My Concern


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies –

I have a concern that has been heavy on my heart. I serve in a few organizations and I noticed a disproportion in male and female leadership roles.

Recently, I attended a reception that was hosted by a Black professional organization. The members of the organization truly give back their time and resources to help and uplift the Black community. I couldn’t help but noticed how the Black women are the faces and voices in implementing and fostering programs. While there are plenty of black men in this organization, only a few are in leadership roles.

This organization is just one example, but I noticed the trend in other organizations and the Corporate arena as well.

My concern:

Is the Black church doing enough to build up men and help position them to be the voice, the backbone, and the leaders in our communities?

Are there more conferences, seminars, and retreats for personal development held for women than men?

Are the black men and women in competition with one another instead of helping each other?

I prayed about this issue. I feel in my heart an obligation to encourage the men that are members of the organizations that I serve in to be the voice, the planner, the leader, etc. I also feel the need to discuss this issue with my pastor as well.

Ladies, what are your thoughts?
PinkPebbles, May I come back to comment? I just wanted to acknowledge your concern as I completely agree with you? :yep:
wow..that's a good one. I happen to agree with the concerns and I look forward to what others have to say as well! This should make for a good , healthy discussion.

I'll be back. :yep:
I see this a lot as well, including at my church.

I'm interested in reading anyone's thoughts as well.
Ladies – As I meditated on my concerns, I believe that God opened my eyes to see the spiritual side of things.

It is the enemy’s agenda to weaken the masculinity of men, to weaken the roles and assignments that God purposed for men. If given the opportunity, the enemy will attack by any means necessary. I noticed with heterosexual guys, the enemy is trying to attack them with this effeminate spirit.

I believe it’s of vital importance that the church goes back to teaching the basics – the purposed for Adam (man), and the purposed for Eve (woman).

Let’s not forget how the enemy caused chaos and changed the order of God. The enemy deceived Eve, and he was successful because Adam remained silent. Adam did not speak up. Adam did not confront the enemy. Adam was a follower instead of a leader.
Ladies – As I meditated on my concerns, I believe that God opened my eyes to see the spiritual side of things.

It is the enemy’s agenda to weaken the masculinity of men, to weaken the roles and assignments that God purposed for men. If given the opportunity, the enemy will attack by any means necessary. I noticed with heterosexual guys, the enemy is trying to attack them with this effeminate spirit.

I believe it’s of vital importance that the church goes back to teaching the basics – the purposed for Adam (man), and the purposed for Eve (woman).

Let’s not forget how the enemy caused chaos and changed the order of God. The enemy deceived Eve, and he was successful because Adam remained silent. Adam did not speak up. Adam did not confront the enemy. Adam was a follower instead of a leader.

Pink Pebbles, it's interesting how you mentioned Adam and Eve and I cannot agree with you more. :yep:

The other day after reading your original post, I later thought of Cain and Abel and Cain's words: "Am I my brother's keeper?"

God's response was that 'His blood is calling to me from the ground.'

Cain represents spirit of contention and demise towards any man who chooses to honor God...even to the point of death, of their souls.

Abel chose obedience unto God while Cain chose to do what he felt was 'good enough' and what should be acceptable. In other words, it was Cain's way and not God's way. Instead of taking responsibility for his choices, he allowed jealousy and pride to overcome him and to kill his brother Abel rather than humble himself, repent of his arrogance and sin.

Our men today are being killed by the spirit of Cain. Look at the Black on Black killings with the blood of our Black men being spilled daily by another Black 'brother', who should instead build one another up, protect each other, learn and teach each other the love of God rather than the spirit of Cain.

This is where the Church is needed and the Church is also aware of this need, yet why is it then not being met to it's fullness?

One reason goes back to the spirit of Cain. Men who go to Church are chastised by the 'Cain's' as being weak, sissy, preachy, out of touch with life. In other words, the spirit of Cain, puts down the 'Abel's' and continues to do so, even to the point of 'killing the spirits' of most of the men who chose to follow the path of God.

How does this happen? One way is by the lures and temptations of this world. It's easier to get men to join in a football rally, however satan has planted the lures and temptations at every yard line (tv commercials of alcoholic beverages, near naked cheerleaders, and whatever else lures the flesh).

I'm not against football, the point I'm making is that Cain is there reaching to kill the souls of men with what comes in between the time-outs of the game.

This is where your 'concern' becomes all the more relevant. There's definitely far more out there that has been set out to destroy our men. I only mentioned briefly how much you are so on target with your thread topic. Your concern is Real, there is Life in your spirit, the Life of God and He is using you to bring forward a serious call to prayer and stronger movements in the Church to bring in the men and to rescue them from the spirit of Cain and its attempt to kill more of our 'Abels'.

Father God in Jesus' Name, we know that you have called many men to become and to remain righteous and to stand for you without fear and without wavering; but to be rooted and grounded with your heart and the mind and soul of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We dedicate these men unto you in fullness and ask and thank you for shielding them from the spirit of Cain and every spirit of death and destruction here in the earth. And it is unto you that we bow our hearts in full worship and honor, for no other God shall prevail in our lives and hearts.

In Jesus' Name,

Amen and Amen.
^^^ @ Shimmie

You are speaking the truth. I appreciate your input and revelation knowledge.

Indeed, the spirit of Cain is real.

There is a Christian man with a radio show called “Man-Up.” I believe he started the show sometime this year. Well, once a week he has a pastor on his show ministering to the hearts of men. They talk about real-issues that men go through and how men should overcome those issues. He also held free conferences for men to help them grow in their spiritual walk.

I don’t get a chance to listen to his show often. However, it wasn’t a coincidence that last week I heard him say how he was appalled that so many black men were against his “Man-Up” show. He questioned whether it was worth continuing the show BUT God reminded him the reason for the show.

I couldn’t understand why men would be against the very thing that is trying to help them. And Shimmie, you described the reason why so eloquently – the spirit of Cain :yep:

Satan is trying to silence and discourage the few that are taking a stand and speaking biblical truth. That’s why I will continue to lift up the men and encourage those that I come in contact with.

I also plan to send letters to pastors that are always advertising conferences for women…and ask when do you plan on reaching out to the men??? Honestly, I think it’s a greater need.

I had an interesting conversation with my male cousin but I will have to come back later and share that conversation.
^^^ @ Shimmie

You are speaking the truth. I appreciate your input and revelation knowledge.

Indeed, the spirit of Cain is real.

There is a Christian man with a radio show called “Man-Up.” I believe he started the show sometime this year. Well, once a week he has a pastor on his show ministering to the hearts of men. They talk about real-issues that men go through and how men should overcome those issues. He also held free conferences for men to help them grow in their spiritual walk.

I don’t get a chance to listen to his show often. However, it wasn’t a coincidence that last week I heard him say how he was appalled that so many black men were against his “Man-Up” show. He questioned whether it was worth continuing the show BUT God reminded him the reason for the show.

I couldn’t understand why men would be against the very thing that is trying to help them. And Shimmie, you described the reason why so eloquently – the spirit of Cain :yep:

Satan is trying to silence and discourage the few that are taking a stand and speaking biblical truth. That’s why I will continue to lift up the men and encourage those that I come in contact with.

I also plan to send letters to pastors that are always advertising conferences for women…and ask when do you plan on reaching out to the men??? Honestly, I think it’s a greater need.

I had an interesting conversation with my male cousin but I will have to come back later and share that conversation.

PinkPebbles, I'm looking forward to what you have to share about your conversation with your cousin. I love when the men in our lives open up and talk with us. It's a bond and a trust that is cherished and it also leads us in the path for prayer where it's needed for and with them.

I googled the radio show; did I locate the correct one?

There's a link on the website that allows one to listen to them online. (Which is good as I was heading for Atlanta in order to hear it. :rolleyes: :lol: ).

I love your plan of writing to the Churches to involve themselves in the lives of men equally if not more, as they do for the women. I believe that if we 'feed' them (via God's Word), the men will come and through prayer they will stay in the Church and become as Psalm 1:1-3 and verse 6.

Their lives and their souls depend upon it and this is not presumption, it's a fact which can no longer be bypassed and ignored. Thank God for your spirit which says unto the Lord, 'Yes' Lord, Send Me. I will hear and obey.

When God stirs the pot of our spirits, it means things are about to heat up and it's no time sit still and become as burned sugar. We (the Body of Christ) have to keep it moving with the Holy Spirit. :yep:
@Shimmie that's the correct radio show :grin:.

