MTG - Need some help in how to use it.


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I have recently purchased M-T-G and I need some assistance in how to use it. I have place some in a spray bottle, and spray it towards my roots. Afterwards, I am finding these are my issues:
- hair becomes extremely dry if it should touch my hair while spraying
(yes I spray the solution on while my hair is wet)
- smell - OMG!!! *whew& the sulfur smell kills me sometimes.
- Once the sulfur dries, and I go exercise -- I can "still" smell the sulfur and am afraid that the person working out next to me can smell it even worse. (Sweat mixed with Sulfur is not a good combination...:grin:)

I am finding that MN works better for me than Sulfur, and I get it for a $1 a tube!

Can anyone provide a great smelling combination to mix the sulfur so if I should use my remainder quantity it doesn't dry out my hair. I know that i am pretty much "stuck" with the smell..

Thanks Ladies for all your input.
*Note: Yes I have visited the Sulfur threads, but didn't see any combinations that would work best for me.
Well, I've used it in a pointy-nosed bottle and apply "lightly" to roots only, and it's so concentrated, i can only use a tiny amount and allow it to spread on its own...otherwise, i'm greasy drippy city..not cute. How about adding rosemary, lavendar and other essential oils to it to camouflage the scent? I use it at night and generally by morning the smell has faded. Hope this helps!!!
Thank you for your suggestion Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll

Child of The Most High...

I might just try your suggestion. Now I have tried it with Vanilla and it temporarily helped! It is a body spray, actually -- but heyyy it worked..:lachen::lachen:

I think what is going to happens is that I will end up giving it away. I haven't even gotten to 1/4" of the bottle. I've used it twice now, and doing it again it just hard! Granted, I've been wearing braids..and certainly wouldn't think about using this stuff when I am wearing my hair out.

*Note: Ladies, if for some reason I don't reply -- I am not being rude, it's because I am still trying to work out using this site, but all suggestions are appreciated!!!

Happy Growing Ladies..