
New Member
Well after being natural for about 5months or so I am now seriously considering getting a perm. I have been using mtg for a few weeks and would like some advice :
How long i should i wait to get a perm ?
Can I just wash out the mtg and perm my hair?

And do you have any perm suggestion that will get my newgrowth straight?
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One more question. Before I decideded to go natural I still had an unused perm left. Do perms have an expiration date or can I still use it?
I have read a few posts where their relaxer didn't take b/c of the MTG. Seems like most were waiting AT LEAST a week after stopping the MTG and washing their hair a time or two.

Not sure about relaxer expiration dates...
Most relaxers have an expiration date of 4 years after the manufacture date. This however, may or may not be posted on the packaging. :ohwell:
VWVixxen said:
Most relaxers have an expiration date of 4 years after the manufacture date. This however, may or may not be posted on the packaging. :ohwell:

Hmmm... Is this expiration date for relaxers you have to mix, or relaxers you don't? Just curious because I've always wondered, but always ended up throwing them out because I didn't want to take that chance.
Thanks ladies I guess I will just wash my hair today and blow dry straight and try perming next week . Because I don't want my hair to fall out after all my hardwork. Thanks again.
msbrown76 said:
Hmmm... Is this expiration date for relaxers you have to mix, or relaxers you don't? Just curious because I've always wondered, but always ended up throwing them out because I didn't want to take that chance.

I haven't used a boxed relaxer in quite a while but from what I remember, they do not recommend using/storing the mixed relaxer after so many hours or days.
I would suggest you wash and wait at least 2 weeks before relaxing if you've been using MTG. I got serious burning from it but other ladies had no complications.
Vwvixen's right about the shelf life of a perm. It's usually about 4 years from the manufactured date. Make sure to mix perm well (lye/no lye)
If you have to combine a solution b4 application, then it's probably a no-lye relaxer. Anything the has to be combined b4 use must be discarded of after use. (IE color)

MTG is sulfur based product. You should really be free of all products before relaxing if you really want it straighten right. Besides your protective base.
HHG ...that's quite a stretch you made without relaxing;)
Do you think if I wash with a clarifying shampoo will it take all the MTG out and I'll be safe to relax within a week. I've stretching for 12 1/2 weeks and if I wash now I can take my hair out of its misery.