MTG and Working OUt


Tricking the president
are any of you guys working out? does it make the oil smell worse? i'm really worried about having the sweat mixed with the oil dripping down my face. will it be okay if i just tie a bandana around my head while i work out?
My ecperience was that it caused more buildup on the scalp and roots, but didn't smell any worse.
I was jumping rope outside on day 2-3 after my application. It didn't smell worse but the smell was more pronounced. The largest percentage of body heat is released through your head (I think) and once I started sweating I thought I would faint. Every car that drove by with their window down made me self-conscious. I wasn't sure if it was all in my head but the fumes made my head start hurting, literally. I couldn't STAND the way I smelled. I will never do that again. I, personally, can only bear the smell on freshly-washed hair, nothing more, nothing less. No additional applications and no sweating!
I apply my MTG mixture in the evening before retiring to bed. I read a tip that doing that it has time to absorb more efficiently and the smell is gone when you wake up in the morning.
I think it smells stronger.
I also think the smell is stronger when you actually wet ure hair with warm water to wash it out.
I havent used it in a while and wont be while the weather is still warm

Diane71 said:
I apply my MTG mixture in the evening before retiring to bed. I read a tip that doing that it has time to absorb more efficiently and the smell is gone when you wake up in the morning.

i apply in the evenings too, twice a week, and i don't smell anything in the mornings. when i work out, i still don't smell the mtg.
I was afraid of this when I started, but I don't think mine smells any worse. And Lord knows my training partner would have told me by this point if I smelled.