MTG pic update 5 weeks later


New Member
Helo everyone, my lazy behind finally got some pics on my fotki.
I have a pic from July 21, a few hrs b4 I got a relaxer, and you can see my kitchen is all jacked up. I also have a pic from last friday after getting a dominican blowout, I use MTG like 4-5days a week, and its filling in nicely. I use Surge, but not as often cause it dries my hair up a lot, I'm also taking Biotin and L-Cysteine.

I started doing the baggie challenge last week, and thats working great, I cant wait till I get my touchup after 9-10weeks.

HHG ladies :)
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OMG!! I can't believe your hair grew that much in 5 weeks!! It looks great! Pls share your regimen - Many congrats...
Ok, I'm upping my mtg usage! TY for sharing...
BBabe said:
OMG!! I can't believe your hair grew that much in 5 weeks!! It looks great! Pls share your regimen - Many congrats...
Ok, I'm upping my mtg usage! TY for sharing...

I cant believe it either, till my mom and lil sister who are the biggest skeptics ever started asking to use some of my stuff. My kitchen area has been danger zone for last few months, and even earlier in the summer, I couldnt even wear simple pony tail because i didnt want folks to see it, now I can :)
My b4 pic was seriously jacked up, i mean i knew it was, but goodness looking at it now, I cant imagine rocking it like that, thank goodness i didnt cut it all off.

I was CW every other day for 1st 2 weeks post relaxer, and then got lazy due to schl and that turned to 2x a week. I would put MTG on my scalp at night, smell and all :D massage it in, and then add shea butter to my ends. I CW at night, so that I can braid it, and let it out the next day. Now since I started baggie challenge, I just put it in a bun and wrap a scarf around it. I upped my biotin from 1000mg to 5000mg in the past 2 weeks, and I take 1500mg L-cystein.
I'm running out of MTG, need to order more!!
Dang girl. That's amazing for five weeks. Keep that album updated, I want to see how you progress with the MTG. Happy growing.
Yeah I'm on shapley's website ordering a new bottle of MTG, shoot I stay in farm country :D, I might be able to find it in a horse store here, let me open up the phone book.
I'm getting a touchup at 9.5week mark, which is in a lil over 3 weeks, I cant wait till then. I think I use MTG a lot more than most people, but I'm not stopping either :)
Naijaqueen said:
Helo everyone, my lazy behind finally got some pics on my fotki.
I have a pic from July 21, a few hrs b4 I got a relaxer, and you can see my kitchen is all jacked up. I also have a pic from last friday after getting a dominican blowout, I use MTG like 4-5days a week, and its filling in nicely. I use Surge, but not as often cause it dries my hair up a lot, I'm also taking Biotin and L-Cysteine.

I started doing the baggie challenge last week, and thats working great, I cant wait till I get my touchup after 9-10weeks.

HHG ladies :)

Nice growth:eek:
That looks like some GREAT progress... Your hair has made a big come back in such a short amount of time... Thanks for sharing the pics :)
I am a pj and not ready to ride the pony but, the difference in that 1st and 2nd pic is like whaaaaow:eek: . Beautiful hair. HHG.
Your hair is THRIVING!.....I need me another bottle, my last layer is 3 inches from bra stap so MORE MTG here I COME!

Great growth! I was a little disappointed because I didn't receive as much growth as I wanted but you have convinced me to up my usage. HHG!
lisajames96 said:
I am a pj and not ready to ride the pony but, the difference in that 1st and 2nd pic is like whaaaaow:eek: . Beautiful hair. HHG.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm scurd of MTG. This is the first time I went to the website and read the confessions about the horses mane and tails.

Good progress!
I got grreat growth w/ mtg when I was texturized. I am still fetting good growth now, but can't measure it w. my tight, curly hair. :lol: