My 4B Twist Out Looks Like a 4a Wash-N-Go?? Huh??


Active Member
Has this happened to anyone else?

I twisted with Oyin Whipped Pudding and Oyin Shine & Define on wet hair. I wore the twists pinned up for two days. I took them down today and didn't find that pretty "crinkle" I see with other people's twist outs. Well, I did find that when I merely untwisted them. But as soon as I broke each piece apart, this is what I got:


It looks like a 4a's wash-n-go to me?? What do you think? I would appreciate any suggestions. TIA.

FYI: I am 9 months post BC. I've been wearing my hair in kinky twists for the past 8 months as a protective style and to let my hair grow a bit. I just decided to take the twists out for while and get use to my natural hair. This is my first twist out.
Know that you mention it...the same thing happens to my hair. I have a hard time getting "twist out" definition. I kind like it though....

I'll be hanging around to see what other people have to say
maybe you should twist on dry or damp almost dry hair. I just braided my hair with my shealoe mix on damp hair, my hair was blinging today. I got so many compliments! So try dry or damp hair, you have to experiment and find what works for you. How did the Oyin make your hair feel?
Thank you everyone for your replies :).

@TCT: I don't mind it... it's just that I spent about an hour twisting it all up and I was expecting a twist-out. I did get a lot compliments on it though *shruggs*. That's always nice :).

@Livingmylife: Thank you. I like it too, it just wasn't what I was expecting.

@Geminigirl: Thank you for the suggestion. I am about to re-twist it into bigger twist tonight (it's dry of course). I'll be interested to see the results tomorrow.

My Oyin experience: When I was wearing my kinky twists, I would wear them for 4 weeks, take them down, let my hair "rest" for a few days, and braid it back up. When I took them down last month, I did a braid-out (of sorts) using the Oyin Whipped Pudding (only) on wet hair. I did not like it AT ALL! My hair was a crunch-machine!! I ordered the sample pack which came with some Shine and Define. It came while I was in twist again so I only used it (Shine & Define) on my edges. LOVE THIS!!! Shine & Define is AMAZING for edges IMO. I was using Eco-Syler Gel but I like the Shine & Define better. It offers a soft hold and doesn't leave hair hard or greasy.

A couple of days ago I twisted my hair using the Whipped Pudding and Shine & Define (as I mentioned earlier). I heard a few ladies on youtube using both for twist outs. I must say that although my hair does not have that "crinkle", it is VERY SOFT and it even MOVES when I shake it! Lol!! My 4b hair has NEVER moved when it's dry. So... the Whipped Pudding + Shine & Define = Goodness for me. The Whipped Pudding alone: Not so much!

Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner: I like this. It is not as "thick" as I traditionally like but it does leave my hair soft when I rinse it out. I won't lie, it is not the BEST CONDITIONER I've ever used... but I also used it "alone". I ususally mix my conditioners with oils and honey. I used it alone to see how it works "neat". Next time, I'll be adding oils and honey.

Weird place for a "review" but Geminigirl asked so I thought I'd share :).
make your twists a bit bigger, make sure your hair is damp, & try to make your twists uniformly around the same size. that'll help make your crinkles pop... though the majority of my twistouts look just like yours in the 1st pic, i think your results came out beautiful!
i just got finished doing dry braids with shine and define for a braid out tomorrow. this used to be a staple for me because of the soft hold and moisturization.

i think your twist out is beautiful. my twist outs never come out right so i have no advice on that. thats why i love braid outs more.
When I wear twist outs, I never separate the pieces. I twist in approx pencil sized twists and wear that for about a week. The 2nd week, I untwist my twists and go with it. It normally lasts the entire 2nd week then I'd wash and do this all over again.
You said you did have the crinkle you wanted after you untwisted each twist but before you further separated it. So if you want the crinkle, why not stop at just untwisting the twists?
I too like it, it's very cute!!! My twist come out great on both wet and dry hair..I think the shea butter does the trick for my hair. My hair LOVES shea butter!!
it does look like a 4a wash'n'go. thats why i get annoyed doing small twistouts on my 4a hair because it looks no different from my wash'n'go. a waste of time. ♥

I think your twistout looks great in that picture! It does look like a wash-n-go but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Twistouts can take on many different shapes and forms depending on the size of the twists you make and the length of your hair as well as the length of time you allow your hair to dry before unravelling the twists.

I think I know what you mean by your twistout looking like a wash-n-go. This has happened to me before when I do twists on wet/damp hair and then unravel them before I let them dry completely. It can also happen when I do smaller twists too.

But anyway, what were you expecting your twistout to look like? Were you expecting more of a stretch and more curls/waves? What helps me get more length and less shrinkage is when I do 4-8 twists and set them on flexirods. I'll do this on moisturized hair rather than wet hair. Once completely dry, I take out the flexirods and unravel the twists and fluff it and shape it the way I want. Hope that helps.

Check out these videos for some ideas:
You said you did have the crinkle you wanted after you untwisted each twist but before you further separated it. So if you want the crinkle, why not stop at just untwisting the twists?

Good question. It was because I wanted more fullness.

I think your twistout looks great in that picture! It does look like a wash-n-go but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Twistouts can take on many different shapes and forms depending on the size of the twists you make and the length of your hair as well as the length of time you allow your hair to dry before unravelling the twists.

I think I know what you mean by your twistout looking like a wash-n-go. This has happened to me before when I do twists on wet/damp hair and then unravel them before I let them dry completely. It can also happen when I do smaller twists too.

But anyway, what were you expecting your twistout to look like? Were you expecting more of a stretch and more curls/waves? What helps me get more length and less shrinkage is when I do 4-8 twists and set them on flexirods. I'll do this on moisturized hair rather than wet hair. Once completely dry, I take out the flexirods and unravel the twists and fluff it and shape it the way I want. Hope that helps.

Check out these videos for some ideas:

Thank you so much for this!! Yes, I was expecting more of a stretch. I will definitely be trying your method. Thank you for the videos as well. I'm at work right and so I can't see them but I will look when I get home. Your advice is very helpful :).
Thank you so much everyone for the compliments and tips. I re-twisted it last night in larger twists and it is more stretched out today (but it still looks like a WNG). I like it but I'll also be using some of your tips (such as twisting on dry hair, making twists bigger, setting on flexi-rods, etc) in the future. You ladies are great!!
I agree with poookie...Twist them bigger! I twist regularly, and I always twist when wet, and I get the same tight curlicues....But I re-twist it on day 2 of actually wearing it out and thats when I get more of that crinkle fry look....I may re-twist it again like one more time like 2-3 days later.....

Also when styling you can either untwist and let the two pieces hang, then if you don't like that kind of shake your head and loosen gently with the fingers....and then if you don't like that finger-comb completely....So there are different ways to try it....It takes a lot of patience and practice to get it right....
Thank you so much everyone for the compliments and tips. I re-twisted it last night in larger twists and it is more stretched out today (but it still looks like a WNG). I like it but I'll also be using some of your tips (such as twisting on dry hair, making twists bigger, setting on flexi-rods, etc) in the future. You ladies are great!!

Good! The longer your hair gets you'll notice a difference in how it responds to the twists...hang in there...Have fun!