My Attempt at Serenity Breeze's Bun!


New Member
I know a lot of women call this the SouthernTease bun, but in the beginning of my journey (last year) Serenity Breeze was one of the first fotkis I stalked and this is where I first saw it. Last year my hair wasn't long enough to attempt this...but now it is:grin:. Her bun will always be very cute and classy to me. I attempted the bun today for a promotion and I think it turned out pretty good. If you've never seen it you can check out her fotki here:

Thanks Serenity Breeze!!!:grin::grin::grin:


Nicely done and pretty! I have done Serenity's bun a few times over the years but my hair is longer now so I started again last week as a matter of fact. Mine comes out a little messy but it still looks pretty I think.
Thanks ladies! I really liked how it made feel

So So Chic I see you've got the bun in your siggy. I love how yours is so thick and full!