I contacted my cousin to get his perspective on the Michael Brown’s case, and asked what is his organization doing? Surprisingly, my cousin said he is not following the story because it is too sad, and that his organization offered to pay for the funeral.

ME: I understand it’s sad, but this is now a part of your reality. I think it would be beneficial to get engaged and stay informed. The purpose of your organization is to uplift men, young and old alike, educate them, and share your resources and knowledge in order for them to become better men.

COUSIN: You are right, but sometimes I think it’s hopeless. It seems as though the men in my organization only help the young boys that have clean faces, clean backgrounds, and straight A students. The ones that truly need the help don’t come to our events.

ME: I understand why you may feel hopeless, but just think about the people that helped you. Where would you be today without their help and assistance? Think about how granddaddy’s faithfulness set the foundation for all of us.

It’s quite evident that you have a passion to help others, so don’t let darkness discourage you. As far as the young boys that really need the help, don’t wait for them to come to you because that’s not going to happen. You have to go to them. You are blessed to have connections with the board of education. Work that in your favor.

Get permission to go to the urban elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools and set up sessions to talk about the benefits of voting, the benefits of remaining active and engaged in their communities; teach them the history of the civil rights movement, expose them to financial literacy, open their eyes to multiple career choices.

It’s time that these young boys see the faces and hear the voices of black men that are successful and that are not a statistic.

COUSIN: I’m glad we had this discussion. Let me share with you my plans….I’m motivated to take things to the next level.

I believe that if we 'feed' them (via God's Word), the men will come and through prayer they will stay in the Church and become as Psalm 1:1-3 and verse 6.

Their lives and their souls depend upon it and this is not presumption, it's a fact which can no longer be bypassed and ignored.

I agree with you :yep:.

Dr. Myles Munroe used to be the guest speaker at my former church. I remember Dr. Munroe's teaching on the purpose and power of men and he emphasized how and why a man's soul is depended upon God.

Dr. Munroe has a phenomenal book for both men and women. I feel compelled to pull the book out that he wrote for men and post some excerpts in this thread.

This is a busy work week for me but I'll be back to post!

Shimmie, I thank God for you. I'm enjoying this dialogue and please continue to share what God places in your spirit.

I also look forward to reading @Laela comments as well :)
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@Shimmie that's the correct radio show :grin:.

I contacted my cousin to get his perspective on the Michael Brown’s case, and asked what is his organization doing? Surprisingly, my cousin said he is not following the story because it is too sad, and that his organization offered to pay for the funeral.

ME: I understand it’s sad, but this is now a part of your reality. I think it would be beneficial to get engaged and stay informed. The purpose of your organization is to uplift men, young and old alike, educate them, and share your resources and knowledge in order for them to become better men.

COUSIN: You are right, but sometimes I think it’s hopeless. It seems as though the men in my organization only help the young boys that have clean faces, clean backgrounds, and straight A students. The ones that truly need the help don’t come to our events.

ME: I understand why you may feel hopeless, but just think about the people that helped you. Where would you be today without their help and assistance? Think about how granddaddy’s faithfulness set the foundation for all of us.

It’s quite evident that you have a passion to help others, so don’t let darkness discourage you. As far as the young boys that really need the help, don’t wait for them to come to you because that’s not going to happen. You have to go to them. You are blessed to have connections with the board of education. Work that in your favor.

Get permission to go to the urban elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools and set up sessions to talk about the benefits of voting, the benefits of remaining active and engaged in their communities; teach them the history of the civil rights movement, expose them to financial literacy, open their eyes to multiple career choices.

It’s time that these young boys see the faces and hear the voices of black men that are successful and that are not a statistic.

COUSIN: I’m glad we had this discussion. Let me share with you my plans….I’m motivated to take things to the next level.

I agree with you :yep:.

Dr. Myles Munroe used to be the guest speaker at my former church. I remember Dr. Munroe's teaching on the purpose and power of men and he emphasized how and why a man's soul is depended upon God.

Dr. Munroe has a phenomenal book for both men and women. I feel compelled to pull the book out that he wrote for men and post some excerpts in this thread.

This is a busy work week for me but I'll be back to post!

