My 1 year Anniversary Progress Pics!!


New Member
So technically my 1 year anniversary was March 15 (despite the dates on the pics, I'm too lazy to change the time/date on my camera---but the months and years are correct). I apologize for only 3 "chop" pics, but I wasn't hip with how many different angle pics to take at the time, but now I know going forward.

Now, on to the pics...(sorry if they're too big, IDK how to resize)

March 2009 v. March 2010 - Straightened




This is my hair after I "chopped" the back. Excuse my vein, but that's a weird shot to get. :look:



March 2009 v. March 2010 - Washed hair (no product)

My hair is not two colors, it's my camera.



That's all!! I haven't tried a wash and go or any other styles lately so I don't have anything else to compare at the moment.

Info about my hair:
  • I've been wigging it for the last year and will continue to do so off and on for at least another year or two, or until my hair won't fit under them.
  • I wear my hair in either cornrows or box braids under my wigs and spritz (conditioner, water and oil) twice a day; sleep with a satin bonnet on a satin pillow case.
  • I co-washed twice per week for like my first 6 months, then got lazy and now washed just once; I used to do Aphogee 2 step protein treatments and deep condition monthly, but in the last 6 or so months I haven't done any protein treatments except the spray in conditioner, and I haven't conditioned under a dryer in a while.
  • To straighten I just used Fantasia IC heat protectant w/my Maxi Glide using the teeth with settings in the range of 6-8 - 3 passes.
  • I haven't trimmed my hair since my chop and I probably won't for a while. I just search and destroy.
I think I covered everything, but feel free to ask questions. Thanks for stopping by. :grin:


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Sorry I'm not sure what's wrong, can you see them now? What does it show, an x in a box? I can see them from my screen?
IT doesn't show anyting
it's like they are not ther
can you try loading them as a managed attachment?:yep:

Ok, how about now? This is so embarrassing, I'm not sure what happened. I have them in my album if anyone's interested. I really do apologize about this as I attached them from their into my thread. Did I do this wrong?
I can see them and that's some really nice progress. The cut makes it look so thick. Can't wait to see how much your hair will grow by the end of the year.
I can see them and that's some really nice progress. The cut makes it look so thick. Can't wait to see how much your hair will grow by the end of the year.

Thanks so much!! I tried to cut it even when I chopped and it grew out pretty even for the most part. Can you see the pics in the text or as an attachment? They were supposed to be imbedded in the body of the post. I can view as they're intended, but I guess no one else can. :perplexed
Congrats on your progress!!! I can't wait to see your future milestones- your hair is soooo thick and shiny
Thanks for the compliements ladies, but do you all know how straighten so your hair is flat? I know I'd probably need to put some product in it to weight it down, but I'd still like for it to move, you know? Does such a product exsist?