MT/MN got me Mad right NOW


Well-Known Member
Okay, I went from maybe 5 strands a day to breakage (PRE-MT/MN use), oh my goodness particles and small pieces of my hair popping off (Post - MT/MN use). Me no likey That! :blush:

I heard people say alter ego works; for people who have had shedding/breakage from MT/MN. What did you use to stop it?

I am ready to scream. I stopped putting it in my hair for the past 4 days. I Clarified yesterday then gave my self an aphogee treatment 2 step with a MegaSilk Silk Elements Deep Moisture Treatment and the shedding has ceased. HELP! I would like to use it but I don't want to be a 2 stranded bra strap length LHCF member!

Also I don't see any growth as of yet since using it for about 3 weeks! :(
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How often are you DC'ing? I'd think it's a bit of protein overload as my first suspect.

And in your OP, you mention breakage first, then said you used some products, and the shedding stopped - which is it?

Shedding is natural, and it does increase briefly when you start using MT.

Breakage is usually a side effect of us not giving our hair what it needs, fully - maybe not enough moisture? Rough handling? Are you handling your hair more, now that you are using MT?

And if you are having bad breakage, you might not notice the growth - it's all breaking off.... and MT is known to make NG softer, so stuff might be popping off and you aren't seeing it yet.

How often are you DC'ing? I'd think it's a bit of protein overload as my first suspect.

And in your OP, you mention breakage first, then said you used some products, and the shedding stopped - which is it?

Shedding is natural, and it does increase briefly when you start using MT.

Breakage is usually a side effect of us not giving our hair what it needs, fully - maybe not enough moisture? Rough handling? Are you handling your hair more, now that you are using MT?

And if you are having bad breakage, you might not notice the growth - it's all breaking off.... and MT is known to make NG softer, so stuff might be popping off and you aren't seeing it yet.


Pre MT use I was balanced and was not Breaking at all natural shedding of about 5 hairs daily.

After using MT/MN for 3 weeks my hair is shedding. I was braiding my hair back in 4 braids after messaging MT/MN on my scalp with applicator bottle. I co washed with Moisturizing conditioner and Shampooed my hair once week DCing with a moisturizing conditioner.

4 days ago I stopped using MT/MN because of the breakage

Yesterday I Clarifiyed hair twice and put on an aphogee treatment/ as well as DC with Silk ELements MegaSilk Moisture COnditioner. Breakage wasn't as bad; but not as good as pre MT/MN use.

I deep contion once a week; I co wash once a week

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Hrm. It's not humanly possible to not shed at all. Normally, you shed anything from 50 to 100 hairs a day - they fall out all of the time, and you usually don't notice it, esp. if you are relaxed. At work, at home, walking - you drop hair everywhere.

Shedding will increase with the use of MT - it's the only way to allow your hair to grow faster, as the hairs that were close to the end of their life cycle are being pushed out faster. There's nothing wrong/bad/baldness inducing about that. :lol:

Shedding is natural and unavoidable. Breakage is a sign of something wrong. If you are just shedding, don't worry.

With that said, I'd suggest you increase your DC (what are you using?) to twice a week to address the breakage, which I would suspect - as it started after you started using two very drying products - is caused by the fragile, older ends of your hair being too dry/stiff, and snapping off in an instant.
Hrm. It's not humanly possible to not shed at all. Normally, you shed anything from 50 to 100 hairs a day - they fall out all of the time, and you usually don't notice it, esp. if you are relaxed. At work, at home, walking - you drop hair everywhere.

Shedding will increase with the use of MT - it's the only way to allow your hair to grow faster, as the hairs that were close to the end of their life cycle are being pushed out faster. There's nothing wrong/bad/baldness inducing about that. :lol:

Shedding is natural and unavoidable. Breakage is a sign of something wrong. If you are just shedding, don't worry.

With that said, I'd suggest you increase your DC (what are you using?) to twice a week to address the breakage, which I would suspect - as it started after you started using two very drying products - is caused by the fragile, older ends of your hair being too dry/stiff, and snapping off in an instant.

I had went back and corrected that to breakage; but I don't shed even 50 strands a day prior to MT.