Shimmie, I thank God for you. I'm enjoying this dialogue and please continue to share what God places in your spirit.

I also look forward to reading @Laela comments as well :)

Again, thank you for allowing me to take part in this. Bishop Myles Munroe was a frequent guest in our Church, in times past and he always had a powerful message to capture and gather and to strengthen the men in Christ Jesus.

Confirming again, your concerns :yep: as the increased need for Men's Ministry is beyond dire, as their current status is a situation which has already bypassed the critical stages; it's in need of life support and that can only come from prayers and strong men of God going out to bring these souls in.

Once a person knows how much God loves them...truly loves them, their hearts will change and seek to know and to love God and to honor Him from deep within. The change will not be superficial, but beyond the surface of harden layers of rejecting God's pure love for them.

Jesus said He came to 'seek' and to 'save' the 'Lost'. (Matthew 18:11 and Luke 19:10)

By going out and capturing these lost souls, we are obeying what God has called us to do. All the more, it comes full circle to what has been laid so heavily upon your heart and how you shared with your cousin,... "that there is not enough Ministry for Men".

And there's a dire need for serious Men of God to do this work. The flash and swag is not's flesh. Men who are down to earth and serious about God are the ones needed to go out and gather and to mentor these lost men into the pure love of Jesus.

With stronger men, there will be less Black on Black killings; less broken families; less children without both a father and a mother in their homes to rear them; less unemployment and less sub-employment, for God surely takes care of His own. These will be men that God blesses and raises far above poverty and destruction. There will be less drugs and domestic violence and far less women 'selling themselves short'. And dare I say, less Black 'unarmed' men being shot by the police. Men of God are therefore removed from the line of fire.

There will be stronger communities and the futures generations will have more promise than what we have now in desolation.

The Word of God has proven this time and again. Whenever there was a void of God in the structure of a society, it fell for it had no true direction, only corruption. Yet each and every time the people repented and returned unto God, they began to prosper and the blessings and the protection of God fell upon them abundantly.

The fall of our society bears only one cause...they are without God. Period. The leadership we have in this world, especially our country's leadership today is so far from God that hell has become their family room of life and leisure. By choice, they have become just that accustom to condoning, applauding sin and infusing it further into their decisions which have poisoned society. :nono:

The Church has to step in aggressively and capture the souls of the lost men, especially the children...the future generation. Once we have them, we will be able to move forward with both the men and the women, with the men in strong Godly leadership, the blessings and the presence of God rise above the destruction and the descension.

It's not impossible. For with God, all things are possible and we can and shall do all things through Christ who leads and strengthens us. Even more, God has commanded this of us, therefore, it has no other path than one of success, for God is on our side. (Romans 8).

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
You ladies are preaching in here. I have noticed the same thing, and it's sad. I also notice in in families, there is usually a strong matriarch but no patriarch.

Cornelius Lindsey writes about the role of men (need for Godly men) a lot in his blogs, and I'm glad he is addressing it, but a lot of us ignore the lack of leadership among some of our men or we aren't aware. Either way the lack of knowledge is hurting us.
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I see it in my church as well in the lay people (since priests and deacons are all men). I feel like if you go to any church service, meeting, etc, it's the women holding it down :nono: We need the men to represent more!!!
You ladies are preaching in here. I have noticed the same thing, and it's sad. I also notice in in families, there is usually a strong matriarch but no patriarch.

Cornelius Lindsey writes about the role of men (need for Godly men) a lot in his blogs, and I'm glad he is addressing it, but a lot of us ignore the lack of leadership among some of our men or we aren't aware.

Either way the lack of knowledge is hurting us.

Wow, Speak that Word LoveisYou... You've just shared a Wealth of Wisdom, especially at the bolded. :yep:

God tells us in His Word:

"My people perish (are destroyed) for 'Lack of Knowledge'. (Hosea 4:6)

And you said it, you pulled the Word of God and placed it front and center that identifies one of the main causes of the failure of men. We can all bear witness to that for it is what is stirring within our hearts and souls to make it right.
I see it in my church as well in the lay people (since priests and deacons are all men). I feel like if you go to any church service, meeting, etc, it's the women holding it down :nono:

We need the men to represent more!!!

