My (bootleg)

:lachen: @ Bootleg!
You hair is gorgeous! I love your whimsical up-do, it's super cute.
The picture of you two is adorable, he looks like a kid after an all-day birthday party.
I also wanted to say you should keep practicing. Don't wait for your hair to get longer. You can do gorgeous styles now. You weren't too far off the mark on the style you did yesterday. It's funny how beautiful people make things look beautiful :yep:

This is so true.
Awww your DH is adorable that expression on his face is precious poor thing.

I like your do. It's very regal and flattering. Very pretty.
First of all....I am surprised no one has told you that you look like a younger version of Michelle Obama in your dress, with your hair like that....(This is a complement, so I hope you take it as such)....I love the updo....cute, and showing people that natural hair can be styled in a classy way too....keep fiddling around with it. I'm sure you just inspired a lot of people.
Your hair looks great! I agree that the longer your hair gets, the easier it is to create cool updo styles.
I also wanted to say you should keep practicing. Don't wait for your hair to get longer. You can do gorgeous styles now. You weren't too far off the mark on the style you did yesterday. It's funny how beautiful people make things look beautiful :yep:

:blush: Thank you!
I say this with love - It looks crazy as hell :lachen:

It was taken in love.:lachen::grin:

:lachen: @ Bootleg!
You hair is gorgeous! I love your whimsical up-do, it's super cute.
The picture of you two is adorable, he looks like a kid after an all-day birthday party.

That is the best description ever! :lachen:

I think it is cute. Bobby pins saves lives.

Yes they do.:yep:

First of all....I am surprised no one has told you that you look like a younger version of Michelle Obama in your dress, with your hair like that....(This is a complement, so I hope you take it as such)....I love the updo....cute, and showing people that natural hair can be styled in a classy way too....keep fiddling around with it. I'm sure you just inspired a lot of people.

I absolutely do take it as a compliment! I want to be like Michelle when I grow up.:yep: Thank you!:grin:

It's funny that you said the second part about styling natural hair in a classy way, because my first thought was that I would straighten my hair for the event. Then I thought, well that goes against what I believe about natural hair, because I DO think it can be classy and elegant. I just wasn't sure what to do. I was determined though, and I'm glad I kept it nappy because 1) I saved myself 4 hours:lachen:, and 2) I stayed true to what I believed.:yep: I straighten all the time, so I have nothing against it, but I never wanted to feel like I had to straighten my hair for special occasions.:yep:

your updo is so prettyiful. most of my updo's look kinda crazy but because I pretend I meant for them to look that way people love them.

:yep: If you are confident and act like you meant for it to look that way, people will believe.:lachen:

had to laugh at the back...

but this look is gorgeous!!!!! I love how you really play around with your hair...I need to learn how to style mine

you look great in that pic...lolz at hubby

THank you! It's trial and error. I'm still learning, but like joib said, bobby pins are lifesavers!
you are my hair icon on this site, from even when your hair was relax until now...your hair is so thick and pretty like mines used to be before I started relaxing bone straight, hopefully it will get really thick the do!!!!!!!!
Girl up do's are like my daily when I stretch out my hair. Today I did a blow out and did a1950's victory rolls updo. Your hair looks GORGEOUS!

You did an excellet job and the texture is just beautiful. This is how mines looks too. However, our regular wet textures are different. Keep doing the updos' they are fairly easy and you don't even have to curl your hair. You can get similar looks rolling your hair around your finger like you are doing a pin curl..and than just place a bobby pin in it.
I see you rocking the nail polish Miss Lauren! :up:

You hair has a lovely sheen to it. Did you add any product in these pictures?

This had me cracking up. And it wasn't even funny to me until I saw the --> :lachen: LoL

lauren450 said:



Here's me and dh that night...he was exhausted, poor baby:lachen:


So there you have it. My updos need work, but I was happy with what I did because I really didn't want to straighten it. As my hair gets longer, I'll be able to do some actual bun styles, which will look a lot better.:yep:

This was so elegant! I love it :yep:

And awwwwwww at pic of you and hubby :)