MTG - Who has it in right now?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to do a poll... So I am just asking. Who has MTG in their hair right now? I put it in at night let it seep in for 8 hours and co wash the next morning. I jave 3 plastic caps on a bonnet and 2 scarves.:lachen: :lachen:

I know my apartment must stink. They probably can smell it in the hall.
I don't b/c I've never had any! Don't be surprised if I'm shaking my mane and tail like the rest of you, one of these days. I just might get a bottle!
Yep, I'm guilty :look: I apply surge before going to bed at night every 2-3 days. Fortunately, it absorbs very well and there is no lingering scent come morning :) Good Growth Too :love:
I have it but haven't used it for a while. Reason: My hair smelled for weeks even after I washed the MTG out of it...

Is it just me? or is it impossible to get the smell out of the hair?
You probably did wash it out of your hair...but it's also in your comb, brush, nite scarf, pillow and everything else your head touched. I don't have any in now and haven't for quite a while...but when I did I would cover my head with a plastic bag before tying my hair up at nite cuz I didn't want that odor in my pillow...I would have had to buy a new one.
I DO:lol: :grin: :lachen: i apply it daily never rinse it first i apply the mtg and the gueye s oil all over my scalp put the hair in two puffs then 2 plastic caps that i m forced to change in the middle of the night and my satin bonnet.i put a towel on my pillow else it s greasy even with all the protection lol to go out i add a scarf or two . i m keeping this like that for a whole week, without manipulating the hair, washing or anything grow hair grow:lol:
I use it every night, the smell ain't that bad in the morning, smells like sulful 8 (which i can take)
I have it in right now also. Believe it or not I'm not using it for faster growth, I use it because it is the only thing I have found that stops my scalp from itching excessively. I mix it with peppermint oil and I am good to go.
I do!:D I've begun to lightly oil my scalp with it every other day. By the next morning the scent is gone. I think this will be my method until I can start conditioner washes again.
I do! I washed my hair last night and applied some to my roots afterwards. I use it about every other day. I only use it at night before I go to bed.

I'm noticing that in some areas of my neck and around my ears where the MTG sometimes run (if I squirt too much)---those areas of my skin are a lot drier. :ohwell:

I'm finding myself applying shea butter to my neck area more often...
Crissi said:
I use it every night, the smell ain't that bad in the morning, smells like sulful 8 (which i can take)

I have it in right now with a plastic cap. For those of you who can "take the smell". i have asked this before. CAN THE PUBLIC TAKE THE SMELL??

I mean, can't smell it in the morning either. But I have posted here in the past, I go to my Mom's on the weekend and she says that I have the room lit up. She said the bed I slept in... I had the sheets all jacked up, the pillow and everything. She feels bad because she does not want anyone talking about her baby saying that she stinks.
I apply it after every co wash/wash and follow it w/ lavender oil to mask the smell!!!!! I cowash twice a week then poo once a week applying MTG each time. However I've been using for about a month and have grown accustomed to the smell. Also the amount of growth I achieved has been worth it!!!!
i do..just put it on after a fresh relaxer..stopped for a a moth b 4 my relaxer...have not seen anything amazing yet..still hoping for something tho..about to weave the back up cause the sight of my hair is making me ill :ohwell: