MTG suggestion


New Member
For those of you who have had issues with MTG dripping down your necks and backs etc., try applying it with a medicine dropper. There are many benefits to doing it this way:

1. You control exactly where on your scalp it goes.
2. You don't waste a lot of it and your bottle lasts a lot longer
3. You use just enough for your scalp and it doesn't drip.
4. You can mix it just right with whatever essential oils etc. that you're using to mask the smell.

I have a small bottle with a dropper that I use to mix the MTG with the Lavendar oil that I use to mask the scent. The other benefit is that I can use it more often without stinking up the office that I share with two other women who know nothing at all about black women and their hair. Need I say more?
I'm a new MTG user and before I started using it I read a lot of what many of you had to say about dripping etc. and decided that I'd try using a medicine dropper. It works like a charm for me so I thought I'd pass this information on.
Hope this helps.

City Girl
maybe its just me but i dont have none that drips down by me applying it...i still use the applicator bottle...i just part my hair from side to side...and then just take the applicator bottle and apply along the parted area...
Hi everyone!

I agree with bluediamond0829. I just received my M-T-G about 30 minutes ago. I read all of the posts about not getting it on your neck or letting it drip, so I used one of my old applicator bottles (ORS Dry Scalp Relief). It looks like the picture below and makes it easy to apply. I don't even have to part the hair. I just put the tip of the nozzle to the scalp and go straight back or down, squeezing lightly at the same time. When I have done the whole head, I just massage it in. This also allows me use alot less of the solution. You can reuse one of your old bottles or get it from your local beauty supply store for about $1.25. They come in all sizes. HTH!

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I 've been applying mine with an applicator bottle. I don't even bother parting my hair, I just stick the tip into my hair and move it along the scalp, mind you I have 8 weeks of new growth and airdried my hair with the ponytail method last night, I don't think parting through this hair is an option for me right now :lachen: !!!

I just went to your fotki album. Lady, I LOVE your bun. It matches your hair perfectly. If I hadn't read your post, I would have thought it was yours. I think I want to buy one of those. BEAU-TI-FUL...