I use ION extreme Moisture (for moisture) Silk Elements Luxury Conditioner (for moisture) , Silk Elements MEgaSilk (for moisture) I co wash with V05 (Different ones don't get me to lying) YES, The tips were snapping off, I put the MT on my scalp but I don't rinse it out, I see others were leaving it in. I might think to only use it on co-wash days or right before shampoo. I just don't think I will get the best benifit, but literally this breakage is about to drive me crazy! My husband is like your going to buy another Conditioner to combat the breakage your now getting from this conditioner :nono::nono::nono:.
I am like yeah (trying to explain why)

I don't mind to use it, I just am going GOOGOO GAHGAH over the breakage, like a set back or something, my goodness, everytime touched it little pieces broke off!

If the miracle cure is Alter ego; I need it quick I just want to know if any moisturizing DC would work?
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I had went back and corrected that to breakage; but I don't shed even 50 strands a day prior to MT.

I use ION extreme Moisture (for moisture) Silk Elements Luxury Conditioner (for moisture) , Silk Elements MEgaSilk (for moisture) I co wash with V05 (Different ones don't get me to lying) YES, The tips were snapping off, I put the MT on my scalp but I don't rinse it out, I see others were leaving it in. I might think to only use it on co-wash days or right before shampoo. I just don't think I will get the best benifit, but literally this breakage is about to drive me crazy! My husband is like your going to buy another Conditioner to combat the breakage your now getting from this conditioner :nono::nono::nono:.
I am like yeah (trying to explain why)

Hrrrrmmmmm. I'm honestly not familiar with any of those conditioners....but at least the first one is explicitly moisturizing.

I leave mine in, and the only time I see breakage is when I'm skimping on the DC'ing.

I'd up the DC's to twice a week, and see how things progress. :yep:
How much MT are you using?
Hrrrrmmmmm. I'm honestly not familiar with any of those conditioners....but at least the first one is explicitly moisturizing.

I leave mine in, and the only time I see breakage is when I'm skimping on the DC'ing.

I'd up the DC's to twice a week, and see how things progress. :yep:
How much MT are you using?

You actually got me smiling! From really biting the nails and tearing, I felt like a bad girl when you asked how much MT I was using ( covering my eyes >>>>> ABout everyday!)

Was that a little 2 much? Grits teeth in fear awaiting to hear the answer!
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Do you put MT on your hair or on your scalp? If you are relaxed and only using MT on your scalp, I'm going to say that you need to do a protein treatment to stop the breakage. It sounds like you have a lot of moisture going on.

A lot of people say that MT is a heavy protein but I don't concur. MT is more of a light/moderate protein. If you are experiencing breakage, you may want to look into protein.

Where is Patricia? LOL
You actually got me smiling! From really biting the nails and tearing, I felt like a bad girl when you asked how much MT I was using ( covering my eyes >>>>> ABout everyday!)

Was that a little 2 much? Grits teeth in fear awaiting to hear the answer!

:) I'm glad you are less stressed! You know LHCFsistern gotcha!

No, the frequency should be okay - but you HAVE to increase your DC's to keep your hair in balance.

I was asking about the amount...... if you are using more than two ounces at a time, you are using too much.
Shedding will increase with the use of MT - it's the only way to allow your hair to grow faster, as the hairs that were close to the end of their life cycle are being pushed out faster.

With that said, I'd suggest you increase your DC (what are you using?) to twice a week to address the breakage, which I would suspect - as it started after you started using two very drying products - is caused by the fragile, older ends of your hair being too dry/stiff, and snapping off in an instant.
ohhh made sooo much sense ~ THANK YOU!!!
WOW this is a GREAT post. I can understand wat JJamiah is saying. I have been using MT since July 2009 and for the first 5 months NO sheeding or breakage and my hair was thriving. Then again I was DCing with alter ego at least twice a week. I gave MT a break and now back on the grind, this time using MN almost 3x's a week and MT on my wash days. My hair has excessive breakage and like JJamaih said lil hairs are popping off. I do not have the slightest clue on wat to do, but like one of the ladies said DCing is key and to think of it i need to use MORE garlic conditioner. Oh boy off to the beauty supply store I go ;-)
I had the same problem and found out I could not used aphogee, i statred reading all of my hair prodict checking for protein as one of the ingredients. Since I stop using aphogee my hair stop shedding and falling out as you can see in June 09 my damage hair. Now I used Mt MTG MN and Ovation along with my hair oils , heanne, and moisturizes . I just make sure I wash every three days, and only used one hair growth at a time. Example one week MTG next MT only on my scale with my oil mixer and my ovation I used as a full condition on my hair on wash days. I see a big different in my hair is thicker and fuller , I still waiting on my length , but otherwise I see healthy hair not damage., I looking forward in June 10 too show my progress.
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