My Baby goes to the Hospital tomorrow.


New Member
Hello Sisters.

I just wanted to tell you all my little mans story and ask that you pray for him tonight and tomorrow. His name is Jordan Christopher and he will be 2 April 28 of next year.

When I was pregnant with him they found something on his kidney they thought to be a cyst. The day after he was born they did an ultrasound to confirm something was there and it was. At the age of two months they did a repeat ultrasound to see if it grew and it did. At the time we were living in South Dakota about to move to Nebraska so his doctor referred us to a specialist at Children's Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska.

Once we moved to NE he was put on medication to ward off any urinary infections and we went to Omaha to have an ultrasound. At that visit they gave us a name for condition which is Pelvetasis. He was 4 months old at this visit and they decided to keep him on the medicine until the next visit where they would do a MAG-3 test(this test is to see how long it takes the kidney to void fluid time limit is 20 min) What they do is they insert a catheter through his penis and put this special die into his kidney, then we just wait and see how long it takes for him to pee it out.

At the next visit after still being on meds they did the test and it took 19 min to void the fluid. They scheduled another test to see how long it would take when he is off the meds but due to money issues we couldn't make that appointment, which brings us to now.

We are now living in North Dakota where they don't have Pediatric Nephrologists. We tried to make an appointment with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota but approval wasn't granted because they are able to do the tests here(we have medicaid). After the tests are done tomorrow and if anything shows up on them as abnormal then we will be approved to go to the Mayo Clinic.

If it takes him longer than the 20 min to void the fluid they put in his kidney then we may have to consider surgery to try and repair the kidney.

Here is a diagram of the kidney the blue part labeled with the letter C is the part that is bigger than it should be and what may be causing the problem.


The thing I am concerned about is here to do the test they are going to do a concious sedation which scares me because he is so small. We made an appointment with his doctor and talked to her yesterday about it and they will try to strap him down like they did in Omaha but if that doesn't work they will have to sedate him.

Please pray that he will be ok.

Thank you and God Bless.

Edit to Add:
My children have their own folder on my fotki page named My Babies the password is: theboys . Jordan is the youngest by 10 months. Our other son is Steven III.
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tffy2004 said:
Hello Sisters.

I just wanted to tell you all my little mans story and ask that you pray for him tonight and tomorrow. His name is Jordan Christopher and he will be 2 April 28 of next year.

When I was pregnant with him they found something on his kidney they thought to be a cyst. The day after he was born they did an ultrasound to confirm something was there and it was. At the age of two months they did a repeat ultrasound to see if it grew and it did. At the time we were living in South Dakota about to move to Nebraska so his doctor referred us to a specialist at Children's Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska.

Once we moved to NE he was put on medication to ward off any urinary infections and we went to Omaha to have an ultrasound. At that visit they gave us a name for condition which is Pelvetasis. He was 4 months old at this visit and they decided to keep him on the medicine until the next visit where they would do a MAG-3 test(this test is to see how long it takes the kidney to void fluid time limit is 20 min) What they do is they insert a catheter through his penis and put this special die into his kidney, then we just wait and see how long it takes for him to pee it out.

At the next visit after still being on meds they did the test and it took 19 min to void the fluid. They scheduled another test to see how long it would take when he is off the meds but due to money issues we couldn't make that appointment, which brings us to now.

We are now living in North Dakota where they don't have Pediatric Nephrologists. We tried to make an appointment with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota but approval wasn't granted because they are able to do the tests here(we have medicaid). After the tests are done tomorrow and if anything shows up on them as abnormal then we will be approved to go to the Mayo Clinic.

If it takes him longer than the 20 min to void the fluid they put in his kidney then we may have to consider surgery to try and repair the kidney.

Here is a diagram of the kidney the blue part labeled with the letter C is the part that is bigger than it should be and what may be causing the problem.

The thing I am concerned about is here to do the test they are going to do a concious sedation which scares me because he is so small. We made an appointment with his doctor and talked to her yesterday about it and they will try to strap him down like they did in Omaha but if that doesn't work they will have to sedate him.

Please pray that he will be ok.

Thank you and God Bless.

Ok Tffy, I definitely have your precious baby in prayer. Come on, this is the little prophet in the house who knows "Je'Shua".

Indeed, your baby is not only in the best care, but will come out of this with his own testimony of how "Je'Shua' was with him all the way.

In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

Loving hugs and prayers...
The prophet is the oldest one, Steven III. This is his little brother who is going to the hospital in the morning. But I am sure with his big brother running around saying it so much he will speak it soon.

