My Big Chop! Hubby did it for me LOL


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all! :grin: Here's the video of my big chop: So excited! I've been wanting to share it for a long time and finally got the time to edit it. Tell me what you think. :) As always, thanks to you ladies for your inspiration and tips.

I MUST say that there are two ladies who really inspired me: NJoy and LadyPaniolo. I've been following in their footsteps with "extreme protective styling." (i.e., I've been primarily protective styling since December 2010 till now.) I've gotten great results. I've been able to retain more than the last time I went natural in 2005.

I know someone will say, "So when do you 'enjoy' your hair?" I am enjoying it! LOL I love running my hands through my wet, soft hair! Love to feel the kinks and curls. PLUS, I am envisioning myself whipping that waist length hair!! :lol: That's enjoyment enough for me till I reach my goal!! :lick: Yippeeeee!
Aww man! I'm at work and can't watch the video.:sad:
Congrats on your BC !!!:yay:
Good luck on the rest of your fabulous hair journey!!
Enjoy your hair at every stage:yep:.
Congratulations!!! I thought it was so funny how he walks in with the scissors LOL That was so sweet of him to cut your hair for you. You're brave BTW I would never allow DH to cut my hair LOL
Aww congrats, I love to see men invested in our hair as much as we are, or are at least supporting you. You look beautiful hun
Congratulations! My DH shaved my head for my BC with his hair clippers and I WISH we had video recorded it! GREAT for you!

Best wishes for your journey!
When a man cuts his own woman's hair... that is getting goosebumps.

Was a very awesome video.
Thank you OP for sharing an intimate part of your world. Beautiful hair and person, indeed.
You two are adorable. I love the cut. I just chopped mine off today...I went for a "Dark Caesar" lol.
Thanks for sharing your video. I think it's so sweet that your hubby is a part of your journey.

My SO is ITCHING to cut off my relaxed ends. We'll see if that happens when I'm ready to BC. :look:
Yes he's a great man. I thank God for my blessings. :)

When a man cuts his own woman's hair... that is getting goosebumps.

Was a very awesome video.
Thank you OP for sharing an intimate part of your world. Beautiful hair and person, indeed.
He really has been understanding of all the craziness...and there have been some crazeeee times! LOL Hubby did a good job. I'm glad I let him do it. :)

Thanks for sharing your video. I think it's so sweet that your hubby is a part of your journey.

My SO is ITCHING to cut off my relaxed ends. We'll see if that happens when I'm ready to BC. :look: