MT/OCT users when you reach your goal.....

When I reach my hair goals I will:

  • Completely stop buying or using MT/OCT!

    Votes: 16 20.8%
  • Continue to use but cut back on how often I use MT/OCT.

    Votes: 35 45.5%
  • Continue to use but make changes to other aspects of my regimen.

    Votes: 8 10.4%
  • Keep going strong and keep the same regimen!

    Votes: 20 26.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Will you continue to use MT/OCT and the regimen or will you cut back or stop altogether?

I have been giving this some thought to going off MT when I reach my goal. But if MT helps me reach my goal why would I stop using something that helped me get there? The point was to strengthen my hair to be able to grow to the longer lengths. As well as give my time table a boost so that I can reach my goals sooner.

When I reach my goal I will have much longer hair so I do have concerns with the continued expenses of MT. MT is more expensive than your average over the counter protein conditioner. Followed up with the cream rinse and moisurizing conditioner. :ohwell:

I actually find MT so easy to use I thought I would just continue to use it but cut back on how often I use it. Maybe reduce my hair washing and MT usage to 1-2 times a week. No puting MT on my scalp just DC with it. What do you guys think?
I plan on stopping unless I have a setback. My normal growth rate is .5 per month, and IMO that's sufficient if you aren't aiming for more length.
I actually find MT so easy to use I thought I would just continue to use it but cut back on how often I use it. Maybe reduce my hair washing and MT usage to 1-2 times a week. No puting MT on my scalp just DC with it. What do you guys think?

I haven't DC'd with MT yet. I plan on doing it with my next bottle. If I see added benefits, then I may continue to use it as a DC...sometimes. It's still a little expensive to use as a weekly DC b/c my head is so large:lachen:
I plan on stopping unless I have a setback. My normal growth rate is .5 per month, and IMO that's sufficient if you aren't aiming for more length.

I hear what you are saying. My sister and I had a discussion about MT and it's intended purposes. We came to the conclusion that MT was meant as a temporary fix to a hair loss problem not as a longterm hair conditioner. Which would be a setback like you discribed. Because MT is used to replace bald spots on horses who had damage due to rubbing their hair off or knicks and scrapes that came from various situations. The original MT Rejuvenator was made specifically for human hair growth problems due to chemical damage and chemothearapy. I wonder if I stop using MT will my hair continue to thrive.
I haven't DC'd with MT yet. I plan on doing it with my next bottle. If I see added benefits, then I may continue to use it as a DC...sometimes. It's still a little expensive to use as a weekly DC b/c my head is so large:lachen:

Yeah my head is huge too. :lachen:
I hear what you are saying. My sister and I had a discussion about MT and it's intended purposes. We came to the conclusion that MT was meant as a temporary fix to a hair loss problem not as a longterm hair conditioner. Which would be a setback like you discribed. Because MT is used to replace bald spots on horses who had damage due to rubbing their hair off or knicks and scrapes that came from various situations. The original MT Rejuvenator was made specifically for human hair growth problems due to chemical damage and chemothearapy. I wonder if I stop using MT will my hair continue to thrive.

I think your hair will be fine. :yep: How long have you been using MT? What benefits have you seen with MT?

I haven't seen any definitive proof or studies, but I think your hair will go back to its pre-MT characteristics. I dabbled in OCT for a couple of months before I started using it consistently, and I didn't notice a difference in my hair from the time period when I stopped dabbling til I started using it fully. However, I've only used it on my scalp so the only differences that I would see are length, and maybe thickness.

I was just reading the other thread's testimonies, so I plan on using it as a DC. If I see good results, I'll incorporate it into my regimen...but not too often b/c of cost.
I rarely see a head as large as mine. Your head looks normal to me. :lachen:

I think that I may only get 3 or 4 DCs out of a bottle, b/c of my big head and thick hair. That's $8-$10 a DC. :perplexed

Wow, you must have a lot of brains! :yep: Your head looks fine to me, but your hair looks really nice, thick and full.

That's a lot of money, how about using it only on the ends of your hair where it's most needed to keep the ends from breaking. Maybe that will help you save money and OCT.
I think your hair will be fine. :yep: How long have you been using MT? What benefits have you seen with MT?

I haven't seen any definitive proof or studies, but I think your hair will go back to its pre-MT characteristics. I dabbled in OCT for a couple of months before I started using it consistently, and I didn't notice a difference in my hair from the time period when I stopped dabbling til I started using it fully. However, I've only used it on my scalp so the only differences that I would see are length, and maybe thickness.

I was just reading the other thread's testimonies, so I plan on using it as a DC. If I see good results, I'll incorporate it into my regimen...but not too often b/c of cost.

Thank you, I hope so. I have been using MT since late August. My hair is stronger, longer and fuller. Hair that would never reach past my shoulder surpassed them in only a few weeks. I swore I didn't need more thickness but it actually looks stunning when I straighten it. My hair is just healthier. I think the other aspects that go with using MT has helped tremendously. Like the frequent washing and moisturizing. :yep:
CurlyMoo;5957045 Your head looks fine to me said:
how about using it only on the ends of your hair where it's most needed to keep the ends from breaking[/B]. Maybe that will help you save money and OCT.

My family would whole heartedly disagree, but thank you :yep:

yeah, I may try that next time. That'd save me a lot of MT/OCT. I just hope that there isn't a big difference in the feel/look of the ends as opposed to the mid and upper parts...they may get jealous. :lachen:
Thank you, I hope so. I have been using MT since late August. My hair is stronger, longer and fuller. Hair that would never reach past my shoulder surpassed them in only a few weeks. I swore I didn't need more thickness but it actually looks stunning when I straighten it. My hair is just healthier. I think the other aspects that go with using MT has helped tremendously. Like the frequent washing and moisturizing. :yep:

Your results sound great! No wonder why you want to continue using it....I would too. :lachen:It'd be interesting to see if there are research studies on the longer term use of MT or its ingredients.

I love thickness!!!! I don't think I've noticed more thickness, but the growth has been great. I generally wait 2 weeks post-relaxer to begin MT again, and I can already feel the new growth since last week. I love it!!!
Continue using the MT... unless I have the money to bump it up to OCT by that time and just use it as recommended, not leave it on the scalp.
I am using MT right now and as soon as my order comes in I will be able to alternate MT and OCT. When I reach my goal length I think I will stick with what helped me get there so I guess I am in it for life.:perplexed
Will you continue to use MT/OCT and the regimen or will you cut back or stop altogether?

I have been giving this some thought to going off MT when I reach my goal. But if MT helps me reach my goal why would I stop using something that helped me get there? The point was to strengthen my hair to be able to grow to the longer lengths. As well as give my time table a boost so that I can reach my goals sooner.

When I reach my goal I will have much longer hair so I do have concerns with the continued expenses of MT. MT is more expensive than your average over the counter protein conditioner. Followed up with the cream rinse and moisurizing conditioner. :ohwell:

I actually find MT so easy to use I thought I would just continue to use it but cut back on how often I use it. Maybe reduce my hair washing and MT usage to 1-2 times a week. No puting MT on my scalp just DC with it. What do you guys think?

I think your plan sounds like a good one:yep:

I think once you get there you will kind of automatically be able to gauge when and how your use of it will be needed
When I reach my goal I will keep using it because I think it is a great condtioner but i will probably ONLY use it as a DC. I use MT for people who don't know
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When I reach my goal, I will continue to use it and just cut back on the days, that's all.

I love this stuff for my hair!
I honestly don't know. Using the MT forces me into a certain hairstyle (two strand twists) so that I can have access to my scalp without meddling with my hair. Once I get to my goal length, I don't think that I want to be locked into having to have TST, so I'll have to figure out either another way to use it (maybe I'll start using it as a DC only), or reduce my use to just once or twice a week, or figure out another way to get to my scalp. :lol:

So - I don't know. We shall see what happens.
My family would whole heartedly disagree, but thank you :yep:

yeah, I may try that next time. That'd save me a lot of MT/OCT. I just hope that there isn't a big difference in the feel/look of the ends as opposed to the mid and upper parts...they may get jealous. :lachen:

I noticed that a lot of the ladies with hair to their waist and beyond tend to have a thin tail of hair. I was thinking that if they used MT on those ends they would prolly thicken up to match the rest. :yep: Then stop using MT after. I have read that a few of the ladies use MT on only one side of the hair to catch up with the other. Interesting......
I honestly don't know. Using the MT forces me into a certain hairstyle (two strand twists) so that I can have access to my scalp without meddling with my hair. Once I get to my goal length, I don't think that I want to be locked into having to have TST, so I'll have to figure out either another way to use it (maybe I'll start using it as a DC only), or reduce my use to just once or twice a week, or figure out another way to get to my scalp. :lol:

So - I don't know. We shall see what happens.

