@#*! MTG... People at work can smell me! HELP!


New Member
Someone just commented in a meeting, "What's that smell in here"!!!! So I had to play it off like I couldn't smell anything :confused:

What can I do to possibly NEUTRALIZE this smell from the MTG? If not completely neutralize, MASK IT really good? Please let me know what works for you. I'm desperate for a solution! I was thinking just put it on my "catch-up spots" only, and not my whole head... But if I can still do something about the smell, even better!
I only put it on my scalp after a shampoo in the evening. that way when I wake up the next morning you can't smell it " unless you've got your nose right on my head ! :lol: "
I did apply it before bed... And I only put it on my scalp - not all my hair. If you guys can't smell yours in the morning, maybe I got a potent batch or something! :confused:
maybe try some mango butter or essential oils like peppermint. " please forgive the mispelling". If i'm not mistaking some of the ladies here use other oils to mask the smell :yep:
LMAO at that! Someone here had suggested Sebastian's Dry Clean Only. (And of course, being the product junkie that I am, I raced out to find it. No luck!)
yeah maybe try mixing in it with something else...i mixed mine with the surge/scurl/and infusim 23...i mean i could kind of still smell it..but im sure there are somethings that can hide the odor...just try if you have time going to maybe a BSS to see if you find somekind of oil to mix it in a spray bottle..and maybe that will mask the odor...to me it smells like a strong sulfur 8 smell...
I apply it in the evening and massage into my scalp.

Don't use too much at one time! It should not be running down your neck or forehead. I used too much when I fist got MTG, and I could smell myself on the train. :eek:

How is your hair styled? I noticed that the smell lingers in my braids even after washing.
Good luck!
I mix mine with peppermint oil and either eucalyptus or tea tree oil. They mask the smell really well. I try to apply it right when I get home from work. That way the smell has all that evening and night to wear off.
When u put it on yr scalp, the smell lingers longer. That's why I only put it on my hair. I daily cw and have no prob w mtg smell. Surge also cuts the mtg smell and any conditioner u have.... Are u sure they were smelling u? It could've someone else..... ;) :lol:
NoNapNique said:
Someone just commented in a meeting, "What's that smell in here"!!!! So I had to play it off like I couldn't smell anything :confused:

What can I do to possibly NEUTRALIZE this smell from the MTG? If not completely neutralize, MASK IT really good? Please let me know what works for you. I'm desperate for a solution! I was thinking just put it on my "catch-up spots" only, and not my whole head... But if I can still do something about the smell, even better!

:lol: Im too scared to use mine now... But it may not have been you!
Natrlchallenge said:
When u put it on yr scalp, the smell lingers longer. That's why I only put it on my hair. I daily cw and have no prob w mtg smell. Surge also cuts the mtg smell and any conditioner u have.... Are u sure they were smelling u? It could've someone else..... ;) :lol:

Are you using it to grow your hair? or just as a product? otherwise what good is putting it on your hair instead of your scalp?

Oh and to the op, bottom line, you have to be using waaaay too much if people can smell you in a meeting.
bluediamond0829 said:
to me it smells like a strong sulfur 8 smell...
That's what I said when I first received mine, I would just say my hair grease, then maybe I wouldn't. I actually use it every other day on the scalp and apply my Africa's Best hair oil to my scalp on the off days, plus I moisturize my hair 3'x a day w/BB castor oil mixed w/the Africa's Best hair oil I just rub it in over my cornrolls and that has helped more than going cold turkey. Since I dress just like my avatar I take fabreeze (actually walmart knock off version) and spray my scarf before putting it on, I guess I have a liittle added protection,LOL, but when I didn't use the oil and moisturizer my scarf would smell just like MTG and I could actually smell it myself. :lachen: Since the colder months are arriving I say to the ladies using MTG and will be wearing hats to keep warm, get yourself some fabreeze or the knock off version at Walmart only $1.27 and Spray Spray Spray. :lachen: I actually brought it for the car, I guess it came in big time handy.
I am not sure what will mask the smell, but this is too funny to me. I can just imagine you trying to play it off like you don't know what the smell is! Good luck!
I use Rosemary or Peppermint oil.

NoNapNique said:
Someone just commented in a meeting, "What's that smell in here"!!!! So I had to play it off like I couldn't smell anything :confused:

What can I do to possibly NEUTRALIZE this smell from the MTG? If not completely neutralize, MASK IT really good? Please let me know what works for you. I'm desperate for a solution! I was thinking just put it on my "catch-up spots" only, and not my whole head... But if I can still do something about the smell, even better!
mix it, mix it, mix it!!!
don't use it straight
i use it mixed with infusium/aveda elixir/surge

...and uh, maybe u should try a stronger perfume (every little bit helps)
I oned mixed mine with peppermint oil---that works very good, but only use a few drops because it's EO and they are strong.

