
New Member
What have you found to be a very COMPLETE multi and hair,skin,nails. I have my list of extra vitamins to take, but I want to start with a good multi and hair,skin,and nails. Does the walmart hair,skin,nails have about the same as others because I'm lovin' that price.
I've read (complements of Bargello's routine) that if you get a good vitamin geared toward the hair, your skin and nails benefit. Hair vitamins have more/better nutrients than those vitamins that are for hair, skin, and nails.

I take GNC's UltraNourishair. It has lots of stuff for hair, skin, and nails. I no longer take a multi-vitamin b/c it has many of the same ingredients in it as my multi-vitamin did, and I don't want to overdose. I feel that it is a complete vitamin, though I do take additional herb supplements such as Evening Prim Rose Oil, nettle, kelp, Silica, and gelatin pills but these are things that aren't found in any vitamin (I don't think).
I've been sort of vitamin shopping for the past few days trying to find the best combination also. I've come up with taking GNC's Women's Ultra Mega (only 1 a day instead of twice a day like they say) along with GNC's Hair, Skin, and Nails (2 times a day). The reason I only want to take one of the Ultra Mega is because the HSN has some of the same ingredients so I will still be getting the same dosage for the most part. I am also going to add MSM but I only want a 500mg pill.
I just started taking(2 days ago) the "Hair Skin & Nail Formula" from Rexall. They sell it at Wallmart. I wanted to buy it a long time ago because the ingredients are very appealing to me, but it was sold out from most Walmarts stores
! I wonder it people found it very efficient(good):). Anyway I bought it and I just started it.

Here are the ingredients:
Vitamin A 7500 IU, Vit C 90 mg, Vit D 300 IU, Vit E 45 IU, Biotin 1,875 mg, Calcium 294 mg, Magnesium 75 mg, Zinc 7.5 mg, Sodium 25 mg, MSM 750 mg, gelatin 450 mg, Organic Sulfur 310 mg(as MSM, L-cysteine and L-methionine),
L-Cysteine 150 mg, L-Methionine75 mg, Horsetail Extract 25 mg, Silica 20 mg, Bromelain 7.5 mg, Boron(as boron rice chelate) 4.5 mg.

Serving size: 3 caplets
Serving per container: 20
Price: about $8

Very appealing to me so I bought it. I will tell you guys how it is in the futur since just started taking it.

To everyone: Remember about the L-Cysteine that people were talking about on this forum, that make hair grow very fast? well it's in this product "Hair Skin & Nails Formula" that I described above!
zanna said:
To everyone: Remember about the L-Cysteine that people were talking about on this forum, that make hair grow very fast? well it's in this product "Hair Skin & Nails Formula" that I described above!

[/ QUOTE ]

In biology, I learned that protein (amino acids) aid in hair growth. So I'm assuming, if you a have diet rich in Amino Acids you should see results.
I saw it in walmart, but usually the hair skin and nails have about the same dosage as other products like Women's UltraHair vitamins which are a bit less than 3 bottles of HairSkin that would give you the same amount of servings. You can purchase this at GNC or online at
I started taking the GNC Women's Ultra Mega at the end of August 2003. I chose this over the GNC Hair, Skin and Nails because I thought it offered a better combination of vitamins and minerals overall.

Well, the ingredients are not bad at all, to be taken alone, I would take it without a multi, but not for more than a month. I need the iron in the women'multi, so I have to have a multi. I am actually taking both right now.