MT twice a day too much?


New Member
I FINALLY got some MT and have been using it for a couple of days. Initially I was concerned about the dryness that everyone was talking about but I haven't experienced any of that... actually my new growth seems to love the MT and has been silky and coilly. OK so the point of this thread is can I apply MT to my scalp twice a day? and if so how often should I wash? I generally cowash every 2 days any longer and I get mats and my hair feels like straw... so do you think twice a day will hurt?

Thanks LADIES!
I apply it every day and cowash/wash every other day. I don't think that applying it twice a day will give any added benefits. I say save the product, and your money. Don't do it twice a day. JMHO
I know its not the same but I do OCT in the morning and MT at night. I cowash on Wed and Shampoo wash on Sun. I DC on Wed and Sun as well. I dont have any buildup.
Yes that's too much, money and product you are wasting and it's not necessary. You can use less and acheive the same if not better results. There is such thing as, too much of a good thing, that you babe:)
Thanks ladies!! As always I appreciate you replies!! I haven't had any problem with build up at all... but it's only been a couple of days.. but it was WAY to expensive to waste you're right about that.. so once a day it is