MTG, How is your new growth?


Well-Known Member
My husband has nick named me "The medicine woman!" now because of all my MTG Combo's, i'm getting good growth but i notice ome strands are extremely thick, they stretch very long for example (if my hair is 8inches some strands will stretch to 12):ohwell:
I need a little trim soon but the texture of this new growth is very thick and kinda wirey at the ends!!!
wantlonghealthyhair said:
My husband has nick named me "The medicine woman!" now because of all my MTG Combo's, i'm getting good growth but i notice ome strands are extremely thick, they stretch very long for example (if my hair is 8inches some strands will stretch to 12):ohwell:
I need a little trim soon but the texture of this new growth is very thick and kinda wirey at the ends!!!
:grin: :yay: Great Job!!! How long have you been "a user"?? And what's your frequency? Congrats funky bacon head!!!! I tip by funky bacon scarf at you!
I've started using MTG on December 22, 2005 and I really see a difference. I have 1/2 inch new growth...going this rate I should be able to make my 3-4 inches by the end of April.:grin:
As said before my hair isn't growing exceptionally fast, it's just that it's getting a lot thicker... I'm kinda wondering when it will grow grow grow haha
Since my hair is in twist extensions, I can't measure my growth, but my real hair is growing all out of the twists! I had to switch up my MTG blend because the "wet" consistency was making my twists frizz. But now, I've added it to the oil blend I use and it is doing great. By the way, adding MTG to my oil blend eliminated the bacon smell altogether AND I found that by applying MTG with a spray bottle, vs. an applicator bottle, I get more even coverage and less drippies on the neck.
wantlonghealthyhair said:
My husband has nick named me "The medicine woman!" now because of all my MTG Combo's, i'm getting good growth but i notice ome strands are extremely thick, they stretch very long for example (if my hair is 8inches some strands will stretch to 12):ohwell:
I need a little trim soon but the texture of this new growth is very thick and kinda wirey at the ends!!!
How long have you been using MTG? You said it's making your hair really thick. Do you have naturally thick hair or the MTG thicken it up?
wantlonghealthyhair said:
My husband has nick named me "The medicine woman!" now because of all my MTG Combo's, i'm getting good growth but i notice ome strands are extremely thick, they stretch very long for example (if my hair is 8inches some strands will stretch to 12):ohwell:
I need a little trim soon but the texture of this new growth is very thick and kinda wirey at the ends!!!

My hair grows just like that. Short wiry strands here and there, and then there's these long wiry ones too. My new strands make my old ones look anorexic.
My NG is more spirally but I think that is due to the MSM I have been taking for over a year now. MTG definantly helps speed things up!
I started using MTG on December 27. I used it everyday for a week and co-washed daily. After that I began using it every other day and shampooing/deep conditioning twice a week. The bacon smell doesn't bother me.

I have 1 inch of NG in some places, 1/2 or a little more in most places. I think that's great considering I got my last touch-up on Dec 10. My hair has been getting thicker also...the NG has a looser wave pattern...but that could be because of the MSM I take. I've been on that for about 4-5 months.
i've been using MTG for about 2 weeks. i try to use every 2 days, or whenever i remember. my new growth is extremely thick. not just the new growing in but also the existing new growth. mtg helps to make it more manageable.

why does MSM make your hair wirey/coily???
I've been using mtg for about 1 week. I mixed it with Shea Butter and that got rid of the smell. I use it everynight, I definitely see a difference in my hair.
Hey Squirel/Brown suga,
I'm not good with dates but i've been using MTG for approx 3weeks now, nearly every single day! I had to get my hair re braided yesterday because the growth is getting hectic! Lol
Not complaining though my hair has never grown so fast in my life, i'm using MSM too so wondering if the extra long very wiry strands are from the MSM?!
Liz25_Ga said:
How long have you been using MTG? You said it's making your hair really thick. Do you have naturally thick hair or the MTG thicken it up?

Hey girl, my hair used to be a 4B but it looks like its becoming 4A!!!!!
It's naturally thick, getting thicker (i'm natural :D )
been using MTG 3-4 weeks, still have 5, its a keeper for me!
ok, i'm glad i'm not the only one getting these weird wirey strands, how often are you MTG'ing? i do it daily, wondering if i should alternate surge and MTG, i want beautiful hair not wiry! but its making my old growth wirey, the new growth no complaints beautifully thick.....How long have you been using it?