My "Ahhaaa Moment"...


New Member
We all have moments in which we FEEL as if we have it ALL under control, trust me when I say that I have gone this journey FEELING like I had a firm grip on this “hair thang”. This is not to say that I haven’t slacked on several key things in my hair journey (cause I have and I will), but what I HAVE realized is that I am not doing as bad as I thought.

I have been protective styling since December 2010; after a recent takedown of an install, I noticed my hair did not feel the same…not as full..not as soft. I did some thinking/researching and finally figured out that (if we want to call it a true discovery; I really just had been super lazy with my hair) I wasn’t moisturizing my hair as much as it requires, which of course leads to breakage. On TOP of that..I needed a trim…badly, which of course leads to split ends. I think my SAVING grace during these past 5/6 months, was the fact that I protective styled like it was going out of style. However, even with that plus, I was VERY worried that my hair was 1) extremely thin (it is already on the thin side IMHO) and 2) I would wind up needing a major CUT versus a MAINTENCE trim.

With that said, my “ahhaaa moment” came this past Saturday when I got my hair straightened. The “aha” here is not that my hair was straight, it was that I could now visually see that my hair was NOT as bad as I thought. I know some of you are aware that hair in its natural state can hide a world of hiccups/problems/issues/insert word here. My hair in its natural state; I could feel there was a difference, but in my mind, it was so much more than what it ended up being.

Once straightened, my hair was a nice thickness…it is FAR from out of control, “can’t put it in one ponytail thick” but it makes for a nice wrap. I also did not need as deep a trim as I had thought. I will say that looking at my hair now after a few days, I could stand to have more trimmed and that will come in my next go-around. What have I learned from this?? While protective styling is my friend, I can ONLY do protective styles that allow me to moisturize; ESPECIALLY when we talking long term protective styles. So I DO have it under control, I just need to be consistent and mindful of what my hair needs.

So…feel free to chime in…whether your hair is relaxed, texlaxed, or natural…whether your goal is health, length, or both--- WHATEVER YOUR GOAL IS…when was your AHHAAA MOMENT??

ETA:: Pictures and additional detail originally posted in the 2011 APL Challenge


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OP you hair looks so LUSH and HEALTHY.
My aaah moment was last year when I was using africa's best organics and thinking it was a light protein alternating with aussie moist my hair was so fragile and weak and I had some serious breakage, I could'nt understand why. One day after looking in the mirror at my loose limp hair I had an epiphany I needed a hard core protein treatment. I used the aphogee 2 step and have stepped up my protein treatments ever since my hair is in a better condition than it was and I finally seem to be retaining length.
I also learnt the hard way that just because a product list protein in its ingredients list it does'nt meant its a protein treatment/conditioner.
Your hair looks gorgeous!

My "a-ha" moment was figuring out that less is more when it comes to styling products. I moisturize and seal maybe once during the week and my style lasts at least 8 days and my hair is still moisturized and soft. Basically, I learned I don't have to do something just because and/or on a schedule, only when it's needed - and my hair will tell me when it's needed.
your hair looks fantastic!!
i had a sort-of aha moment the other day. I realized that my hair is getting back to the point that it is necessary to wash in sections again. blah. :(
:wave: you have pretty hair!

But to answer your question, my aha moments are still in the making...but include things like more moisture and less manipulation. I'm still a bit new to the HHJ. :yep:
Thank you ladies for the compliments.

Rocky91 I've also realized that washing in sections is more benefical...I tried to get around it, but going forward, I just need to own up to it.

Any other ahhaaa moments out there??