MTG Daily???


New Member
Greetings, ladies! I am participating in a personal MTG challenge (I've got smoked baby back ribs on my mind allllll night long). I'm being very aggressive with usage, but was wondering iof daily usage w/ daily co-washes is too aggressive. The directions (for the the horsey) instruct weekly usage, and then a general tapering off. Has anyone else been successful w/ daily applications? I haven't had any side effects (eating grass, trotting through the streets, etc....) or rashing, burning.......And my husnband hasn't said a word (although I have been applying lavender oil to my scarf, and sleeping in a platic cap to mask the smell, and it's gone in the am).....That, and BBD Glass...the combination has ROCKED MY FOLLICULAR WORLD!!!! (too bad Big Bad D scares the you know what out of me......) but the man knows his product!!!
I was using it everyday,now I'm at 5days a week, love it,my hair loves it and has really grown out. I now wash once a week, 7 weeks post relaxer and its cold here
I have been using mtg since march and it works great right now i am not using it everyday but every other day and i am currently in braids so the braids absorbs the smell better
Naijaqueen said:
I was using it everyday,now I'm at 5days a week, love it,my hair loves it and has really grown out. I now wash once a week, 7 weeks post relaxer and its cold here

From your start date to now, what is your growth rate?
cyninmon123 said:
I have been using mtg since march and it works great right now i am not using it everyday but every other day and i am currently in braids so the braids absorbs the smell better
Since March??? What has been YOUR growth rate, as well?
I've been using MTG since September. At first I was using it 5 days a week, shampooed once a week on Sat. (didn't use it Sat. or Sunday, just enjoyed my rollerset.) By the time Monday came, I was on my 5 day cycle, but it made my hair pretty oily, so I wore a bun M-F. Friday night, did a deep condition with it and slept in a plastic cap to prepare for my Sat. poo.

I am now almost 12 weeks post (this sat.) and for the past 2 weeks, i have discoverd co-washing. I have cw every day or either every other day and no matter what, i use the mtg on my scalp while my hair is wet when i finish cs. I have been using it for the past two weeks EVERY day. I am trying to stretch for 4 mor weeks, but i have a lot of new growth. (noticed that after a couple of weeks of using it)...My roots are so wavy that when I pull my hair back to do a bun, the only straight hair you see is on the very top; so much new growth and waves that it shows (from the bottom of my scalp) through. I haven't really had it straight for the past 8 or 9 weeks so i know i will be in for a pleasant surprise when I do. Even with all the new growth, the last time i rollerset it, as it fell and I combed it out, I could tell the thickness and that it had gained some length so I can't wait!!
i just started using last night. i use the mango oil to msk the smell. i hope i don't have any reaction to it so that i can see results like others. my plan is to use it 2x week or 3x a week and wash onces a week. i don't like my hair too greasy.
i use it daily and under shower cap and satin cap and cond wash with vo5 free me freesia every 3 days and for july august i got 1.5 inch per month (3inch) then run out so the 3rd month i got 1inch (just vits biotin super b complex silica,msm sulfur powder,multi, vitol hair vits). Now for oct i got 2inch, and november is looking good too i started with 2 inches and a growth of 0.25 to 0.5 without anything now with vits and daily mtg and cond wash every 3days i get 1.5-2inches per months my sec update for oct nov dec will be on january 1 it will mark 6 months but it would mean i gain at least a minimum of 6inches in 6 months thanks to mtg and vits thatsss cool so i did not change a little bit to my regimen still hiding my hair under cornrows and braids and baggie method for 2inch/mo i ll do it for a year