My Beautican Pulled out my hair!


New Member
I'm a new member of this forum. I started looking for hair tips after having a very bad experience in a salon. It seems as though a lot of members are allowing beauticans to do their hair. I would like to share my latest horror story.

After going faithfully to a beautican for 3 years, I now have to resume taking care of my hair!

After wearing protective styles for 3 years, my hair finally got to the point where I wanted to wear it down. I continued getting a protective style on the top( the style in the avatar).

To make a long story short, after my beautican washed my hair the last time, she pulled a large portion of my hair out, FROM THE ROOT!

I noticed a difference in the thickness of my hair immediately!

When I unpinned the top of my I discovered that she had focused her attack on the top of my head! I now have bald spots at the top of my head.

In one day, 3 years of progress down the drain! I did not see the hair that she pulled out. However, It seems like she pulled out 1/3 of my mane!

I suspect she did not put any conditioner on my hair.

About two months ago, about the time I decided to start wearing my hair down in the back, I noticed her looking at the top of my head when I came for my regular visit and when I left. I thought she was inspecting her work.

Now I realize she was planning to make me bald! I believe she attempted to overprocess my hair. When that did not take my hair out fast enough, she decided to pull it out.

After she pulled my hair out, she told me about one of her customers that got so frustrated with her hair because it was not like mine, she shaved her head.

I'm frustrated that I put my self in that position. I know how to do my own hair, but I got so comfortable letting her do it. I really enjoyed the salon updos!

that's insane. :perplexed it seems like you have to be certifiably nuts to be a beautician nowadays.... mine seems normal.... hmm. but the other day when i asked her what relaxer she uses on me, she changed the subject real quick and i felt like i was pulling teeth to find out!! weird.
A lot of these hair stylist don't know anything about taking care of hair at all. They need to go back to school and get more education. Even if they did, I would never go back to the salon. I've had too many bad experiences with hair stylist. I think some clients don't say anything because they see the stylist as an "authority" on hair, but then the truth comes out that they don't know as much as you think they do. I'm sure they know how to whip out the latest styles, but keeping hair healthy is a different thing. Letting the relaxer burn a client's neck, raking an ace comb through a thick head of hair, using sharp fingernails to massagethe scalp, not knowing what a roller set is, using hot combs/flat irons on relaxed hair, thinking that a texturizer is a jheri curl, relaxing previously relaxed hair, chopping instead of trimming, thinking that a relaxer or more frequent touch-ups is the answer to everything, etc. I mean if, you can't keep up with the lastest hair advances and research-besides the lastest style- you don't need to be doing hair. Sorry, but I've had it with hair stylist, especially the black ones.
that's insane. :perplexed it seems like you have to be certifiably nuts to be a beautician nowadays.... mine seems normal.... hmm. but the other day when i asked her what relaxer she uses on me, she changed the subject real quick and i felt like i was pulling teeth to find out!! weird.

That's horrible. And you're right...alot of them seem to drink the same crazy juice. And for the life of me, I still can't figure out why relaxer type is such a top secret ...
I am so sorry to hear this. I haven't gone to a salon in over a year because of this. If anyone is gonna make me bald... it's going to be me.
I'm a new member of this forum. I started looking for hair tips after having a very bad experience in a salon. It seems as though a lot of members are allowing beauticans to do their hair. I would like to share my latest horror story.

After going faithfully to a beautican for 3 years, I now have to resume taking care of my hair!

After wearing protective styles for 3 years, my hair finally got to the point where I wanted to wear it down. I continued getting a protective style on the top( the style in the avatar).

To make a long story short, after my beautican washed my hair the last time, she pulled a large portion of my hair out, FROM THE ROOT!

I noticed a difference in the thickness of my hair immediately!

When I unpinned the top of my I discovered that she had focused her attack on the top of my head! I now have bald spots at the top of my head.

In one day, 3 years of progress down the drain! I did not see the hair that she pulled out. However, It seems like she pulled out 1/3 of my mane!

I suspect she did not put any conditioner on my hair.

About two months ago, about the time I decided to start wearing my hair down in the back, I noticed her looking at the top of my head when I came for my regular visit and when I left. I thought she was inspecting her work.

Now I realize she was planning to make me bald! I believe she attempted to overprocess my hair. When that did not take my hair out fast enough, she decided to pull it out.

