My church member has passed


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I just found out tonight that one of my church members has passed away. She was a longtime friend of another member and started attending services. She received prayer to be healed of seizures and some other things. She rededicated her life to Christ shortly after however, in the past few weeks she was not in attendance. Contact was made and we realized that her family which is of another religion was interfering with her attending, so we just lifted her up in prayer and didn't want to cause waves. The circumstances around her death is shaky but I want to remember the person I saw shouting, dancing and praising GOD for being healed from her seizures. I don't why I am taking this soo hard. I think because this is the first time something like this has happened since becoming a minister. Anyway, I just ask that you pray for her family, friends, and my church. Thank you Q
Queeny, in answer to your care. Within you dwells the heart of simply care. What a joy you must be to those who know you personally and have the pleasure of your presence. What a joy you are to God our Father...simply because you care.

My hearfelt prayers are with you, your church family and the family of this beloved member. My those who opposed her faith, come to know the truth, that Jesus has only love for them. Amen.

Please take care, Queeny. I still pray for you regarding your post a few weeks ago, telling the members you love them.
queeny20 said:
The circumstances around her death is shaky but I want to remember the person I saw shouting, dancing and praising GOD for being healed from her seizures.

I will pray for you but I wanted to say that the above statement makes my soul glad and I know she's home with the LORD.
queeny20 said:
.... I want to remember the person I saw shouting, dancing and praising GOD for being healed from her seizures. I don't why I am taking this soo hard. I think because this is the first time something like this has happened since becoming a minister. Anyway, I just ask that you pray for her family, friends, and my church. Thank you Q

You are a shepherd. One of your beloved sheep is gone. You loved her. You watched her grow. Jesus was upset whn his boy Laz passed away. You can be too. If you need to go in a closet and scream, go for it. I am not going to give you she is in a better place speech. You, your heart, and her family are in my pryers. May God take you in his arms and wipe away your tears. :kiss:
Q you have a heart of sympathy, compassion and a love for Jesus. That is why you care. I had a friend tell my about one of her patients at the doctor office she works for and I began to cry. God is so good and merciful he has called her home and she is not suffering from an ailment anymore. Even though her family is of another denomination or faith I am sure that they are having it hard now. So I lift that family up in prayer as well. Isn't it beautiful that she became born again before she left her earthly home? We all are strangers passing thru this barren land. Q, she has joined all of our other sister and brothers who decided to make Jesus the head of their life. When I get sad about my dear mother I rejoice in the fact that there is a chance that we can see each other again. You will see her again. Take care and I love you.

Thanks ladies I really appreciate it. I had a talk with my Pastor last night that made me feel at peace. Today I spoke with her friend of over 20 years who brought her to our church. We had a chance to even laugh about some of the funny jokes she would tell. It was weird because I had been feeling the weight of death on me for awhile. I thought it was going to be one of my family members who was ill. Then last night my DH and the girls went to the church to do some painting. I noticed they were gone for awhile and I got that feeling again and began to rebuke the devil. Finally they walked in the door. I was at the computer and my husband came and sat next to me and told me that she had passed. The weight I was feeling was him on his way home to bring me the news.

I was telling someone today that we sometimes take for granted that we will be here or have our loved ones with us but we can't. That is the main reason for my post a few weeks ago Shimmie because I was feeling that heaviness then. I just thank GOD for discernment and allowing me to feel things so I can pray and stand strong for GOD. I know the devil will try to use the gifts that I have for evil but I already know that GOD has the victory. I am just continually growing and learning to tap in to the gifts GOD has given me and use them to HIS glory. Thank you all so much because of the wonderful ladies on this board who have pm'd me, responded, and some called me at home I truly felt blessed today. Continue to pray as I try to comfort and support her loved ones, friends, and our church members who have been affected including me. I love all of you. Q