My 4b Natural Styling Attempt on nape length hair.....

So yesterday I went and experimented a little with my natural 4b hair. Most of the time I wear it in a puff or in twists (not as much twists as of late though since I damaged my hair with heat.) I was tired of wearing puffs and fearing for my edges. So I decided to try to do a bantu knot out/twist out.

I did it on dry hair for the most part. I slightly dampened my hair with a little water and applied some leave in conditioner. I put some IC Fantasia gel and twisted with two strands, then twisted that around itself into a bantu knot. I did this in medium sections, so I would say there were about 9-10 of them. Then I wrapped in a satin scarf and let it dry overnight.
I am proud for it coming out decently :grin: It being my first attempt and all lol. (I am no hair expert by annnnnyyyy meannnns :look:
But I still feel like there is a lot of unnecessary frizzing and some areas aren't curling. Maybe my hair wasn't moisturized enough? (My hair always thirsts for more) Any tips on styling bantu knot outs or twist outs?


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I think it looks really cute on you, especially for a 1st attempt. To get it less frizzy, I would think to do the twists/knots when your hair is wet- not slightly dampened. Also if you use an anti-frizz instead of leave in conditioner underneath the gel- that might help too (?). And when you're taking the twists out, perhaps you could try doing it with some coconut (or whatever else) oil on your fingertips to give it a little extra shine and keep it from frizzing as your unraveling your hair. Once again- really cute 'do :grin:.
I think it looks cute for your first time. I agree about the oil on the hands to give it shine and keeping down the frizz.
Thanks guys!

I def am gonna try the anti frizz and wetting it instead. And I never thought to put oil on the fingertips while unraveling! Great suggestion :)
How cute! I love the twisty curls...and the more defined the curls, the thicker and prettier it looks. Great style!
This is how i've been wearing my hair for the past couple of weeks but without two strand twists, just bantu knots. I do this on wet freshly co-washed or dc'ed hair. I moisturize,seal the mess out of my ends with my shea butter mix,and dab a little oil over the shea mix and twist. I unravel when it is completely dry and my hair is uber soft! I can wear this style for two days before before having to re-twist. It is serving my ends well,but i'm not sure how it would work out long term. Yours is cute op!!!
hmm, I think I'll try this, I havent really styled my hair in a while, I've been wearing random braids under head wraps or knit hats. I need to do something, I have a funeral to go to on Monday and I cant wear my usual "styles"
Cute! When I was that length was when I had the most fun! it was a sassy length to me :)

I would do cornrow outs! and unbraid with coconut oil. I found they were more definded if I braided while damp then braid and let dry overnight. It give a nice streched full look once fluffed out!