My big hair and the colleague who hates it!


Well-Known Member
This is a vent!!!!!

BACKGROUND: My hair is 3 years out from a relaxer. I think that after transitioning with much pressing, straight weaves and flat ironing, I have some heat damaged hair on the ends (moreso than relaxer left).

Well, this weekend I DC'd and rolled my hair on big brown perm rods for a wet set. I usually flat iron my roots, but I'm getting a bit edgier with the natural look, so I just blended it without any extra heat.

Fast forward, today, my hair is in kind of a loosely curled Jackie-O style. It's big for me!

One my Native American colleagues with fine textured ~3b/c hair saw me, touched my hair and said, "oh wow! I've never seen your hair like this! How'd you do it?" As I was explaining, I noticed that my colleague (the older black chick that hates me and vice versa) is sitting next me LAUGHING HARD and LOUD--like LITERALLY her head was hitting the keyboard laughing! I think the colleague that was asking was being serious, and that evil black woman was just being the bxtch that she's been to me over the last year plus.

It was like a flash back to the immaturity of high school; I've long thought that this woman was very immature to be 1. working in a Corporate America at a conservative bank 2. almost 55 years old. BUT, THIS takes the cake. She lacks impulse control.

I make no comments (not even a snicker) on her BLACK BLACK BLACK half balding, sheen-less fried out hair that she wears in a Mary Tyler Moore flip.

I'm sorry this happened to you but I have to ask how does her hair look :look:? A lot of times women that displays this type of behavior is downright jealous!
I LOVE Big hair too! I think you handled the situation like a classy lady. Trashy is NOTcute. I hate when people act a fool at work like that. You just keep your head up high and keep it moving as you have been.
You should have told her not to worry, you can give her some tips on how to her hair if she likes. You know that thin stringy hair is never cute.
As I was explaining, I noticed that my colleague (the older black chick that hates me and vice versa) is sitting next me LAUGHING HARD and LOUD--like LITERALLY her head was hitting the keyboard laughing! I think the colleague that was asking was being serious, and that evil black woman was just being the bxtch that she's been to me over the last year plus.
What has she said about your hair in the past?
Girl, move on on, you can't fix people stuck on stupid,
but umm you can post some pics of your hair so we can give you some love :bighug:
What has she said about your hair in the past?

I wore a braid out once, and someone was telling me they liked it, and she did the same thing. So, this is the second time she's LOL'd my hair. (She really does put her head on the keyboard and starting laughing loudly.) Another time, some one commented that I had lost some weight, and she did the same thing.

First, why are you in MY conversations with other people, SECOND, if you can't play it off, get up and walk away if you have to laugh. That's just the classy, mature thing to do, right?

I'm PMSing right now, so it may just be hitting me more. I don't want to cry or anything, but I do want to get roudy and say something Trillville-ish, "Bxtch chick you can neva eva, eva, eva, eva, eva, get on my level..."
I wore a braid out once, and someone was telling me they liked it, and she did the same thing. So, this is the second time she's LOL'd my hair. (She really does put her head on the keyboard and starting laughing loudly.) Another time, some one commented that I had lost some weight, and she did the same thing.

First, why are you in MY conversations with other people, SECOND, if you can't play it off, get up and walk away if you have to laugh. That's just the classy, mature thing to do, right?

I'm PMSing right now, so it may just be hitting me more. I don't want to cry or anything, but I do want to get roudy and say something Trillville-ish, "Bxtch chick you can neva eva, eva, eva, eva, eva, get on my level..."

:lachen:.....but seriously don't say anything nasty to her b/c you don't want to lose your job.
:lachen:.....but seriously don't say anything nasty to her b/c you don't want to lose your job.

don't stoop to her level. If she knows it's not bugging you, it will drive her crazy.

she wants an excuse to engage you. Don't give her one

(third generation passive aggressive here) :giggle:
Some people are just mean and immature.

Even if she doesn't like it she doesn't have to go around laughing with her head hitting the keyboard and trying to show you how much she hates it.

Do you and keep it moving. Put her on your personal ignore list!
She's just laughing to keep from crying over how bad she looks! She knows her hair is a burnt-up-HAM! She wishes she had healthy, luxurious hair like yours :grin:
I know that is hard to deal with. It sounds like she was trying to make you feel really bad when you were rocking it. Wear your big beautiful hair proud girl! *fist pump*
LOL why was your story so funny. I could picture some ignorant person laughing with their head hitting the keyboard. How embarassing for her LOL. Girl *** em girl *** em. that's all you can do. I swear nobody with jacked up hair ESPECIALLY a female better not step to me with no BS or I will bring the tears.
Cyd, i had an experience like yours. The outcome was even worse. I used to go to this gym in Oceanside,Ca. A Russian trainer showed up advertising herself as a personal trainer. When she saw me, there was a problem. Her clients would train with her "to look like that black girl over there"..

She walked up to me and asked, how i "look the way ju dooo"..and i just said innocently: "just train with the same focus as a man. they are far more serious when it comes to working out than we are."

So, she taped some posters ALLLL over the gym - the first and second levels that stated: "If you train like a man - you'll look like a man." Which anyone with a brain knows is not true.

She basically used my words against me. But i also learned a very valuable lesson from this. Apparently, you got her attention.

I can't believe this woman is 55 years old and willing to "act out in such a manner." One would think with her 55 years of experience that she would appreciate someone who naturally wears their hair. Even more - it's your own hair!

I really don't know what i would think of a female like this if i met her in person. I was taught never to laugh at others, mainly because you're allowing others to laugh at you.

Who cares about pics with the post? Many of us have been where the OP has been.

i'm very sorry this happened to you. i've always looked at folks who've laughed at me in the past and you know what OP? I've ALWAYS had the last laugh. So will you.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that it amazes me how some people still act like teenagers at that age high school ended get over yourself

but can we get some pics please
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Don't let her get under your skin. It is just a shame that someone that old is a hater. She probably is mad that no one gives her compliments on her hair.
All ya'll better than me because I would've been quick to tell ole girl about HER hair, if she ever had the audacity to be rude towards mine.

Thank goodness no one is envious of a TWA.