My 1 Year Nappiversary! Pics


New Member
Hi guys! I rarely post but it is my 1 year nappiversary! I was gonna wait 1 year post BC to post pics but what the heck!

My last relaxer was Feb. ’10 and I first BC’d in June to about 2 inches. I seemed to have a lot of scab hair at the ends and they wouldn’t curl at all – just stuck straight up. So I decided to leave it alone and try to let it grow out some more. I put a full install in but it just wasn’t working for me. So I took it out and BC’d again down to 1-1.5 inches in July. My hair is about 6 inches now which seems to be on point for 1 year of growth .

While I’m at it, does anyone care to type my hair? Let me just put it out there that I’m not one of those people obsessed with being a 3 or my hair type for that matter. I’m just curious because my hair seems like a hybrid - it looks completely like a 4B/afro when it’s wet or no product; no curl definition at all, except for the nape where it’s the loosest, but it seems to curl/clump when I put gel in it for the most part, except for the middle which has always been the thickest. I ultimately feel like a 4A with 3C at the nape and 4B in the middle. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong though!

S/O to luvmesumhair!

Can’t wait to see how my hair will look 1 year post BC! My goal is 10 inches in August, which is also when I want to straighten for the first time. Thanks for looking. J

Big Chop - July '10
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August '10
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February '11 - 6 months later - Today at work lol
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Few hours ago
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More pics to follow - ran out of space!
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Beautiful! I think somewhere in the 3's as far as hairtype though because you have that gorgeous hanging of curls going on. Great progress! I'm sure others will chime in with more accurate hair typing knowledge. Congrats!
Thanks, guys! I have to admit I was a bit leery about posting my pics but I’m glad I did! :yep:

These are the products I currently use:

One ‘n Only Argan Oil Moisture Repair Shampoo
One ‘n Only Argan Oil Moisture Repair Conditioner
Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner
Miss Jessie’s Rapid Recovery Treatment
Miss Jessie’s Super Sweetback Treatment
Castor Oil
Jojoba Oil
Shea Butter
Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel

This is my regimen every 2 weeks:

I wash with the Argan Shampoo – I absolutely love it. I’ve tried a lot of shampoos and this is the only one so far that leaves my hair feeling soft and not stripped or like a brillo pad.

Then I condition/detangle with the Argan Conditioner and Suave Coconut conditioner. I like to combine the two since the Argan is really thick and it seems to give me great results - leaves my hair very soft like a deep conditioner.

My next step would be deep conditioning but I haven’t in months. I condition/detangle for about 10 min. in the shower and I think the steam from the shower gives me some kind of deep conditioning effect. Not to mention I’ve been too lazy to hop back in the shower to rinse it out/detangle all over again lol. But I think incorporating a prepoo will solve this problem.

But when I would deep condition, I would mix Miss Jessie’s Rapid Recovery and Super Sweetback treatments together. I’ve tried them both alone and liked the results better when I mix it. I stumbled upon this by accident too; I only had a little of both left and decided to combine them. I leave it in for a half hour. I have a heautiful steamer but I’ve only used it like twice. And let me add – these are about the only 2 products I like from Miss Jessie’s line!

Then I apply my leave in. I have a bit of my own remix of the Kimmaytube Leave In – I use the KCKT and add the castor oil and jojoba oil but I also add shea butter (I melt 2 teaspoons in the microwave and mix it in with the rest). I don’t use aloe vera juice. I tried it once and didn’t like how my hair felt. I think I tried something else before with Aloe Vera and didn’t like that either.

Then I shingle with KCCC or at least I think it’s called shingling. I basically just part it in sections, put the gel on and then comb it through and let it air dry. As of right now I only do a WNG the first week and a puff the second week. And I like to use the Eco Styler to revive my curls/when my hair starts to frizz. That’s pretty much it - feel free to ask me any questions! :grin:
