MT product pictures


New Member
Hello Ladies last week I posted a thread asking people to post photos of there MT/OCT products and I did not get a huge response.
Thanks to Justkiya who posted another link with more information.
I got my MT products yesterday late because the UPS guy did not ring my bell but left his post it saying I could pick them up after 7:30p.m. anyhow they smell wonderful. I have the Avocado Mist a leave in conditioner which smells great, along with the Premier natural botanical another leave on conditioner which comes with spray attachments which an not shown. These bottles came in 32oz containers.
The premier cream rinse and the MT equine rebuilder both smell great like tropical fruits and coconuts. Both theses two products came in 16oz containers.

So I will be starting today with braids in my hair and i will keep you guys updated.
Dont pay attention to my eye I was trying to take a pick of the top of my head.:grin::grin::grin:
I will post the regimen that I have been using later and the before before pictures.


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No, I haven't tried the advocado mist, I have had my eye on it for a while, but I am not really sure of how to work it into the MT system.

Please keep us updated on whether it works for you.
No, I haven't tried the advocado mist, I have had my eye on it for a while, but I am not really sure of how to work it into the MT system.

Please keep us updated on whether it works for you.

The avacado mist a is a leave in conditioner that helps stop breakage and prevens dry and brittle hair.

I guess it will replace my infusium 23 for a while. I have change my leaveing regimen to add this mist in. I wont know the try results until December, that is when I will be taking this set of braids out.