Amen, Lady Belle... Amen! God has a plan and He will not let it fail and neither will we. Bless God, neither will we.
You ladies are preaching in here. I have noticed the same thing, and it's sad. I also notice in in families, there is usually a strong matriarch but no patriarch.

Cornelius Lindsey writes about the role of men (need for Godly men) a lot in his blogs, and I'm glad he is addressing it, but a lot of us ignore the lack of leadership among some of our men or we aren't aware. Either way the lack of knowledge is hurting us.

I see it in my church as well in the lay people (since priests and deacons are all men). I feel like if you go to any church service, meeting, etc, it's the women holding it down :nono: We need the men to represent more!!!

Wow, Speak that Word @LoveisYou... You've just shared a Wealth of Wisdom, especially at the bolded. :yep:

God tells us in His Word:

"My people perish (are destroyed) for 'Lack of Knowledge'. (Hosea 4:6)

And you said it, you pulled the Word of God and placed it front and center that identifies one of the main causes of the failure of men. We can all bear witness to that for it is what is stirring within our hearts and souls to make it right.

:amen: Shimmie LoveisYou Belle Du Jour thank you for sharing!
I’m starting to realize that the book of Genesis is filled with so much revelation knowledge.

Why did God allow Adam to name every living creature!?!

Why did God allow Adam to name Eve!?!

Why did God give specific instructions to Adam before Eve was created!?!

Why did God make the physical body of a man much stronger than a woman’s body!?!

The reason being is that God built the man in such a way for him to stand on the front line.

God designed the man to be the foundation that the house can rest upon. And whenever there is a crack in the foundation it can be identified by a shift. And we have all identified and mentioned those shifts :yep:. The cracks need to be repaired and restored.
I’m starting to realize that the book of Genesis is filled with so much revelation knowledge.

Why did God allow Adam to name every living creature!?!

Why did God allow Adam to name Eve!?!

Why did God give specific instructions to Adam before Eve was created!?!

Why did God make the physical body of a man much stronger than a woman’s body!?!

The reason being is that God built the man in such a way for him to stand on the front line.

God designed the man to be the foundation that the house can rest upon. And whenever there is a crack in the foundation it can be identified by a shift. And we have all identified and mentioned those shifts :yep:.

The cracks need to be repaired and restored.

Exactly! Genesis which means the 'Beginning', God laid out the foundation for man to follow with Jesus as the 'Chief Cornerstone'.

Jesus gave us the healing for these cracks when He took it all to the Cross. Hence the need for strong Men's Ministries, who will not give up, to bring in the men to receive their healing and redemption.
Exactly! Genesis which means the 'Beginning', God laid out the foundation for man to follow with Jesus as the 'Chief Cornerstone'.

Jesus gave us the healing for these cracks when He took it all to the Cross. Hence the need for strong Men's Ministries, who will not give up, to bring in the men to receive their healing and redemption.

YES! Thank you.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. - John 14:6
PinkPebbles ... After reading about the teacher in the Children's Back to School Prayer thread...

Another reason for the need for strong Male leadership.
@PinkPebbles ... After reading about the teacher in the Children's Back to School Prayer thread...

Another reason for the need for strong Male leadership.


Yes Lord.

I was on the phone with my friend for hours as she poured her heart out to what her friend is going through at that particular public school in Chicago.

It’s no joke. This white male teacher strategically planned to attend school on the first day looking like a woman because he already had the backing of the Governor and Mayor. This teacher came out to the media towards the end of the school year last year. He expressed how it is in the works for him to undergo surgery to have his gender changed and it gives him an opportunity to teach his students about transgender.

It’s disheartening because this man could have been shut down. The principal tried to warn the students’ parents last school year by sending out letters. I honestly believe the principal did not have the support of the black parents. So now his agenda has manifested over this new school year and several parents are outraged.

My friend’s friend is going through a serious battle…she is a single mom fighting this issue. I’m praying that she will not give up, stand up for her rights, and other parents, especially the fathers will unite, confront, and put an end to this foolishness.

Yes Lord.

I was on the phone with my friend for hours as she poured her heart out to what her friend is going through at that particular public school in Chicago.

