My 4B tightened up on me! & I'm going to FROHAWK.

Mook's hair

New Member
OK. So my goal is to work on moisture. Do more Deep Conditioning because I slacked off.:rolleyes:
Today is day 3 of cowash & go (and wear a puff):afro:
Around 2:30 I found out that we're going out tonight...Dress to impress :ha:and I'm trying to throw together a hair style. I decided to do another frohawk.:pity:..Modified due to time.
(I'm also recording the process for my youtube channel. But... Ooooo good God, my fro is fighting me. :bat: This shrinkage is phenomenal!

I wanted to put some cornrows on the sides in the front so I had to cowash & blow dry the top half. That worked but my arms are tired from cornrowing.
I intend to do one of those Janelle Monáe bangs and I've got to be finished with this whole thing in the next hour. :roadrunner:
I'm about half way there.

:hand: What the h.e.double was I thinking taking this on with such a short amount of time and with such a dry shrunken mass of hair. :bricks::afropick:
:blowkiss:Wish me luck. I'll report back tomorrow.
& I'll post the full run of pics tomorrow.


UPDATE: scroll down - Pics are in POST #9.
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Ooh, I've had one of those days. You'll get it done and I'm sure it will be fab. Girl my hair seems to shrink more the longer it gets. It's bizarre.
Yes, thanks for posting my youtube. I've been working on it lately trying to make it better.

Here are the pics from last night. These first ones are when I was getting ready, & still working on the style. My arms got soooo tired. It was thicker than thick and all bunched and knotted together. I was trying to be careful not to rip it when I made the parts. Ughhhh! Rip it. that just sounds horrible,but that is what almost happened. Believe it or not, this shrunken mass falls would be somewhere between APL & BSL if pressed. I intend to press it out in November for DH's birthday.


And All these were taken after I got home at the end of the night.

We went out to celebrate DH's cousin's Birthday in Wilmington Delaware.

I got sooooooooo many nice compliments from women, men, relaxed, naturals. It was just a big frohawk love fest all night.

Maan, it was so aggravating making this happen but, All my hard work paid off. And yes I did finish on time. My bang was a little bigger when I left the house but the mongo thickness spit out the hair pins in the car and I had to re do it.
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Beautiful job!!!! You do a great job at putting cornrows in your own hair. I need to practice more for my skills to be that good.
Thanks for all the love ladies. I just got some weird error message on fotki (And I use a Mac not a PC) Now I need to find another place to store my online hair photos.

Grrrrrrr*****shakes fist!