Multi-textured hair mamis check in


New Member
I know that most everybody has varied textures on one head, but my hair is really varied. In the back and nape it is straight, even 13 weeks post touch up. There are little curlies on both sides of the nape, but the rest is straight. ( See my nape pic in my album-the hair grew back, but it's straight as ever). My crown is thick and wavy/coily with lil' s curls. The front is thinner, with (fine "baby hairs") and the temples are the nappiest/tightest.

I don't use Andre's system, cause I don't fit in one category. But I usually say 4a.
the back of my hair is very straight also and , i am still not sure what my hair type is because i only have a little bit of healthy new growth.

by the way are you asking this because you want to transition? or just in general?

JB- :)
I got waves and curls that love to get frizzy, as you can see in the siggy I go by Fia's system since it fit my hair best ;)
I think I am a multi-textured lil mama here...and I say I THINK because my hair is straight in the back. My crown has lots of thick wavy newgrowth. My sides are thin and wirey. I don't know if my hair is supposed to be multi textured or if the crown grows faster, my sides are underprocessed and the back is just growing slower than the rest...I don't know.
I'm a multi-textured gal for real.

My texture ranges from 3c to 4a (Doesn't really fit into Andre's system either, the 4a parts are too loose to be 4a, but too tight to be 3c... so I just say that it's looser 4a than average)

Around 10% of my hair is baby fine in diameter, 40% normal and 50% thick.

Most of my hair is dark brown, but I have medium brown and a more reddish medium brown highlights.

When the egg an sperm met, they had quite a party with me.
You know, I was uncomfortable saying anything before, but the hair at the nape of my neck is straight as well. I'm in my 7th month of transitioning and there is very little texture difference between the permed and new growth in that area.
JCoily said:
You know, I was uncomfortable saying anything before, but the hair at the nape of my neck is straight as well. I'm in my 7th month of transitioning and there is very little texture difference between the permed and new growth in that area.

I really don't like to say anything either. I'm afraid that people assume that I'm trying to brag or make myself seem "more special"... like when someone who is a type 4 says that they are a type 3.

but seriously, the truth is that my hair type is not easily defined by the typing systems and the range in hair diameter is crazy. I actually wish that my hair was more uniform...
divine said:

I don't! that's for sure!!!

My hair is the coiliest there.. that's the 4a part... then it goes into 3c for the back and my crown, then back to 4a for my front, but that's loose and wavy, not too curly, just waves.....
divine said:

I look at alot of albums and I never noticed that. OT- your hair looks really healthy and long - the texturizer was a good idea!
Another "multi-texture gal" checking in. And is less kinky in the back area. I cant get it do a twist out there and hold the definition if I put a twist in it, froze it in shea butter and left it there for 10 days. The moment I undo the is straight as a board.

It has always been that texture.
I'm more 4b w/little 4a mainly in the nape and front areasbut my son has 2 textures which I thought was the stranges thing, he has straight spikey hair and very little 4b (I guess he got this from me) patches aroung the front temple and side burn area and a small section in the back. It looks crazy, a little black boy w/spikey hair like he's chinese and then little patches of extra kinky hair,LOL, my husband blames his texture on me. :ohwell: Happy to see there are others out there like him.:cool:
I range from 3a to 4a. Id say 60% is 3b/c and the front is 4a and the back is 3c/4a mix. My edges are my problem area. FRIZZZ GALORE!
I'm multi-textured too (still transitioning).

The temples are spiral curls. The hairline is O shaped, except the very front, which is pretty undefined.

The crown is spiral and coils with lots of frizz. The backend of the crown is coarse, undefined, and coily.

The nape and the sides behind my ear are S shaped waves and pencil sized curls and spirals.

My hair is mostly spongy, with some wool.

You can actually clearly see the differences in my textures via my photo albums.
I'm multi-textured and I hate it. I hate having silky fine 3c hair in the back and edges, coily fine 4a hair at the top and coarse dry 4b hair on the sides. It drives me crazy.:mad:
mulit-mama checkin hair is so many crown area is the tightese..4a..sides around my ears anywhere from 2c-3c..the back of my head around the nape is 3c... my crown is sooo tight..and dense too!
Porsche19 said:
I'm a multi-textured gal for real.

My texture ranges from 3c to 4a (Doesn't really fit into Andre's system either, the 4a parts are too loose to be 4a, but too tight to be 3c... so I just say that it's looser 4a than average)

Around 10% of my hair is baby fine in diameter, 40% normal and 50% thick.

Most of my hair is dark brown, but I have medium brown and a more reddish medium brown highlights.

When the egg an sperm met, they had quite a party with me.
Sounds like my hair!
pookeylou said:
Another "multi-texture gal" checking in. And is less kinky in the back area. I cant get it do a twist out there and hold the definition if I put a twist in it, froze it in shea butter and left it there for 10 days. The moment I undo the is straight as a board.

It has always been that texture.

I'm not much into the hair typing systems so I can't describe my hair in that way for you all, but my hair is similar to this but the opposite. Mine is less kinky in hte front and top and kinkier in the back. In the front it is in small defined coils and in the center it is in bigger ones and the back is very cottony. ;)
asphyxxia said:
what camera do you use?

I use a Nikon CoolPix 2500. It's a couple of years old, but it gets the job done. Some of the closer shots were done using the "close-up" mode. :)
I have two textures and it took me a long time to realise this. The hairdressers would relax my hair (when I was relaxed), sometimes starting at the front where the hair is softest (3c) and then I would get really bad burns on my scalp. Since I didn't know all about hairtyping then, I had a real problem and I just thought the hair at the nape was just dry due to rubbing against my collars.

The back (left hand side) is the coarsest part of my hair (4a) and I get the most breakage there. Then the middle is medium 3c with little spirals. Overrall the hair is medium textured and one side (right hand side) seems to grow a lot longer than the left side. When I texturize, I always start at the back left hand side first and finish up at the front, which is the softest part.