My braidout (on my natural APL hair) PITCHASSS!

I love the photos you took. Doing something a little different. Nice to see some personality. :yep:
And your braid out is AWESOME too!
Wow that's beautiful, can't wait until my hair is that long to do that, inspiration is all I have to say, time to get it in 2011 :yep:
Beautiful braidout!! You did such a great job! Can't wait til I'm fully natural to try it! Right now when I attempt a braidout on these 2 different textures it's soo not cute lol.
Your braid out came out really nice. It looks so soft. When I used to do braid out that i wore for a whole week, I would pin it up at night, take the pins out in the morning and shake it. I didn't even use satin cap or pillow then. I used gel in mine though but I applied lots of moisturizer (ORS lotion) so it was never dry.
guuurrlll...u betta QUIT PLAYIN with all that hair!! :love: it's gorgeous.
BTW: for maintenance, try a pineapple. flip your head over and pile all the hair at the top of your head, then place a bonnet over it. the curls/waves will be at the top of your head, and likely won't get smashed. works very well for me. :yep:
Thank you ladies! I really appreciate it.

I was totally thinking about the pineapple idea! Thanks Rocky.

funkycoils - my hair just feels uber soft shiny and manageable. Its not sticky or flaky for me. i think the left over oil had some to do with it. That was the first time I left a lot conditioner in my hair by the way.
That does it! Between you and SparklingFlame, I'm inspired to try a braidout this week. Mine always come out wonky, but I'm keeping hope alive!