Multi-Textured Naturals - Please Come In!


New Member
I have three different textures of hair. At first I've been worrying about hair typing, but I decided that I'm probably everything from 3-4a and theres no reason for me to be specific :look:. Everytime I look at anyones hair from 3-4a, I say to myself..."Self, that looks like your hair."

This is the front of my hair. It's not heat damaged, it's just been growing like this since my last relaxer. When I try to do two strand twists the front does NOT cooperate whatsoever! It is soooooo annoying!:wallbash: It is pretty soft and it doesn't really lay down and blend with the middle of the hair or the back.

This is the crown, middle of my head. It is looser, but not as loose as the front.


This is the nape hair. I can twist this hair, and it shrinks the most, but it is still pretty loose. It falls past my shoulders, and it lays down pretty well.


All of this madness is on my head. It is very hard to wear a WnG without having to put my hair in a puff or something like that, because the top of my hair doesn't work at all! I figure I'm going to wait until it grows out more, but for now, it's just bananas!

So I'm wondering, is there anyone out there like me? If so could you tell me what styles you wear, and what products you use? My nape is SL unstretched. My hair is layered because my hair all over my head was the same length when I BC'd...
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Same here. im sure I have at least 3 different hair types, but all that typing is confusing so i go with 4a. And I might be wrong about that. The texture of my hair is what's more important to me. For myself I have learned it doesnt matter about the type of my hair, its this fine texture I have to learn to embrace. each, it own.
I have multiple textures but I'm probably a step removed from you. Meaning my front/loosest texture looks like your crown, my sides look like your nape, and my nape is shrinkier than yours but also coily...

I think the different textures work with my hair shape, so I have no problem wearing wng's. I have to wait until it is fully dry to judge the front tho. When wet it's looks loose wavy or straight and then as it dries it tightens and the texture becomes more pronounced. I use less product on this section also.
I have a bunch of different textures too and it is SUPER annoying. The front is sort of like straight frizz (there is no number I can assign to it) the back is the definition of 3c curls. The middle right at the crown is like a 2 inch patch of 4b and the sides are 3b/3c ish. And to top it off the middle 4b section is the thickest most dense part of my hair. the others i can kind of blend together but that middle section I dont know what to do with it LOL
I have 3 textures 3a-3c and been natural for 6 months and have yet to have a good twist/braid out. Never thought about it but Soliel made a good point to use less products especially on the straighter textures.
Yeah. 3 different textures as well. It looks similar but it doesn't curl on top of my head, it's sort of silky only on top of my neck and there are 2 uncooperatives left and right wings behind. I moisturize everything and I twist my hair here and there where there is pure frizz when I'm air drying... I also put more moisturizer on the frizzier areas... I did notice that the more my hair grows, the easier it is to make it look uniform, though.
I have different textures. My "bang" area of hair is a loose wave, my nape and sides are 3c, and smack dab in the back of my head is 4a. I've been able to wear WnGs now that my hair is longer. The length kind of blends all the textures together. When it was shorter it wouldn't "hang" correctly.
Yep...I suspect that I have some 3c, 4a, and perhaps 4b up in there...definitely makes for interesting styling, lol...
Yup, I have several different textures. My mom still talks about how when I was younger that was the reason she relaxed me. I have fine hairs. My nape is a slightly coarser 4a, by my ears is 4b, the front of my hair is a slightly looser 4a... and I have these two patches of not quite 4b not 4a on the crown.. they almost seem straight (super fine, fluffy) but they grow up and out like the rest of my hair. maybe its 4b.

hair typing is too hard with all these different hairs on my head
Your thread is a window to my daily hair issues. I have 2c, 3a, 3b and 3c all on the same head. It's a challenge! My nape is coily and springy and very loose all the way at the very bottom. It's the easiest texture to manage. My front hairline and sides are loose and wavy. My crown is the frizziest portion with less curl and more wave. My middle regions are curly but not as springy as the back. Thanks for this thread. Looking forward to the advice.
My hair goes like this from the top (crown down)

Crown-4a, frizzy, wiry, no curl pattern, fragile, shrinks 50%+

Front-3c, coily/wavy, fragile

Underneath-3b/3c, curly/wavy, not fragile, grows fastest, little-to-no shrinkage

This leads my hair to grow out in a bi-level mushroom shape, but I am learning to love it and be patient till it's all past SL.
yep! this is me... i think that the back of my nape is 3b or 3c...I can't even 2 strand twist it, i have to comb coil it. when i had a twa, i had to keep it shorter than the rest of my head, because it hangs and has very little shrinkage. i'm not into the mullet look.

my sides are tight 4a, maybe 4b...and the top is silky 4a. then the middle of my head is just frizzy with no real curl pattern. ugh... go figure. My mom is 3b...and Dad is 4a, so i guess I just got a little of both.
I have cotton 4B in the front, 4a sprinkled throughout, and what I think is 3C in the back ... or it could just be a silkier texture 4a.
I have 3c in the front and middle... and as you extend outward towards the nape and my hairline around my ears it goes from 4a to 4b. Sometimes I wish it would just be one texture... but meh, I love my hair!

When I saw the commercial I screamed out, "Dat ain'tcho daddy! Call Maury"
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I have multiple textures as well, from loose waves to pen spring coils, with a mixture of medium and coarse strands on all the types. I wash and bun, wash and updo, wash and ponytail, but almost never wash and go, because that looks ridiculous with my multiple shrinkage patterns. The amount of time I have to spend manipulating the hair so that it looks acceptable voids the "go" aspect, :lol:. Twistouts and bantu knot outs look much more uniform than wash and go, so if I want to wear my curly hair out, that is what I do.
I "think" i'm like 3 somethingin the very back, then the sides back of crown is likely 4a. The very front of my hair, honestly, i'm not sure what it is. It barely has any texture to it. It's coarse, don't misunderstand, but it's very straight, and i'm 100% positive it isn't heat damaged. I don't know what to make of it. I typicall wear twist outs to make everything more uniform :)
Yeah I think I have this same problem. I'm still transitioning, so I wont be sure until I chop.

So far, my nape hair is probably more 3c, loose curls, I like it a lot. The curls are smaller and tighter around the sides. still cute.

The crown and front? I have no clue what the heck is going on with the hair there. Which is one reason i'm doing a long transition b/c I think it will be much more manageable w/ some length
Whoops, ps, i am not yet 100% natural. I am still about 50-60% texlaxed but if you saw my hair in person you wouldn't be able to tell :lol: