MT in Atlanta... Some for me & my sitter 


Well-Known Member
Hi all. Yes, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon, 2. Hey, better l8 than never!

I was telling my sitter about the product this morning & she actually asked me 2 buy her a bottle. So…I’m @ work, don’t have time 2 really do the research – my job’s been tripping about internet usage. My sitter wears a sew-n all the time. She’s been keeping my son for 2 yrs & I’ve never seen her real hair. What would b ur suggestions on how she should use the MT? Of course I don’t want anything negative 2 happen 2 her hair as a result of something I suggested.

Oh the name of the store that I got it from is the Stock Market – it’s on Hwy 20 in Conyers. Also, I would like to share my strategy 4 finding it. I went 2 the Cowboy Magic website & looked up the stores by city. And when I was calling, instead of inquiring about Cowboy Magic, I asked did they have the MT. Hopefully this will help some of u ladies that, like me, would rather purchase from a store instead of online. And I won’t front, I bought the Cowboy Magic, 2.

Wait…1 last thing. I had a conversation with the clerk. She owns horses. She was telling me how MT really helps w/hair growth. Silly me, thinking everyone could be Nikko’s cousin, I was like, oh u use it on ur hair, 2? She was so dumbfounded – she was like, um, no I was talking about my horse. So of course I had 2 tell her about LHCF & the wonderful results ladies have been c-ing. And she was really interested. She told me that sometimes after horses have surgery & the wound heals, the hair doesn’t grow back & that MT is the only thing that will revive the horse’s mane. She said that n the horse world, MT is considered a “miracle product”. When I was getting the Cowboy Magic, she told me that after she puts it (the Cowboy Magic) n her horse’s hair, she rubs the leftovers on her ends & it makes them feel soooo good.

There is only 1 bottle of the MT left on the shelf @ the Stock Market but she told me 2 tell any1 that maybe interested n coming there that there will b more b/c they keep a pretty good supply of it.
Thanks ladies…
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Hey Nakia, haven't seen you in a while. Ok, here is my recommendation for MT usage for the first few weeks.

Start off slow by applying it only on the scalp & messaging it in about 3x a week. I say this because some people may be protein sensitive and you don't want to over do it. You can always build up to more times a week later on. Do not apply to the length of your hair for now.

Some ladies like to mix their MT with oils. I use castor oil.

MT may cause shedding in the beginning but you can combat this by applying a garlic treatment (garlic infused with oils - Aggie has the recipe in her fotki) or by taking garlic pills.

Do not use any other protein as MT is high in protein.

Make sure you deep condition with a good moisturizing conditioner 1 to 2x a week as MT can be drying. You should also use a good moisturizer in between your poos as well.

As you become accustomed to MT you can increase your usage and even use it as protein treatment later on.

Make sure you check out the MT thread because there is some great information there. I just gave you the quick start. :lachen:

HTH and welcome to the world of MT. :)

Okay so I just happened upon this thread. I am in a sew-in and have worn one over the summer using Ovation and MegaTek mixed together. What I do is:

Mix the two products together in the Ovation bottle (I put the extra Ovation in a seperate container). To this, I also add some oils(black castor oil, coconut oil, whatever I think will help) and carefree curl. I put my pink applicator tip on it and apply it to my scalp daily. I co-wash about 3x's a week. I also keep my nape out and keep it braided up.
Hi all. Yes, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon, 2. Hey, better l8 than never!
I was telling my sitter about the product this morning & she actually asked me 2 buy her a bottle. So…I’m @ work, don’t have time 2 really do the research – my job’s been tripping about internet usage. My sitter wears a sew-n all the time. She’s been keeping my son for 2 yrs & I’ve never seen her real hair. What would b ur suggestions on how she should use the MT? Of course I don’t want anything negative 2 happen 2 her hair as a result of something I suggested.
Oh the name of the store that I got it from is the Stock Market – it’s on Hwy 20 in Conyers. Also, I would like to share my strategy 4 finding it. I went 2 the Cowboy Magic website & looked up the stores by city. And when I was calling, instead of inquiring about Cowboy Magic, I asked did they have the MT. Hopefully this will help some of u ladies that, like me, would rather purchase from a store instead of online. And I won’t front, I bought the Cowboy Magic, 2.
Wait…1 last thing. I had a conversation with the clerk. She owns horses. She was telling me how MT really helps w/hair growth. Silly me, thinking everyone could be Nikko’s cousin, I was like, oh u use it on ur hair, 2? She was so dumbfounded – she was like, um, no I was talking about my horse. So of course I had 2 tell her about LHCF & the wonderful results ladies have been c-ing. And she was really interested. She told me that sometimes after horses have surgery & the wound heals, the hair doesn’t grow back & that MT is the only thing that will revive the horse’s mane. She said that n the horse world, MT is considered a “miracle product”. When I was getting the Cowboy Magic, she told me that after she puts it n her horse’s hair, she rubs the leftovers on her ends & it makes them feel soooo good.
There is only 1 bottle of the MT left on the shelf @ the Stock Market but she told me 2 tell any1 that maybe interested n coming there that there will b more b/c they keep a pretty good supply of it.
Thanks ladies…
funny I was talking about my horseHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too funny
Wow this thread helps me. I have a place to purchase and details on how to use MT.
Do you have the phone number to the store location?
Wow this thread helps me. I have a place to purchase and details on how to use MT.
Do you have the phone number to the store location?

ok what is Cowboy Magic??? How do you use it?

I noticed that u said u were far from Conyers (on my profile page). Go 2 & check out their store locator. U can search by city & the site will give u a list of every city that has a store that carries their product. When u click on a particular city, it'll give u a list of stores n that city. You can check & see if there are any stores closer 2 u than the 1 n Conyers & u can call & c if they carry MT as well. HTH...

Cowboy Magic is a detangler that has rec'd good reviews on LHCF. I haven't used it yet but I love the smell - it's filled w/cones so if u don't like cones then this ain't 4 u. :look:
Thanks for the advice Unfortunately I called 3 different places and none of them carry MT, but then it got me thinking....there's gotta be some place around here that has it so I googled it and low and behold I found a store in my city. I will be headed there this weekend to see if they have any in stock.