My cnapp/4bz hair after a mild texlax/texturizer


Well-Known Member
In March I did a mild texturizer/texlax treatment, after nearly 3 years of being natural. Honestly, this is the best hair decision that I've ever made.:yep:

I used to not be able to wear a wash and gro fro because within a few hours my hair would tangle and I would have a million new single/double strand knots. I felt like the knots were killing my hair retention over the past few months.:ohwell: Also, I could not retain moisture with my natural hair for more than a couple of hours. And Yes I tried everything on this forum, all kinds of conditioners, cowashing all the time, the salt treatment, the carmel treatment everything for 2 and a half years. Still my hair was always bone dry.

So after a lot of research and thought, I applied a mild Hawaiian Silky no lye lithium hydroxide relaxer. Total application processing time was 6 minutes. Did not smooth. I did not want straight hair or curly hair, I just wanted loosen my texture a bit.

I'm so glad I did this. :grin: I don't have the single strand knot problem at all and I am able to retain moisture throughout the day. And my texture is basically exactly the same. I am still a CNaPP/4b/4bz or whatever you want to call it. It is just a bit looser. There is no way most people would know that a relaxer had been anywhere near my head because of my texture. Ironically, only after the texturizer am I able to wear an afro succesfully.:drunk: Another good thing, is my washing detangling session takes half the time.

These pictures are of my hair after the texturizer.





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Glad you are pleased with your hair. I would have never known you weren't natural. Do you have any before pics? You know we luvs pictures!!!
That's cool, and I love that you still have 'texture.'

Unfortunately I may have to do this with my hair as well. I'm having the EXACT same problem you did.
Glad you found something your happy with. Is it possible to post before pics as well?

I didn't take pictures the day before my relaxer but I do have some before pictures of my texture from a few months ago, I will try to find them and post later.
I would still think you were natural too. Just two questions:

Is it possible your natural texture had low porosity, and the texlax helped with it?
How do you do touch up's seeing as the two textures are so similar?
I would still think you were natural too. Just two questions:

Is it possible your natural texture had low porosity, and the texlax helped with it?
How do you do touch up's seeing as the two textures are so similar?

I think maybe my natural texture did have porosity issues. I don't know the science behind why or why a chemical treatment might help porosity though.

I'm not planning on texturizing again for another year or maybe two years. I will rethink what I want to do with my hair then. Because I don't want to overlap and cause it to be straightish.
I think maybe my natural texture did have porosity issues. I don't know the science behind why or why a chemical treatment might help porosity though.

I'm not planning on texturizing again for another year or maybe two years. I will rethink what I want to do with my hair then. Because I don't want to overlap and cause it to be straightish.

Its may help because it lifts the cuticle to get to the cortex (center) of the strand. If your cuticle lays too flat is sometimes has the characteristic of being dry constantly because the outer layer is "sealed". Therefore any moisture would kind of sit on the surface of the hair and not really penetrate. Your cuticle may flatten again after your hair "settles" but not as tightly-this is just what I understand by it.
This is probably why I used to have a "rough" feel to my hair after I relaxed (in the past) for a few days.
wow i would have never known that you were no longer natural. so much texture remained. im glad your hair and you love it.
Congratulations on your relaxer. I think my sister is your hair twin and I understand where you are coming from. Her hair cant hold moisture and retention is probably for her as well. Unfortunately, she is not very open to try a relaxer on her hair for the moment, but who knows I may show her your thread as an inspiration. Thanks again for posting, your hair looks really nice.
Wow, I can't tell the difference! I know it must feel so good to get rid of the knots! Beautiful lipstick!
I texlax for about eight minutes with no smoothing as well. A lot of people think I'm natural too. It looks really good and I'm glad you found something that works for your hair.

Such a good feeling...
im seriously thinking about doing this, apply a light relaxer just to be able to blowdry my hair, so that i can get bkt done. my hair is so tight that it literally is painful to blowdry, and comb my hair, not to mention the breakage. My hair continously tangles and get knots, which is preventing me from retaining length. Im thinking about texlaxing my hair just a little and get bkt treatments done to help with manageability.