I use MTG straight up. Last night I saturated my head in it. The smell doesn't bother me as much as I anticipated. I opt to use it on my scalp and hair because the directions say so. That oil makes my curl springalicious!
How do you know it was you? Maybe someone farted or some one else's hair smelled :confused: Before this meeting, had you ever smelled it yourself, or had someone said something to you/looked like they smelled it? The reason why I ask is you might be going through all this for nothing (if it wasn;t you)
NYCQT16 said:
How do you know it was you? Maybe someone farted or some one else's hair smelled :confused: Before this meeting, had you ever smelled it yourself, or had someone said something to you/looked like they smelled it? The reason why I ask is you might be going through all this for nothing (if it wasn;t you)
LOL. :lol: If the smell was like a fart, it definitely wasn't you. :lol: MTG doesn't smell like fart. Well I hope other ppl around me don't think so. :ohwell: But like my roommate told me one day, "do u smell hotdogs?" I was like no it's my hair oil. :lol: But actually the more I use it, the less it smells and now I'm worried b/c the smell always reminds me of how it works and will help my hair. :lol: I barely smell it anymore even right after I apply it. I actually sniff the bottle to see if it has its strong smell. (I know...I'm weird) Anyway the smell is usually completely gone by the morning for me.
NoNapNique said:
I did apply it before bed... And I only put it on my scalp - not all my hair. If you guys can't smell yours in the morning, maybe I got a potent batch or something! :confused:

Use it sparringly a little goes a long way with MTG, if you dont use a lot you definitely can't smell it unless like someone else said they're all up in your head.
Millah03 said:
Peppermint oil is the bomb. I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. Like Millah03 said. Go to GNC or wholefood store and buy some Peppermint Oil. You will smell like a candy cane versus a salty hog. :grin:
MTG, Sulfer 8, Glover's, etc all STINK to me. I can smell the scent a mile away. This lady at the mall had some type of sulfer product in her hair and I almost gagged. Why don't you just sleep with the MTG overnight w/ a plastic cap and CW in the morning for a fresh, clean scent. I wouldn't go out in public smellin' like that. Your co-workers ( at least those with a sensitive nose) will thank you.
aileendq said:
LMAO at that! Someone here had suggested Sebastian's Dry Clean Only. (And of course, being the product junkie that I am, I raced out to find it. No luck!)

Keep looking it's worth it. It's basically deodorant for hair. I heard BedHead has something similar but I haven't tried it. I think it's called After Party.
I made a mixture w/MTG, Castor Oil, Peppermint Oil, Lavendar Oil, and Dr. Miracles Braid Relief Gel but now I have been using straight MTG on my hair line and nape. What I do is I paste on some of Dr. Miracles Temple Balm right after though and that cuts the MTG smell right out. I only rub some MTG with my fingers on the scalp because I don't want it running everywhere. Dr. Miracles scalp products smell sort of like cinnamon which is better than smelling like bacon to me!
I put it on my hair last night and I can smell it today, but I don't think its strong enough that others would complain.

I usually put on MTG then follow up with Oyin Whipped Pudding (it has shea butter etc). This is the only thing that works for the MTG smell on my hair. I tried to use Curve Butter Creme last night because it has pepermint oil in it but it did not work to cover the smell like I hoped. So I have to order more of the Oyin.

I also think I used too MTG much last night AND I am wearing a Wash and Go so maybe that is why (usually wear a ponytail)

Maybe the Surge Hair Deoderizer spray would help.
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i mixed my mtg with a little jojoba and CD tui oil. i put about 1oz mtg in a color app bottle and filled to 2oz half jojoba and half tui oil. the tui oil is the scent that carries, jojoba i use mostly for moisture.

the mtg is faint and the mixture is loose so i use it carefully and sparingly. i have been using it every night since friday (when i got my cornrows). i put it in bewteen the braids on the scalp and go to bed. by morning, its still faint but i always use a sheen spray or some optimum 3 in 1 moisterizer and that usually masks it all together. i have never used it straight.
When I use my MTG mix (with Lavender oil, Bourbon Vanilla oil, and jojoba) I can smell it. I can even smell it after a good scrub with a shampoo! So I only use it once a week now, because I take the train to work and I KNOW other people can smell, because I can smell myself!

It's a shame, because I really love what it does for my hair!