After she pulled my hair out, she told me about one of her customers that got so frustrated with her hair because it was not like mine, she shaved her head.

I'm frustrated that I put my self in that position. I know how to do my own hair, but I got so comfortable letting her do it. I really enjoyed the salon updos!


I feel like I'm missing something.

Did she give you a relaxer just before the wash that resulted in a chunk of your hair coming out?

Or are you saying that the last time you went to see her that she overprocessed you and the hair came out on the next visit?
With all due respect, I am missing something in your post. I am not understanding how the beautician pulled your hair out and you not know it when she pulled it out. Wet or not wet, I am going to feel when someone pulls my hair out especially from the root. Did you not feel it while she was doing your hair?

Did I understand you right when you said you were wearing protective styles on the top of you head? Could that had possibly been the culprit? Protective styles are good but wearing them in the same spot is not. It causes stress on that one spot.

Regardless, the ladies on here can provide you with some good information to nursing your hair back to health.
I'd been going to the same beautican for 3 years. I relied on her to do everything to my hair. The first 2 years I went to her, I went weekly. This year due to a new job and work schedule, I had to start going every two weeks.

That being said, my guard was down.

I trusted her! We both have daughters who are in the same extracurricular activities. I considered her a friend!

As I stated in my previous post, I suspect that she may have overprocessed my hair in an attempt to make it come out when I got my last touch-up.

The last time she washed my hair, she claimed it was tangled. This statement was to justify the way she was pulling my hair. This had never happened before, again she had been my beautican for 3 years.

I thought she was making an attempt to detangle my hair. I know it sounds unbelievable. In fact, if I had just started going to a beautican and had that experience, I probably would have got out of the chair and left with my hair looking a mess.

But again, after 3 years you don't expect someone to do you in.

I let her put my 10 year old daughter's first perm in two months ago. I even let her wash it every two weeks.

I thank God that she messed up my head and not my daughter's.

My experience does seem strange; however, it is true.
Welcome to the forum. I, too am puzzled about your post, perhaps the way you said "protective styling on top:confused:"; you mean you left the ends exposed? I do not doubt the veracity of your story...just puzzled. The pulling out from the roots you would have felt so more than likely she over processed your relaxer. You felt no burning in the area? No more stylists...can you do your and your daughter's touchups without damage?
PS..You've joined the forum at a time of change and scrutiny.
From your avatar your hair still looks beautiful. I am sorry this happened to you. I'm sure with practice you'll learn to do your hair even better than the beautician.
With all due respect, I am missing something in your post. I am not understanding how the beautician pulled your hair out and you not know it when she pulled it out. Wet or not wet, I am going to feel when someone pulls my hair out especially from the root. Did you not feel it while she was doing your hair?

Did I understand you right when you said you were wearing protective styles on the top of you head? Could that had possibly been the culprit? Protective styles are good but wearing them in the same spot is not. It causes stress on that one spot.

I agree. Do you think it's possible that wearing protective styles for so long could have caused this hair loss? How long did you wait after taking it out before getting a relaxer. Your hair might have been in an extremely weak state, and if you got a relaxer immediately it may have caused it to break off.

Thats crazy of her to tear out your hair intentionally, then expect to be paid for the time that she spent doing your hair!! :o
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I'd been going to the same beautican for 3 years. I relied on her to do everything to my hair. The first 2 years I went to her, I went weekly. This year due to a new job and work schedule, I had to start going every two weeks.

That being said, my guard was down.

I trusted her! We both have daughters who are in the same extracurricular activities. I considered her a friend!

As I stated in my previous post, I suspect that she may have overprocessed my hair in an attempt to make it come out when I got my last touch-up.

The last time she washed my hair, she claimed it was tangled. This statement was to justify the way she was pulling my hair. This had never happened before, again she had been my beautican for 3 years.

I thought she was making an attempt to detangle my hair. I know it sounds unbelievable. In fact, if I had just started going to a beautican and had that experience, I probably would have got out of the chair and left with my hair looking a mess.

But again, after 3 years you don't expect someone to do you in.

I let her put my 10 year old daughter's first perm in two months ago. I even let her wash it every two weeks.

I thank God that she messed up my head and not my daughter's.

My experience does seem strange; however, it is true.

Okay, I hear what you are saying but from what you are saying I think the culprit was not the beautician it was your protective style. If she overprocessed your hair, I think you would have lost hair all over not just in the top where your protective style was located. On the other hand, I know there are crazy people out in this world but you haven't given me any reason to believe that this woman intentionally meant to harm your hair. Perhaps, your hair could have been tangled. That is the case for some of us who wear protective styles a lot. The hair can become tangled and little matted at times.

In any case, happy growing and your hair looks beautiful in your avater....
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I'm really sorry this happen to you and I hope your hair grows back faster and even health then before. I'm sure one of the members will know something you can try. In the mean time you should look into Boundless tressess! I too have had horror stories with Hairdresses (which i'm not going to talk about now) and because of this I don't trust them even if they come off very nice I know its only a matter of time before they jack me up. I started since April 6 of this year doing everthing myself except touch up and I'm very proud of myself . I'm still very scared when I get touchups so I grease my scalp (with sensitive scalp) and put conditioner on my ends, and I don't let them leave the relaxer in to long ( she only puts it on the new growth).She love to trim but on April 6 it look more like a cut. I didn't let her trim in July for last touch up and I'm scared she will makeup for next touchup :perplexed:perplexed. So will all here have a very good reason to fear hairdressers.

I'm a new member of this forum. I started looking for hair tips after having a very bad experience in a salon. It seems as though a lot of members are allowing beauticans to do their hair. I would like to share my latest horror story.

After going faithfully to a beautican for 3 years, I now have to resume taking care of my hair!

After wearing protective styles for 3 years, my hair finally got to the point where I wanted to wear it down. I continued getting a protective style on the top( the style in the avatar).

To make a long story short, after my beautican washed my hair the last time, she pulled a large portion of my hair out, FROM THE ROOT!

I noticed a difference in the thickness of my hair immediately!

When I unpinned the top of my I discovered that she had focused her attack on the top of my head! I now have bald spots at the top of my head.

In one day, 3 years of progress down the drain! I did not see the hair that she pulled out. However, It seems like she pulled out 1/3 of my mane!

I suspect she did not put any conditioner on my hair.

About two months ago, about the time I decided to start wearing my hair down in the back, I noticed her looking at the top of my head when I came for my regular visit and when I left. I thought she was inspecting her work.

Now I realize she was planning to make me bald! I believe she attempted to overprocess my hair. When that did not take my hair out fast enough, she decided to pull it out.

After she pulled my hair out, she told me about one of her customers that got so frustrated with her hair because it was not like mine, she shaved her head.

I'm frustrated that I put my self in that position. I know how to do my own hair, but I got so comfortable letting her do it. I really enjoyed the salon updos!

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OMG...I'm speechless.

Nothing was said to her about pulling your did she say why she did it besides the obvious hate.
Sorry to hear that this happened to you but some protective styles, like wearing a phony in the same spot, too tight pony, using a pony w/teeth and such can lead to breakage. I know you feel betrayed, but think of this as a lesson learned.

I too went to a trusted a beautician, and when she was finished, I had fried, short broken hair after 3 years of going to her religiously every week.. Nobody can take care of your hair like yourself, so now, I do the touchup, straightening, roller sets and such.. I'll never step foot in another beautician and if it comes to that, then I'll go natural and wear a wig.
Okay, I hear what you are saying but from what you are saying I think the culprit was not the beautician it was your protective style. If she overprocessed your hair, I think you would have lost hair all over not just in the top where your protective style was located. On the other hand, I know there are crazy people out in this world but you haven't givenme any reason to believe that this womanintentionallymeant to harm your hair. Perhaps, your hair could have been tangled. That is the case for some of us who wear protective styles a lot. The hair can become tangled and little matted at times.

In any case, happy growing and your hair looks beautiful in your avater....

It may be true that it was the protective styling and not the beautician. But why would the beautician not tell her about the bald spots? After going to her for three years, she (beautician) shouldn't have any problem saying that something is wrong with OP's hair. Unless the beautician thought she herself did cause the bald spots? Keeping quiet about that would be reason enough for me to stop going to her.
It may be true that it was the protective styling and not the beautician. But why would the beautician not tell her about the bald spots? After going to her for three years, she (beautician) shouldn't have any problem saying that something is wrong with OP's hair. Unless the beautician thought she herself did cause the bald spots? Keeping quiet about that would be reason enough for me to stop going to her.