Thank you both so much.
I will be praying as well for your son, you and the rest of your family. I sure everything will work out well.:)
I'm praying as well, and God does all things well, so be encouraged and trust in the one that made him and has numbered even the very hairs on his head.

Love ya

tffy2004 said:
The prophet is the oldest one, Steven III. This is his little brother who is going to the hospital in the morning. But I am sure with his big brother running around saying it so much he will speak it soon.

Thank you both so much.

Oh! Another little one for me to love in prayer. :kiss: I stand corrected, for this baby of yours will not be neglected in prayer, and neither in the heart of God our Father in Heaven. Now I have you, your husband, Steven the Prophet and your little covered in soft pillows of Heaven's love, from God above.

I stand in faith with you and your family... ;)
You have some good looking boys. The pic of Jordan with pooh is so beautiful. He looks so happy:) .

Im sorry about his condition and what your family is going through. I will certainly remember you in prayer.
I sorry for what you're going through, and i will keep your baby and the rest of the family in my prayers.
You ladies have no idea what this means to me, that you all are taking the time to bless my family. I pray that bless each and every one of you 10,000 fold.
Tiffany, what a beautiful boy. Both of them are just beautiful. You and all of your family have a special prayer from me.
God bless you all. I will pray for the little one. I can't imagine what you are going through. It will be alright.... god is watching over u all...:)
I will lift Jordan Christopher in prayer, trusting and believing God that he will come out of this healed and made whole. God is in the business of healing, and we need to pray together in agreement for God to release healing, total and complete over Jordan Christopher. Be blessed! :rosebud:
I know from experience that God takes care of His own. Hold fast to that promise and belive that your little angle will not be alone while he is going through these tests. I had a 2 year old who had surgery and had his first asthma attack coming out of the anesthesia. So I completely understand your fears. But he is 8 years old and by the Grace and Mercy of GOD he is healthy and happy.

Be Blessed, we are praying for you!
Giel, i will pray for him as well and for you...that you will have the peace Jesus promised us all during trying times.
Well we made it through today by the grace of God.

Before they did the IV we were in the playroom and a little bi-racial girl about 3 or 4 years old came in and played with him until her upset mother came and snatched her out of the room. I don't blame her for being upset she snuck out and the mom didn't notice she was gone.

They had so much trouble finding a vein for the IV they had to call in a woman and man from another floor to find one. The nurses tried for like 20-30 min to find one. But when the lady and man came up he grabbed Jordans wrist and in like 10 seconds he had one.

I was so relieved when that was over, but just after that they had to do the cathater. The first one was an 8 and it was too big. They didn't see that it was too big until after they were trying to insert it. So they went and got a 6 and that one went in just fine. Poor baby went right to sleep when we sat in the Glider and started rocking, all that screaming, kicking, and crying tried him out. I was so tempted to just wrap him in my sweater and just leave after they took so long looking for the vein.

We finally went downstairs to sedate him and it was so quick. One BIG yawn not even seconds after the meds were injected and he was out like a light. On the way to the ultrasound he woke up crying because I had been holding him in the wheelchair and had to hand him to the nurse to put him in the bed for the ultrasound and he woke up screaming. He cried, tossed and turned through the entire time during that scan. We finally got done with that and held him he was back to my normal smiling Jordie-Shorty-Man but just a little woosie.

We got back to the room took out the IV and Cathater, ate some animal crackers, drank apple juice, got dressed and went home where Daddy loved on him, he played with his brother, then fell asleep on my chest, and slept for like 4 hours.

His doctor will call me back sometime next week the results. So, thank God everything is fine so far.

Thank you for the prayers they really did get me through today.

Edit to add: I have uploaded pictures from today to our fotki album. They are under Jordie's Journey.
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His doctor called today and the right kidney is still slower than the left one. We are going to have to go to Minnesota sometime after the new year. We talked to her about what this all means and she said that the reason they want to continue doing the tests are because they don't want to stop and then once he is a teenager he all of a sudden had a damaged kidney. The doctors just want to keep an eye on it as he gets older to catch kidney damage in the early stages IF it gets to that.

So we are going to look at our schedule and financial situation at he beginning of next year and see when would be the best time to take him. We can either take him to Minniapolis(sp?) or Rochester. I want to go the Minniapolis because it is a Childrens Hospital that we would go to and plus Mall of America is there. We could go a day early and check it out.

But thank each and every one of you for your thoughts and most importantly your prayers...