Mt/OCT and micros?


New Member
Hello everyone
I am a newbie and I and going to get micros and use MT for the first time. Does anyone have any reggies they wouldnt mind sharing? I would love to hear from you, all your reggies, suggestions and cautions if any.
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Hello, some might not respond because there are a lot of threads on MT and OCT, so, I will tell you what I do......I use OCT/BeeMine mixed, I just started, but anyways here you go.....

Sun-apply OCT mix to scalp
Mon-apply OCT mix to scalp
Tues-apply OCT mix to scalp
Wed-wash with my washing regimen
Thurs-apply OCT mix to scalp
Fri- apply OCT mix to scalp
Sat-Wash with my washing regimen

so far so good, and I apply to my scalp like I'm greasing my scalp. You don't have to mix yours, but I do, because I don't know how strong OCT is, but I'm going to do it raw next time. HTH, if you are still curious just do a search on Mega-tek regimens in the search engine........good luck.....
IMO, micros are the best time to use MT, for me anyway. Your scalp is exposed all the time to apply it! no worries about parting and such!

i don't mix mine, i jus apply it to the scalp/hairlines everyday
Thank you ladies.
I ordered my MT last night and getting micos today. I was concerned about co washing every other day with micros. I didnt want them to get too ratty looking and also concerned about slippage. I CANT WAIT TO GET STARTED
IMO, micros are the best time to use MT, for me anyway. Your scalp is exposed all the time to apply it! no worries about parting and such!

i don't mix mine, i jus apply it to the scalp/hairlines everyday
If you apply it to the hairline and scalp every day, when do you co-wash, and wash and DC.
Question open to all. I got my micros now Im waiting for my MT to arrive.