From my experience, I've found that sadly a lot of stylists will keep quiet about hair loss due to a chemical service that they performed if it is not readily apparent. This is probably because they don't want the client to get all histerical. Instead, they just throw away the hair and hope that you don't notice. I worked at a salon for almost a year, and I've seen it happen. I think this is what happened with my previous stylist as well. I have an unexplained chunk of my hair that is only about 3 inches long now, and I can only attribute it to hair lost in the sink, because it surely didn't come out at my hand!

It's pretty awful that some stylists are willing to keep this from their clients only to have them find out later on their own...THEN they want to blame the hairloss on you. I wish I could relax my own hair... I would stop going to the salon in a heartbeat!
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With all due respect, I am missing something in your post. I am not understanding how the beautician pulled your hair out and you not know it when she pulled it out. Wet or not wet, I am going to feel when someone pulls my hair out especially from the root. Did you not feel it while she was doing your hair?

Did I understand you right when you said you were wearing protective styles on the top of you head? Could that had possibly been the culprit? Protective styles are good but wearing them in the same spot is not. It causes stress on that one spot.

Regardless, the ladies on here can provide you with some good information to nursing your hair back to health.

I'm confused as well:ohwell:
From my experience, I've found that sadly a lot of stylists will keep quiet about hair loss due to a chemical service that they performed if it is not readily apparent. This is probably because they don't want the client to get all histerical. Instead, they just throw away the hair and hope that you don't notice. I worked at a salon for almost a year, and I've seen it happen. I think this is what happened with my previous stylist as well. I have an unexplained chunk of my hair that is only about 3 inches long now, and I can only attribute it to hair lost in the sink, because it surely didn't come out at my hand!

It's pretty awful that some stylists are willing to keep this from their clients only to have them find out later on their own...THEN they want to blame the hairloss on you. I wish I could relax my own hair... I would stop going to the salon in a heartbeat!

I was thinking the exact same thing. :(
that's insane. :perplexed it seems like you have to be certifiably nuts to be a beautician nowadays.... mine seems normal.... hmm. but the other day when i asked her what relaxer she uses on me, she changed the subject real quick and i felt like i was pulling teeth to find out!! weird.

I beg to differ. I understand that this board is anti-stylist (and sometimes for good reason), but that shouldn't make it open season on all stylists. Even the Black ones.

OP, I'm so sorry that your hair has suffered. Like a few of the other posters, I'm a bit confused about the cause of your hair loss. I'm not 100% convinced that your stylist of three years sabotaged you, intentionally or otherwise.
I agree with the other poster's theory that you may have damaged your own hair. The style in your avi seems like a horsehoe with half hair down. That style looks as if it requires a lot of bobby pins to be held tightly. With that said, if I were you I would lay off of the tight updos' and bun up all of your hair.
I'd been going to the same beautican for 3 years. I relied on her to do everything to my hair. The first 2 years I went to her, I went weekly. This year due to a new job and work schedule, I had to start going every two weeks.

That being said, my guard was down.

I trusted her! We both have daughters who are in the same extracurricular activities. I considered her a friend!

As I stated in my previous post, I suspect that she may have overprocessed my hair in an attempt to make it come out when I got my last touch-up.

The last time she washed my hair, she claimed it was tangled. This statement was to justify the way she was pulling my hair. This had never happened before, again she had been my beautican for 3 years.

I thought she was making an attempt to detangle my hair. I know it sounds unbelievable. In fact, if I had just started going to a beautican and had that experience, I probably would have got out of the chair and left with my hair looking a mess.

But again, after 3 years you don't expect someone to do you in.

I let her put my 10 year old daughter's first perm in two months ago. I even let her wash it every two weeks.

I thank God that she messed up my head and not my daughter's.

My experience does seem strange; however, it is true.

If I were you, I would stab her in the face! In the face!
I beg to differ. I understand that this board is anti-stylist (and sometimes for good reason), but that shouldn't make it open season on all stylists. Even the Black ones.

that's a good reminder. deep down i know there are good stylists out there. i guess after reading so many horror stories it tends to twist the reality and you start getting paranoid! personally, i really am thinking of learning to self-relax, more for monetary reasons though...
I don't think the sylist is the cause of hair loss, if you have been going to her
for 3yrs. and she see you outside the salon. She was wrong to cover up the bald spots. She needs to work with you to correct the problem, did she try something different ie; shampoo, conditioner? Did she tease the hair?