My 1st Relaxer Stretch!!!


New Member
Since finding LHCF I've learned alot about my hair and how to take care of it. The most important thing I've learned has been stretching my relaxers. Usually I'm looking to get my hair done EXACTLY at 6 weeks! Tomorrow I will be sitting at the 10 week mark!!!! Talk about excited!!!!!

I had intended to wait until my birthday next month before getting a touchup...but, I don't want to ruin all of my progress. I haven't seen as much breakage as I would have expected to. My new growth is cooperating beautifully and I'm only seeing approx. 10 hairs in my comb. But, I don't want to press my luck and get a big WHAMMY!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

So, thanks for all of the wonderful advice...and keep 'em coming!!!
Congrats! I was really excited about my first stretch as well. I think mine was 10 weeks also lol. It gets alot easier with time. 'Cause during that fist stretch I was like ' whoa, how do the ladies do this?' Now I love it. To me, my hair doesn't feel as limp after relaxing as it did before I started waiting longer in between touch-ups
Congratulations! I only made it to 8 weeks on my first stretch. I'm now only on my second stretch to almost ten. Congrats again.
Thats great, :grin: Im on my way to, I will be at 8 weeks post tomorrow, I know for some of you all thats not alot, but for me, its more than alot. Im so excited and I just dry DC and my NG is so soft and layed down so well. Im learning so much from this site as well. Learning to do thing on your own without having to go to the salon and be overpriced for the same thing. Im just going to take it week by week, lets go 9 weeks. We can do this. :yep: This is also my first stretch too.
CONGRATS! You should be proud. I remember I was looking busted during my first stretch (12 wks) :eek2: :lol: But it has been one of the best things I have done for my hair. Stretching helped me heal my scalp and nurse my damaged hair.
congrats hun, my first stretch lasted for 6 months, it wasn't bad .. i was just bored with my hairstyles. This time around I'm stretching for 8 months (changing hairstyles every 3 months)

I just had my first stretch too. I am usually relaxing at 6 weeks as well, but went to 8 weeks. Next time around I'll go to 10. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Especially since I now use Honeyquat & SAA in conditioners and leave-in mix. My hair came out feeling silkier than it ever has before.