My Brazilian Keratin Treatment (BKT) Review -- PIC HEAVY!!!

Would you ever consider doing it yourself? I'm glad I learned how to do it, it really isn't hard.

I considered it for a sec this time around, but I wanted someone else to do my first treatment so I could get a feel for how it's done. I might try it at least once by myself if I decide to do it again. I saw the entire thing, and you're right. It didn't look difficult at all. I could definitely do it. Plus, I always feel some kinda way when someone else detangles my hair. I get really paranoid, and worry that they're not being as gentle as I would be. lol
Ediese, I agree I am about what works. I have come full circle. I have had WL hair and short pixie I was natural for 9 years then relaxed, then texlaxed, then BKT'd. I personally was over my natural hair and all that work. I love my natural texture hair BKTd and I don't care if I see another curl or wave ever! I love having bone straight hair out the shower with no relaxer. If I decide to go back curly/natural it's encoded in my dna so I can always go back :-)

ITA..well, I've never had WL hair (yet), but I like my hair straight (less work, better retention, blah, blah, blah), and my natural hair is more wavy than curly, which just turns into a big ole mess fo me. BKT lets me have my hair fairly straight out of the shower, use less product, and keep my heat usage to a minimum. To me, it's worth it, and I got no shame in my game. I might feel differently if I had more of a curl pattern, but I'm working with what I got.

ETA: Ediese, your hair is gorgeous!
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Do you think your hair wouldn't have reverted so quickly if you had let him put the flat iron to 450 degrees?

Either way it looks good :)
Wow, how do you get the texture of your natural curls to pop the way they do. What products are you using? *I hope someone else hasn't asked and I missed this already. If so, apologies in adance.
There were some things that I loved about my natural hair, and some things that I didn't (explained in a post above). At the end of the day, if this makes my hair stronger, healthier, softer, longer, etc, I'm all over it. lol

It's so funny that you posted this. On my drive home yesterday, I was thinking about an old thread where some members felt that one texture/type was easier to maintain/grow versus the other texture/type. I'm in a position now where I can experience both. I know it's a bit premature, but I'm already finding that there are definitely pros and cons to each type. Having a certain type doesn't make it easier, and every style/technique can't be achieved with every type. I think that this will be a great experiment.
thanks for this!:yep: classic the grass is always greener moment
Wow Ediese, thanks for such a thorough review..your hair looks great before and now, and I agree it's all about what works for you and your current lifestyle. Keep us posted!
Ediese, do you mind doing an ssk update now that you've done the treatment? I'm interested in seeing how the treatment reduces those pesky things. Thanks.
Do you think your hair wouldn't have reverted so quickly if you had let him put the flat iron to 450 degrees?

Either way it looks good :)

Thanks! :) We started off with 410 degrees, but it wasn't straightening my hair well. Who knew my hair was going to be so heat resilient? lol He upped it to 450, so that he could do less passes.

Wow, how do you get the texture of your natural curls to pop the way they do. What products are you using? *I hope someone else hasn't asked and I missed this already. If so, apologies in adance.

Honestly, when I was a new natural, I remember once using IC fantasia gel and smoothing it through almost each individual strand to get perfect definition. :look: As I started learning my hair, I realized that wasn't necessary.

Pre and post bkt, I cowash with Herbal Essence Hello Hydration and leave some conditioner in my hair. Right out the shower with dripping wet hair, I take a good amount of gel and just rake it through my hair. In the sections in the front that dont' curl as well as the middle/back, I scrunch it or might use my denman. This gives me really good definition. I don't use my denman for my entire head when I'm doing a wash n go because it really defines my curls, but it causes my hair to shrink up even more. If I have time, I use a diffuser for about 5 mintues. It helps keep my hair from shrinking too much, and it locks in the curls.

Ediese, do you mind doing an ssk update now that you've done the treatment? I'm interested in seeing how the treatment reduces those pesky things. Thanks.

Sure. I'll give updates throughout the time I have it too. As of now, I haven't had one issue with single strand knots. :grin: I've been wearing my hair in a bun/banana clip, and I go to bed with it like that. When I get up, I don't have to comb it. :look: I notice that when I do cowash I can easily finger comb and my fingers don't get stuck in tangles, and I'm not getting frustrated cutting knots. lol This alone has me thinking that this treatment is going to be in my life for a while. lol
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Thanks again everyone for viewing and commenting. For the first time, I struggled a bit with posting my pics because I knew there would be some people that wasn't okay with this treatment, simply because 1) the chemical that was used, and 2) the looser texture of my hair. We all know how quickly some of these threads turn into a self hate discussion.

This is really the only time that I'm going to address this. I don't feel like I need to explain or apologize for the decision I made for my hair, and please don't take this the wrong way. I respect all of you. I especially respect your honesty. I appreciate that you all found beauty in my natural hair. After years of being relaxed, it took a long time for me to get to that point, but believe it or not, I'm there. There were some things that I loved about my natural hair, and some things that I didn't (explained in a post above). At the end of the day, if this makes my hair stronger, healthier, softer, longer, etc, I'm all over it. lol

Thank you! :)

Hi Ediese "with the beautiful hair"! I have questions but let me preface them by saying:
  • I will be celebrating my 1 year natural anniversary next week (sooo I'm a newbie)
  • I have been seeing the term BKT but don't quite understand it yet
Having said that ... its a chemical which means you are no longer natural if you use it right?

It wears off or somehow goes away after several months so that means you go back to being natural again right?

If both are true - could this be considered a fairly safe or at least a temporary option to something permanent like a relaxer? I am (for now) against chemicals in my hair but sometimes I fantasize about a texturizer or something :spinning: to lessen the tangling maybe give it more definition and shine. I'm about to come out of crochet braids and I want to wear a natural bun (no heat) but I don't think my mostly 4a hair will cooperate with me.:nono: You have given compelling reasons why this might be a good option to try. One drawback is that I love playing in my coils - if they were loosened some I don't know if I could stand myself :lachen:!

In conclusion - your hair is simply fabulous I love your hair w/out BKT as much as I love it w/BKT:grin:.

First let me say I just luv your threads and all the pics! They are very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to share your journey.

Also, I am a huge fan of your hair. All the pics are just drool-worthy. BKT'd hair and non BKT'd hair its all beautiful! (going back to look at the pics again)
looks really fab!

i like the long posts. thanks for giving soooo much information. i appreciate the comaprison photos and thorough review.;)

keep us posted on how your hair does with the treatment.
Thank you for the detailed and complete review. Your hair definitely looked fabulous before the BKT, I am sure it feels better post. Much success and happy growing.