It’s no joke. This white male teacher strategically planned to attend school on the first day looking like a woman because he already had the backing of the Governor and Mayor. This teacher came out to the media towards the end of the school year last year. He expressed how it is in the works for him to undergo surgery to have his gender changed and it gives him an opportunity to teach his students about transgender.

It’s disheartening because this man could have been shut down. The principal tried to warn the students’ parents last school year by sending out letters. I honestly believe the principal did not have the support of the black parents. So now his agenda has manifested over this new school year and several parents are outraged.

My friend’s friend is going through a serious battle…she is a single mom fighting this issue. I’m praying that she will not give up, stand up for her rights, and other parents, especially the fathers will unite, confront, and put an end to this foolishness.

You can see how the Holy Spirit was preparing you for this. First, you allowed Him to open your eyes and see there was a 'void' in the Men's Ministry. Next came the 'burden' upon your spirit, as you did not turn away.

Now God has brought a situation to your attention that is too close to home.

PinkPebbles, we have a work (The Church as a whole) and it's not always 'pretty'. Yes, while we celebrate and rejoice when we see others come to the Lord and get delivered, but it's the process and the initiatives which are not pretty. And this is why so many give up (Ministers) and fall back.

Regarding this teacher, as parents we cannot afford to fall back and give up fighting for our rights as parents. Whether the supporters of this teacher and others like him, will admit to this or not, this is sexual exploitation forced upon these children. No teacher nor government has the right to force this life choice upon the innocent minds of young children. It's not only confusing but it is abusive for it is being enforced upon them to accept it.

If this is how this man wants to live than it should be kept to himself, leaving innocent children out of it.

No one can object to the word 'force' in these situations. This man and his supporters are indeed 'forcing' people to accept and to appease his lie. This man is not a woman. He is a male with male genes, DNA and body design . The devil has his mind so turned around that he doesn't know who or what he is. However he is most definitely not female and never will be.

The thing that upsets me about him is his damage upon young innocent children. Children who are NOT his which gives him no right whatsoever to place such an influence upon them. There needs to be a law enacted to keep him and others away from young children. They have no right to impose this upon anyone's child, not even their own. :nono:
You can see how the Holy Spirit was preparing you for this. First, you allowed Him to open your eyes and see there was a 'void' in the Men's Ministry. Next came the 'burden' upon your spirit, as you did not turn away.

Now God has brought a situation to your attention that is too close to home.

PinkPebbles, we have a work (The Church as a whole) and it's not always 'pretty'. Yes, while we celebrate and rejoice when we see others come to the Lord and get delivered, but it's the process and the initiatives which are not pretty. And this is why so many give up (Ministers) and fall back.


I agree with you. The more we discussed, the more God revealed to us and I’m grateful for everyone’s input.

I think it’s wonderful to have a forum to share our faith, concerns, and learn from one another in the spirit of love :circle:
Regarding this teacher, as parents we cannot afford to fall back and give up fighting for our rights as parents. Whether the supporters of this teacher and others like him, will admit to this or not, this is sexual exploitation forced upon these children. No teacher nor government has the right to force this life choice upon the innocent minds of young children. It's not only confusing but it is abusive for it is being enforced upon them to accept it.

If this is how this man wants to live than it should be kept to himself, leaving innocent children out of it.

No one can object to the word 'force' in these situations. This man and his supporters are indeed 'forcing' people to accept and to appease his lie. This man is not a woman. He is a male with male genes, DNA and body design . The devil has his mind so turned around that he doesn't know who or what he is. However he is most definitely not female and never will be.

The thing that upsets me about him is his damage upon young innocent children. Children who are NOT his which gives him no right whatsoever to place such an influence upon them. There needs to be a law enacted to keep him and others away from young children. They have no right to impose this upon anyone's child, not even their own. :nono:

In total agreement.

This goes back to what LoveisYou shared with us – The lack of knowledge is hurting us.

People will take advantage if they perceive you are ignorant, won’t challenge them, or know your rights.

What you’ve shared is of valuable information that I will pass along :yep:.

More confirmation:

I saw this article and placed it into another thread. You've started something precious and wonderful here. A Ministry of women, seeking Ministry for Men.

Through you, God has opened up a new flood gate of redemption.

God bless you, angel. :love3:

I'll check out the article in the other thread...thank you for sharing!!

I love this "A Ministry of women, seeking Ministry for Men." :grin: