MTG for London and UK Ladies


New Member
I dont know if any of the UK ladies are using this but I bit the bullet and decided to order it directly from after trying for ages to find a supplier in the UK to no avail.

Just to let you know I ordered via thier website on the evening of 6th Feb and it arrived on 13th Feb. Not bad for speed.

Just thought I'd let you all know in case anyone was considering ordering it.

And yes, its does smell like Walkers Smoky Bacon Crisps :lol: I'll find something to mask the smell.

Maybe I'll just walk around with some crisps in my hand all day so if anyone notices the smell I can blame the crisps :lachen:
Hi Dual....can you tell me how much/what you ordered and the total cost including P&P.....need to know if i have to save the cash.

Cheers girl.
Yeah, it does have a faint smell of Bacon. Not as bad as some people make it. What you could do is put pure peppermint oil on your scalp before you put the MTG so you won't have to dillute the bottle. And then put the MTG on.

BTw, I hate my mailwoman. She didn't even leave a notice to let me know she attempted to deliver a package. I had to check my UPS status.
Bublin said:
Hi Dual....can you tell me how much/what you ordered and the total cost including P&P.....need to know if i have to save the cash.

Cheers girl.

Hey Bublin

I ordered the trial size only as I didnt want a megabottle if I decided it was not good for me. It was the 6oz bottle which was $6.95. But the postage was much more, $28. In total the bill was $35.05 which equates to about £17.80.

May seem alot but I spend £80 a month on vitamin & hair care supplements so it was pocket change to me. If it works its well worth the money I guess. But you dont know until you've tried.

I did chose the Global Express tracking delivery option which costs more than the normal delivery, I just wanted the piece of mind that I could track its whereabouts if it was taking ages to arrive.

Hope that helps.
chica_canella said:
Yeah, it does have a faint smell of Bacon. Not as bad as some people make it. What you could do is put pure peppermint oil on your scalp before you put the MTG so you won't have to dillute the bottle. And then put the MTG on.

BTw, I hate my mailwoman. She didn't even leave a notice to let me know she attempted to deliver a package. I had to check my UPS status.

Thanks for that...I may well do that. Im only patch testing at the moment at night just to make sure I dont have any adverse reaction to it or growing horse hooves :lachen:

If I dont react within a week of use that MTG will be going on morning and night I can tell you!

My other half asked me what was in the box, I didnt dare tell him what it was, I just said "Oh its my hair stuff"...thank God the delivery note on the front of the box said "hair conditioner" and not "Horse Hair Conditioner" :lol:
Please forgive me but i think i'm going to buy this stuff but i'm confused.

Are you buying shampoo and conditioner or something else that you are applying to the scalp? :perplexed

Dual, you said you ordered the trial size. Trial size of what?

I have looked at the website and am still confused as to what specific products people are actually raving about.

Also would buying the whole trial size pack of different products be worth?

Thanks ladies.
Well our chips are kinda greesy :grin: . Im sure ppl will just think that. I’m using the alternative with sulphur powder but i wana try it though.

Let us know how you get on as far as growth goes. Don’t forget to take a before and after pic. PM me…

Also i don't know if you guys are down, but why don't we order as a group. i'm sure there are a lot of us out there. it would save on postage. Bubblin i know u r down
TemiLnd said:
Well our chips are kinda greesy :grin: . Im sure ppl will just think that. I’m using the alternative with sulphur powder but i wana try it though.

Let us know how you get on as far as growth goes. Don’t forget to take a before and after pic. PM me…

Also i don't know if you guys are down, but why don't we order as a group. i'm sure there are a lot of us out there. it would save on postage. Bubblin i know u r down

:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh My Goodness - is my desperation that obvious? :lol: :lol: :lol: . Man oh man. How would we organise payment as for one person to pay upfront would be a lot of dosh.
Lol…nah never that!! Hehehe :grin:
Im just as desperate as you. I’m moving to the states in May, I may wait till then to get it. It could be pricey but we should at least find out. I’ve just been fooling around on the Shapley site and it seem that if you order 8 or more, postage is free in the states. So maybe they can do sthg like that for us. If we order a certain number, postage could be reduced. What do you think? I’ve got the number for international orders and I’m gona call them tonight. I’ll keep you guys posted.
Bublin said:

Go for it and please us know the result of the phone call.

hey Bubblin and London ladies,
I couldn't wait so i called them. They said that if i was to order a crate of 12 32oz i would get a 15% product discount. So from $19.95 to $16.95. I had to send an email to get an accurate quote for postage. Once i get that ill be able to determine if i should start a new thread offering a bulk buy.
Just keeping you posted...
i bought this about 18 months ago and really couldnt stand the smell...i actually threw up and gave my bottle away...i had even added peppermint eo and rose and something else but it still stunk to high heaven!!
it does give great results though from what others have said so if you can get past the smell stick to it

Hi Bublin

Sorry for the delay, was at work.

I ordered the orginal MTG, Shapleys have it in a 6oz trial size. When you go to the Shapleys website, click on products and its the 6th one down in the left column.

I am just patch testing it at the moment just to make sure I can tolerate it on my scalp which is sensitive. Used it for three days now and no reactions. But rass it stink sah!!! :lol:

Like I said before, if you want to know the true odour, just open a packet of walkers smoky bacon crisps, thats exactly how it smells with a hint of Bar-B-Q in it. I kid you not.
TemiLnd said:
hey Bubblin and London ladies,
I couldn't wait so i called them. They said that if i was to order a crate of 12 32oz i would get a 15% product discount. So from $19.95 to $16.95. I had to send an email to get an accurate quote for postage. Once i get that ill be able to determine if i should start a new thread offering a bulk buy.
Just keeping you posted...

Now thats entrepreneurship for go girl. If mine works on me I'll be happy to purchase from you.
" But rass it stink sah!!! :lol: "

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the reply Dual. I get it now but i'm wondering if anyone uses the shampoo or any of the other products.

I'm now waiting for TemiLnd's result..................;)