MTG users


New Member
So, I bought the MTG to help my hair grow and noticed that when I used it, there was white stuff all over my hair (looked like dandruff, but it wasn't). I noticed there is sediment in my MTG bottle and, as a result, in my oil bottle as well. If you use it and have/had this problem, what have you done?
I don't use it anymore, but when I did use MTG, I noticed the sediment too. All I did was shake the product up before using and then applied. I didn't have any trouble with flakes or particles. Perhaps it was just the sediment in the bottle because the product was combined well. A good shake should take care of it.

I stopped using MTG because it dried my hair out tremendously. My hair is very protein sensitive.

I hope someone else chimes in and offers you suggestions.
MTG is very drying to the hair and should be used on the scalp only. The white sedement at the bottom is the sulfur powder and it must be shook up with each use. A little goes a long way. Try pouring it into your hands and massaging it into your scalp or using a applicator bottle with a spout.

I'm noticing that it makes my ng very dry, so to combat this I cowash once or twice a week. I also use Castor oil and HH LTR leave in to keep it soft and moist.
Thanks ladies! I'm thinking it might be the CD healthy hair butter that is causing it. It happened again this morning and I didn't put any MTG in ...
Yeah, MTG is no joke on the hair. I still have some and may revist when I get more lenght. Right now my twa is too thick try applying by myself without it getting on my hair.
I use the sulfur in the mtg and pour out the oil b/c it stank like smoked bacon & it was drying. I use vatika oil w/ a little vit. E oil and shake it real well then I put it on my scalp then massage real well and finally put a shower cap on then a bonnet on and go to sleep. Sorry for the run on sentence.
I luv mtg I use it daily n I have no smell. I use the applicator bottle n dab over my scalp then I massage in with my fingers. I then apply NTM splitend treatment to my ends and seal with sally's argon oil. My hair is not greasey nor does it stank.:grin: Now when I was using it just pouring it my hair did smell and my neck got a rash. I aslo pour some mtg n don't b bald in my hand rub together n apply to my edges and nape area n they r starting to grow. I use this 2x a day.