My Blue Hair Unit


Well-Known Member
I have had this wig for a few months, but I just re-subscribed to lhcf, so i'm just now posting it :)
I've ALWAYS wanted to go a crazy color but never had the guts between the damage it would do to my hair, the upkeep, and the cost. But my stylist/sister made this for me! :) Its a U-part wig with a closure and black roots. I barely leave hair out, and when i'm having a week where i don't feel like doing my tiny bit of leave out, i just wear a beanie. I've been rocking it since June, but i'm getting a platinum white bob for the winter so im showing this now!


I love it! I always wanted to go blue but haven't for the same reason -- scared of the damage. I've never worn wigs before, but I'd definitely rock something like this.
That's really cute. Do you work in an office? Did you get crazy looks? I want a Bob wig but wigs always look funky on me because of my giant head
thanks everyone!

That's really cute. Do you work in an office? Did you get crazy looks? I want a Bob wig but wigs always look funky on me because of my giant head

I do work in an office but it happens to be at a creative agency that designs and build websites. Very laid back, with no dress code. I'm a graphic designer there. My boss even has red hair! lol

Great colour. It shows so well in the third pic.

yea, it really depends on the light! My hair looks best in natural light, but can look really dull on a cloudy day!