My Boundless Tresses came and I got something extra!


New Member
Refrigerator art!!! Not having any children I don't get a lot of this but it put a smile on my face to find my Boundless Tresses had been packed with refrigerator art!:)
well that going to look nice sitting on my dresser cant wait to get mines i have to go away this week end:) scared i will miss the mail man and have to wait until next week:eek:
That is too funny! :lachen: I saw the title of the thread and I was like...I "I put something extra in there?"

So you were the one who got the artwork! I couldnt find anymore paper so I grabbed what I had. My children draw 10 drawings a day seems like so they wont miss it. I hope you enjoy!
Yes, I enjoyed it. Now you can tell your children that they must keep up the drawing because it's being sold and enjoyed nationwide :)