runway's yesterday when I dropped them on the bathroom floor. Talk about a sistah being pissed!
It was okay, huh...I may be able to hold off from getting a Runway until I find a deal or hopefully some sort of holiday sale...But yeah, don't pay for shipping, it's their misdoings.

Thanks for the mini review =]
Well let me know if you decide to keep it and want to sell it. I broke my FHI Runway's yesterday when I dropped them on the bathroom floor. Talk about a sistah being pissed!

OMG! I know you were mad. I have been handling that baby like it is fine China. I am so afraid of doing that. I heard that they were real sensitive. I think Dontspeakdefeat said something about it in one of her posts. I used it again tonight and it did get my hair pin straight, ut I also used it at a higher temperature too.
Did they charge your credit card again? I hope not. That FHI should be a gift for your drama.
Well here's an update. First thing this morning, I called Pink Corset. I told them that I was sending the flat iron back and asked why they sent it to me in the first place when they had previously told me to just open up a dispute with my credit card company. The lady went into this long explanation of how she was so sorry and acknowledged that they kept giving me wrong dates and bad tracking numbers, but the situation was out of their control. She asked me to please not send it back. I told her I cannot do that because my bank already refunded me the money and sent me a letter closing the matter. So, I was gonna send it back. We ended up going back and forth for a moment.

However, I did find out some information from her. She said that there are some serious quality issues with the Runway and when she spoke with the manufacturer, they stated that they have officially stopped making the Runway with 6 ceramic plates (that is why they are out of stock everywhere). They said it cost them too much to make the Runway and cannot keep up with demand and if you drop it once, it's a goner. She said that instead they are soon going to release a new Runway that is of lower quality than the original. It will only have one ceramic plate and be silver (or maybe titanium?) coated and will be cheaper. She tried to use this argument to tell me that I had a collector's item.

I still don't know what I am going to do about this. I don't want to be brought up on credit card fraud charges so I think I am still going to try to send it back.
That's what happened to mine. I dropped it once and it was a wrap. I went ahead and ordered the H2Pro. It's supposedly the exact same iron as the Runway. I'll know once I get my irons and if it's not, i'll send it back. I bought mine at Beauty Galaxy and they told me the same thing that FHI is having serious quality issues since they switched manufacturers.

So she wants you to keep it without paying for it? I'd go ahead and keep it.
Well here's an update. First thing this morning, I called Pink Corset. I told them that I was sending the flat iron back and asked why they sent it to me in the first place when they had previously told me to just open up a dispute with my credit card company. The lady went into this long explanation of how she was so sorry and acknowledged that they kept giving me wrong dates and bad tracking numbers, but the situation was out of their control. She asked me to please not send it back. I told her I cannot do that because my bank already refunded me the money and sent me a letter closing the matter. So, I was gonna send it back. We ended up going back and forth for a moment.

However, I did find out some information from her. She said that there are some serious quality issues with the Runway and when she spoke with the manufacturer, they stated that they have officially stopped making the Runway with 6 ceramic plates (that is why they are out of stock everywhere). They said it cost them too much to make the Runway and cannot keep up with demand and if you drop it once, it's a goner. She said that instead they are soon going to release a new Runway that is of lower quality than the original. It will only have one ceramic plate and be silver (or maybe titanium?) coated and will be cheaper. She tried to use this argument to tell me that I had a collector's item.

I still don't know what I am going to do about this. I don't want to be brought up on credit card fraud charges so I think I am still going to try to send it back.

I'm all for being honest, but how is your credit card company going to know? They aren't watching your house to know that they sent it to you.

If I were in your position, I would have tried to send it back. If they told me to keep it because they couldn't take it back, I would. At this point, you've done nothing wrong. You told them that you didn't want the product. You got the charge taken off your credit card. They are telling you not to send it back because the product has been discontinued. Consider it a blessing that you have two, since they can easily fall apart.
Thanks jcsavestheday. I think that should be true. However, I did call my bank and tell them that this has occurred. It was at their suggestion that I called Pink Corset back to find a return address and get confirmation that they would accept it back. So, I guess my bank does know in a way that I have got it back. I don't know if they will open another investigation based on my call. Maybe that it where I went wrong.
Well here's an update. First thing this morning, I called Pink Corset. I told them that I was sending the flat iron back and asked why they sent it to me in the first place when they had previously told me to just open up a dispute with my credit card company. The lady went into this long explanation of how she was so sorry and acknowledged that they kept giving me wrong dates and bad tracking numbers, but the situation was out of their control. She asked me to please not send it back. I told her I cannot do that because my bank already refunded me the money and sent me a letter closing the matter. So, I was gonna send it back. We ended up going back and forth for a moment.

However, I did find out some information from her. She said that there are some serious quality issues with the Runway and when she spoke with the manufacturer, they stated that they have officially stopped making the Runway with 6 ceramic plates (that is why they are out of stock everywhere). They said it cost them too much to make the Runway and cannot keep up with demand and if you drop it once, it's a goner. She said that instead they are soon going to release a new Runway that is of lower quality than the original. It will only have one ceramic plate and be silver (or maybe titanium?) coated and will be cheaper. She tried to use this argument to tell me that I had a collector's item.

I still don't know what I am going to do about this. I don't want to be brought up on credit card fraud charges so I think I am still going to try to send it back.

Whoa:blush: Didn't know about this. I LOVE my Runway. I an 10 months into my transition and NOTHING works like this iron. I need to get another one just in case I have a mishap:yep: