MTG=Gray hair


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I was wondering if any of you experienced gray hair due to the use of MTG. I read that this happened to a few ladies on another forum and I am curious to know if any ladies here has had the same experience
I never had a problem with it...I have a natural grey streak in the front of my hair (thank goodness for hair color! ;) ), and I haven't seen any more grey crop up.
MTG has done nothing but enhance my hair health and growth (although it smells like a smoked donkey's butt.)
Now that you mention it, yeah!

I just thought ...hey I'm 34, maybe this is common.

But in early spring during my MTG explorations I certainly did notice more white hair (that prompted me to try colourshines and a few other color products). I hadn't connected MTG directly to this saga.

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What???? Is this common? Wow, thats scary....I knew this stuff was too good to be true :p

@nikkipoo, Could you post a link to that thread you mentioned on another forum?
nikkipoo said:

yep, i had good success with MTG from Nov to March when I stopped using it. But I noticed a lot of gray hairs and I am only 21 and never have gray hairs so I stopped. I was kinda bummed but its not worth having to deal with the gray hairs. I read on another board that other people were suffering from this too.
zoj2 said:
yep, i had good success with MTG from Nov to March when I stopped using it. But I noticed a lot of gray hairs and I am only 21 and never have gray hairs so I stopped. I was kinda bummed but its not worth having to deal with the gray hairs. I read on another board that other people were suffering from this too.

Yep, I was wondering about this because its not just happening to the older women but young women too. They are all blaming it on MTG. I haven't experienced grey hair with it,but then again I didn't use it long.
zoj2 said:
yep, i had good success with MTG from Nov to March when I stopped using it. But I noticed a lot of gray hairs and I am only 21 and never have gray hairs so I stopped. I was kinda bummed but its not worth having to deal with the gray hairs. I read on another board that other people were suffering from this too.

Thats so sad zoj2, is your new newgrowth grey also?
Thanks for the info I just ordered a bottle but I think I'm gonna have to cancel I can't be rockin grey hairs at 23
Isis said:
Thank you Nikkipoo for sharing this. I've never tried MTG although I've been asked about it from others. It sounds like MTG causes a deficiency in something, perhaps B vitamins?

No problem, I guess that this is just one of the negatives of MTG
I used MTG but not extensively at all. I wonder if that could be the culprit in the three gray hairs that popped up on the side of my head a couple months ago. I hope there's not more to come!
Safina87 said:
Thats so sad zoj2, is your new newgrowth grey also?

No, but i would find long gray hairs. As soon as I stopped, the root hair would be black and the end would be gray. Weird.
Mine, too, and the grays would be completely straight while the rest of my hair is curly. Does gray hair not curl? I've seen people with curly gray hair. Is this stuff causing the hairs to mutate? Weird.
Not me so I won't be stopping anytime soon.

I'd think it's hereditary though. I have relatives who have gray hairs and they aren't over the age of 21. They just popped up one day and they were not use MTG. I agree that gray hairs are caused by a vitamin defieciency but I doubt that MTG is completely the culprit. :look:
I've been using MTG since last summer, no gray hairs at all, but I'll keep checking, I also take a good amount of vitamins esp. Vit B's
Well despite the gray hairs I am still going to give this a try. I mean MTG was at the top of the best speedy hair growers poll. So if a few gray hairs pop up,oh well;)
Funny, because I haven't used MTG in a while, but I have noticed a few gray strands here and there. I am 2 years from 40, though, so, of course, I didn't trip.

If you're young, you would definitely attribute the MTG to gray hair.

I have a whole bottle of this left. I'm continuing to use it on my sides, though, which is still the weakest part of my hair due to years of abuse.
I have noticed grays popping up. But I am 32 so I don't mind. It's not like I look like Peppy Le Pew or something. Just a few gray hairs here and there.