I have felt your frustrationj (as recently as today) with waiting for a real NOTABLE difference. Remember that even with relaxers, the same two inches of growth does not show as obviously as the dead straight hair of many Asians (for example). And sometimes when you are too much in the situation, you just can't SEE. Trust me, there is a definite difference between the two photos. Your hair ABSOULTELY HAS gained length and volume. Keep doing what you are doing cuz it's working. I personally am considering using wheatgrass (and maybe MN) to seriously speed up the growth of my shorter areas that I am desperate to see longer. Wishing you the best hair ever!:love5:
I agree with every one. Your hair look great!
Make sure your routine is suitable for your hair and keep with it...and dont watch your hair too much, it will surprise you.

PS- I'm soooo loving your hair
PPS- ...can we swap:rolleyes:
:yep: I see some progress! It may not have grown as much as you would have liked it to, but give it time. Keep on doing what you're doing. It's working. :yep:
Don't get discouraged, your hair may be "thickening" versus "lengthening"; especially if you texlax.My hair grows thicker be the month, but it doesn't seem longer when in reality I have gain more volume so this distracts from the length...Keep the ends healthy and let nature take its course..
Thank you ladies so much!:grouphug: for the encouragement. I feel so loved :infatuated::love2::grin: I feel 100% better about my situation :yep: Thank you!

I put a better comparison pic up
Don't get discouraged, your hair may be "thickening" versus "lengthening"; especially if you texlax.My hair grows thicker be the month, but it doesn't seem longer when in reality I have gain more volume so this distracts from the length...Keep the ends healthy and let nature take its course..
LOL< i dont think thats how hair grows... every strand of hair grows in length not in width, the only way a hair shaft can expand in width is if theres an external agent applied that swells it or coats it.... if ur hair seems to thicken its only the result of how product usage, styling or simply ur perception JMO
I agree with everyone here. Remember you are getting the average amount of growth. If your hair grew 1 1/2 inch in 3 months, that would be average. There are many ladies who don't even get that. And also remember, you may actually be growing out, which I would prefer for my fine hair, before growing down. This is great news! It means that you are attaining health and thickness as well as length. Who wants long, see-through hair with raggedy ends, anyways? Not me! :kiss:

You're doing just fine. Your hair looks gorgeous and healthy. Just keep doing what you're doing and stop watching that paint dry! ;) I know, I know...easier said than done! :yep:
I see a little progress. But you have to remember that most of the time when people first come to the board, they see a change in the overall health of their hair first. And then more length. My hair seems like it isn't growing either some days when I look at it. I would suggest that you take pictures say every 3 months or so, and then when you look back at them later you'll see the difference. I wouldn't dwell on it though. A watched pot never boils.
Your hair looks healthy and fuller and a little bit longer. I've come up with this theroy based off what I've read and seen. Like some one mention in their post lengthening and thickening. Hair doesn't grow all at the same time. You notice how you get your ends trimmed to be even and then in a couple of months they seem uneven again?Well I think it's because some hairs grow in spurts.The thickening part of hair growth is simply just other hairs that wasn't growing when the other longer hairs were growing.Those shorter hairs finally start to lengthen to catch up with the longer hairs. That probably why your hair looks alot fuller and even like someone else said. Thats why I dropped the scissors awhile back and thought about it. I know I trimmed my hair pretty much even then some months later it's not even but not damaged or split. So I tested it. I waited some months and it was even again and thicker. It kinda makes since of why you shouldn't be so quick to jump to scissors.


Girl, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR EYES. I definitely see progress and you should just be thankful for it. This is from a lady that came within 2" of her goal and went flying backwards, despite all the TLC and I have suffered from hair drama since then.

Your hair is beautiful and definitely growing. Be grateful and appreciate what you have. Again it's BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Hey E, your hair is so beautiful. I see the progress and it's thick and full. I remember a month or so ago you were having a shedding problem but it looks like you made your way back. Great progress:yep:
There has been some progress. Keep doing what you are doing, remember to have patience with yourself and your hair:yep: and don't do anything to jeopardize your hair because you're slightly upset. At least you're still moving forward without setbacks...
I see that it has grown. I know how frustrating it is to feel that your hair hasn't grown a lot. I get a relaxer every three months, and almost three months ago I got a relaxer and thought my hair had grown a lot, but it had grown very little :evil:! This time it definitely grew, though, and I can't wait to get my hair relaxed. What I'm trying to say is that it may not have grown a lot this time, but it may grow even more next time!

Girl you definitely have hair anorexia!:perplexed Your hair looks great and I definitely see that it has grown. It is so thick and healthy. When I saw your post I wanted to reply so bad but my membership expired while I was on vacation and I couldn't reply. I am back now and I wanted you to know that you are definitely an inspiration to me and I sure wish I was where you are. Keep up the good work. There is a definite difference in the length.:yep:

Girl you definitely have hair anorexia!:perplexed Your hair looks great and I definitely see that it has grown. It is so thick and healthy. When I saw your post I wanted to reply so bad but my membership expired while I was on vacation and I couldn't reply. I am back now and I wanted you to know that you are definitely an inspiration to me and I sure wish I was where you are. Keep up the good work. There is a definite difference in the length.:yep:

Thank u! :grin:

Now that you're back I can check out your progress pics (if you put them up) :yep: