My 1 year stretch will be over......


Well-Known Member
this saturday. I have about 5-6 inches of new growth. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. My husband will be helping me because I am going to self relax. I'm going to use Lonei's method by doing half and half. I will start with the back first and then do the front. I already have my relaxer, Alter Ego Lineage Shea Butter. I'm going to use Lonei's ponytail rollerset but I am going to allow my hair to dry overnight instead of sitting under the dryer. I've mapped out everything and it is going to be an all day thing because of the deep conditioning and rollersetting etc. I'm just sooo afraid that it is not going to look good. I've had so many disappointments and I guess I'm just thinking this is going to be a disappointment as well. My hair even though I have almost 6 inches of newgrowth, it does not appear to be long. I measure and it takes me to 20 inches, but I just have to wait and see the results. I am soooo scared but also excited. I will get my husband to take pictures and will post them in the next couple weeks.

I wish I could go that long ! did you do protective styles? If you did please tell all ............including your regimen !!!!!!!
Goodness gracious, girl! Go ahead and straighten already!:grin: You've been so diligent on your one year stretch, and it sounds like you've got plenty of new growth to prove it! I know your hair is going to turn out great-you've got a plan and a man to help you! :) Just take your time, and all your hard work and growing effort will be revealed after you straighten. Good luck, I can't wait to see the reveal! Congratulations on completeing your 1 year stretch!!!
Please dont make us WAIT A WHOLE COUPLE OF WEEKS TO SEE! We want to celebrate with you. Congradulations on your stretch.
Congratulations hun, I'm sure you'll have more growth than you think :yep:. Do you plan to take and post some before pics?
Wow, one year stretch and six inches of hair! Ohhh weee I'm excited for you! :D Please post pics!
this saturday. I have about 5-6 inches of new growth. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. My husband will be helping me because I am going to self relax. I'm going to use Lonei's method by doing half and half. I will start with the back first and then do the front. I already have my relaxer, Alter Ego Lineage Shea Butter. I'm going to use Lonei's ponytail rollerset but I am going to allow my hair to dry overnight instead of sitting under the dryer. I've mapped out everything and it is going to be an all day thing because of the deep conditioning and rollersetting etc. I'm just sooo afraid that it is not going to look good. I've had so many disappointments and I guess I'm just thinking this is going to be a disappointment as well. My hair even though I have almost 6 inches of newgrowth, it does not appear to be long. I measure and it takes me to 20 inches, but I just have to wait and see the results. I am soooo scared but also excited. I will get my husband to take pictures and will post them in the next couple weeks.

First let Me say Congradulations Dear, but let Me ask, did You experience a lot of breakage while stretching?
:woohoo: Congrats.

I'm thinking of relaxing myself. But I'll be going to the salon to get it done.
Congratulations, I know you had some battles with all that new growth:yep:. Can't wait to see the pix.

I wish I could go that long ! did you do protective styles? If you did please tell all ............including your regimen !!!!!!!

Yes I did protective styles. It really wasn't that bad until I got to the home stretch, around the last 2 months when it started getting difficult. I wore braids, flexistrand weave and the last 8 weeks I wore a wig. The last few months I started washing my hair every 2 weeks and I took my time detangling the newgrowth using Mane n Tail detangler and combing my hair with a pick make it soo much easier to detangle. I've been using Sizta2 products hair conditioner, breakage conditioner, daily moisturiser and her hair oil and it made my hair soft. So overall, I got through it but I think I will do 6 months stretch instead.
Goodness gracious, girl! Go ahead and straighten already!:grin: You've been so diligent on your one year stretch, and it sounds like you've got plenty of new growth to prove it! I know your hair is going to turn out great-you've got a plan and a man to help you! :) Just take your time, and all your hard work and growing effort will be revealed after you straighten. Good luck, I can't wait to see the reveal! Congratulations on completeing your 1 year stretch!!!

Thank you. You gave me what I was looking for, encouragement!
Please dont make us WAIT A WHOLE COUPLE OF WEEKS TO SEE! We want to celebrate with you. Congradulations on your stretch.

Well I say 2 weeks, because I have one of those dinosaur cameras and I have to get the pictures developed. With a busy lifestyle, I said 2 weeks, but if I get them sooner I will post.
Congratulations hun, I'm sure you'll have more growth than you think :yep:. Do you plan to take and post some before pics?

Yes I will. I had my husband measure the newgrowth in the back section and he said it was
7 inches, but I know that was not true. I'm hoping that I got 6 inches all over. Thank you for reminding me to take some before pictures.
First let Me say Congradulations Dear, but let Me ask, did You experience a lot of breakage while stretching?

That's a very good question because many of us are afraid because of that very reason. I did experience some breakage, but not alot. What I think helped me was I started using a pick or what's call a "finishing comb" when you have two different textures. You can go to and see Robin's picture of the comb. It would be unrealistic to think you can do a 1 year stretch and not experience some breakage. I kept my eyes open for key areas like the nape of neck, behind ears, and the front middle. I combed my hair very gently, and I can honestly say that I hardly see no breakage. I do see some, but not for me to be alarmed about. In fact I remember Wanakee in just talking about taking care of afro texture hair said in one of her booklets that we should expect to get some breakage, but we want to control the breakage so that it does not get out of control. Stretching for 1 year requires effort because it is not easy; but I armed myself with the right tools and great products and patience and I got there. I'm surprise myself that I did it!