
New Member
I kept saying I couldn't deal with this transition anymore...and I wasn't playing lol. It was either chop it or relax it, and I didn't wanna relax it....

So.......After 9 months of transitioning, I cut off all my relaxed ends. :blush: And it.felt.GREAT.

I like it a wholllle lot better than I thought I would, and wish the rest of you transitioners the best. Keep in mind that my hair has NEVER been shorter than 2 inches below my shoulders in my life so this was a huge step, but I don't regret it AT ALL.

See fotki for pix.
Wow! Amazing growth for only 9 months! Looks great. Was it hard to tell the difference between your texlaxed hair and your natural hair when you were cutting?
Solitude...nope it wasn't hard at all. I thought it was gonna be a lot harder than it was but after I drenched the twists in water and conditioner, it was obvious which parts needed to go.

Thanks everyone :)