

Well-Known Member
I plan to be using MTG two or three times a week, but I always shampoo the day after because I cannot deal with the smell and the greasiness.

Should I use a clarifying shampoo on my scalp (VO5 Kiwi Lime Clarifying) or would that be too harsh on my scalp for constant use?

Should I use a different shampoo?

Can you try cowashing the day after and see if that does it for you? Vo5 even has clarifying conditioners that should definitely do the trick.

Also, I did what I saw suggested elsewhere on here; I poured out a good amount of the cade oil after my sulfur had settled. I replaced it with castor oil, jamaican mango and & lime oil and coconut oil; made the smell much more doable for me. So I can actually leave it in as long as I apply gingerly. I find I need less than a half tablespoon for my whole scalp. I can't smell it, at all by morning (I apply at night after wash)