my 1st attempt at a bantu knot out PIC HEAVY!!!


Well-Known Member
My first attempt is documented on my get over there lol :) j/k
My hair looks dirty so next time I'm going to use less product in my hair beforehand. I'll have straight hair first week, then not out next week (I want to use my flat iron every 2 weeks, but my hair doesn't stay perfectly straight for was looking for an alternative to wear my hair when it's still straight-ish).
Here's the post:

The roots look better now, after it dried (it was damp), and after moisturizing and sealing, hair doesn't look dirty. Next time though, def going to use less product on my hair on the days after I flat iron and leading up to the knot out.
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That's probably better than my first attempt lol. Next time maybe you could leave them in overnight so you get a better set
A good effort, but you definitely need to keep them in overnight. look SO young and cute! You sure you're 18?:look:
JeterCrazed I checked your profile real quick because I have relatives with the last name Jeter but nevermind I don't think you're from my area. And funny boyfriend's 21 and looks his age. Sometimes I wonder is he secretly a pedophile even though I'm 18. Offtopic but guess I can be offtopic on my own thread?! Lol
blue_flower I just hope when I'm 25 (an adult to me) people will still think I look very young so when another adult pulls the "You're the child I'm the adult" I can say "Umm excuse me but I'm an adult too!"
Awwwe You do look like a baby girl. You will be ID'd for a looong time.

My first and only attempt at a bantu knot out was a fail.

Keep on trying.
Check out youtube for tips.
[USER=349433]myhairgrowstoo[/USER] said:
JeterCrazed I checked your profile real quick because I have relatives with the last name Jeter but nevermind I don't think you're from my area. And funny boyfriend's 21 and looks his age. Sometimes I wonder is he secretly a pedophile even though I'm 18. Offtopic but guess I can be offtopic on my own thread?! Lol

:nono: Something is wrong with that. :lol:
Jeter is a baseball player. That's not my last name, but there are some Jeters in NJ.
Awww, you're adorable. I agree with the rest, you will be getting I.D checked for a looong time. Nice attempt, I could never do those. I stick with braidouts of twistouts.
i think a twist and curl or a braid and curl will give you a much more defined result. Bantu-knots do't tend to set as tight on straight hair as rods do.