Yeah, I think none of us know how we will feel by the time we reach our goals. Once we reach our goals we all might be reluctant to stop using MT/OCT. I hope by that time the prices aren't $100 a pop. :ohwell:
I voted keep the regimen rocking..just because by that time I'll think of it as a regular hair product rituals like shine serums, reconstructors, protein treatments...
I noticed that a lot of the ladies with hair to their waist and beyond tend to have a thin tail of hair. I was thinking that if they used MT on those ends they would prolly thicken up to match the rest. :yep: Then stop using MT after. I have read that a few of the ladies use MT on only one side of the hair to catch up with the other. Interesting......

I plan on cutting mine to about BSL when I get to MBL. I don't like the tail. Some people with the tail might...I think it's more of a V shape that some desire. I plan on using more heat when I get to my goal though, so the MT may help...we'll see.

I honestly don't know. Using the MT forces me into a certain hairstyle (two strand twists) so that I can have access to my scalp without meddling with my hair. Once I get to my goal length, I don't think that I want to be locked into having to have TST, so I'll have to figure out either another way to use it (maybe I'll start using it as a DC only), or reduce my use to just once or twice a week, or figure out another way to get to my scalp. :lol:

So - I don't know. We shall see what happens.

styling is an issue. I recently just found a style that is cute and still allows me to apply my MT. I don't know how long I'm going to want curls in my head though.
When I reach my goal, I will continue to use it and just cut back on the days, that's all.

I love this stuff for my hair!

Your hair is SICK, N&W! Just gorgeous! :blush:

I've been using MT since June. I have thin/fine hair and I find that not only does MT thicken my hair - I have a serious line of demarcation going on from the MT-pre-MT hair :blush: - but it causes it not to break as easily. The added growth is an additional bonus, as far as I'm concerned. Therefore, I will probably discontinue with daily use, but use it more sparingly.

I've also found that I haven't NEEDED to use any more protein conditioner since I started using MT, so that completely takes something else out of my regimen.

Yall DC with MT? I've been applying it to sparingly to my scalp on a daily basis and one bottle has been lasting quite a bit of time.
I've thought about this as well, OP.

I plan to stop using it daily once I reach my goal and just keep a bottle on hand for emergencies (like trimming too much or a random bit of breakage).

Your hair is SICK, N&W! Just gorgeous! :blush:

I've been using MT since June. I have thin/fine hair and I find that not only does MT thicken my hair - I have a serious line of demarcation going on from the MT-pre-MT hair :blush: - but it causes it not to break as easily. The added growth is an additional bonus, as far as I'm concerned. Therefore, I will probably discontinue with daily use, but use it more sparingly.

I've also found that I haven't NEEDED to use any more protein conditioner since I started using MT, so that completely takes something else out of my regimen.

Yall DC with MT? I've been applying it to sparingly to my scalp on a daily basis and one bottle has been lasting quite a bit of time.

Awwww....thanks, sunshinebeautiful!!!:kiss:

Yes, I have started doing that recently and I have to say that I like it. I don't do it alot...I use AO GPB most times!
My goal with MT was to make the front and sides the same length as the back of my hair. I was successful and stopped using it. I gave it to my sister and daughter because they're both trying to grow out their hair.
I will continue to use it. For me it is not about the growth but more about the health. I will continue to use it as a dc because it makes my hair strong. Q
i wouldn't stop if i had some MT left in the bottle by the time i hit my goal length. but once i hit my length, and the bottle runs out, i'll stick to massaging my scalp daily-- doing that in itself, i've noticed a difference in the way my hair grows.
I wasn't using it when this thread was started, but now I can say when I reach my goal I'll still use it either weekly or as a DC, which wouldn't be very often because my hair needs minimal protein treatments.