MTG question???


I asked this in another thread and never got an answer. I just recieved mine and I am going to start using it next week. I read where several ladies said the MTG runs down their neck. My question is...does it run because the hair is saturated or is it prone to run no matter what amount you put on??? I was thinking of applying mine with a dropper or an empty Visine bottle...cuz the hole is really small.
Bees said:
I asked this in another thread and never got an answer. I just recieved mine and I am going to start using it next week. I read where several ladies said the MTG runs down their neck. My question is...does it run because the hair is saturated or is it prone to run no matter what amount you put on??? I was thinking of applying mine with a dropper or an empty Visine bottle...cuz the hole is really small.

hi bees,

I read this on another thread also. Many of the ladies apply MTG using a color applicator bottle. My MTG order hasn't arrived yet but I plan on buying an applicator bottle from the BSS this weekend. HTHS
Hey tishee! I was more concerned with the runn-ness of the oil. If it's gonna be running all over everything...I don't want to fool with it. I can't stand the smell of sulphur! The last time I used sulphur took forever to get the scent out of my pillow and everything else. I plan on masking it with peppermint oil. If that doesn't work...then I am not going to fool with it period...cuz that funky smell makes me :ill:
The bottle mine came in has a spout. I think it's the right size. I use it like oil. Applying about 2 tablespoons to my scalp and gently massaging. It has never dripped or run. I would use a color applicator bottle instead of a visine bottle. You'll have to refill it pretty often if you used something that small.
Just my 2 cents. :cool:
Bees said:
Hey tishee! I was more concerned with the runn-ness of the oil. If it's gonna be running all over everything...I don't want to fool with it. I can't stand the smell of sulphur! The last time I used sulphur took forever to get the scent out of my pillow and everything else. I plan on masking it with peppermint oil. If that doesn't work...then I am not going to fool with it period...cuz that funky smell makes me :ill:

I completely understand about the oil running This will be my first time trying it so hopefully I can stand the smell.....we'll see.
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I only plan on using it once a week...and very little. Me and that smell don't get along at all. :D
I apply mine by pouring some into my hand & then applying onto my scalp with my fingertips. I don't get any drips doing it this way.
Bees said:
I asked this in another thread and never got an answer. I just recieved mine and I am going to start using it next week. I read where several ladies said the MTG runs down their neck. My question is...does it run because the hair is saturated or is it prone to run no matter what amount you put on??? I was thinking of applying mine with a dropper or an empty Visine bottle...cuz the hole is really small.

When I first got my MTG order, I applied it liberally all over my scalp (I currently have braids). It slid down my neck and onto my shoulders, and let's just say DISASTER! It tore up my neck, shoulders and upper back. I had to exfoliate and put cocoa butter, shea butter, hyrdrocortisone and Alpha hydroxy to get rid of the flaking skin and irritation. I learned to put less on my hair. I also apply it to my hands and massage onto my scalp or use a spray bottle. Sometimes, I'll even use an applicator bottle, but I have to be really careful not to put too much on (it irritates my sensitive skin). I suggest using a towel to wrap around your neck and shoulders while you apply, and when you go to bed. You need to see how your scalp reacts to MTG before knowing whether it irritates you or not.
I mixed mine with sweet almond oil, lavender & vanilla oils to mask the smell. I part my hair and dab it along the part. I don't saturate my hair, as iI leave it in all day 2x a week. I may use it straight if I know I will be washing my hair the next morning, but I only do that on the Saturdays I don't have class, which isn't often.

It DOES make my hair really shiny looking for my ponytail, though.
I currently have my hair in a weave. As w/other oils I use a color app bottle and squirt the oil onto my scalp (in btw the tracks). Then I use my finger tips to massage into scalp. The only time mine has run down my back is when I accidentally used too much. Its just like any other oil in that way. So now I try to be careful not to use as much. I never got any skin rash or anything but I noticed that the back of neck would start itching if I get too much of it on there...
I have mine in a spray bottle ( one of those small ones you can buy from sally's) becaus the spray is fine I've never had the problem of it running everywhere.