MSM... where do I begin?


New Member
I considering adding MSM to supplements. For those that are using it, could you please advise on the following:
  1. How much should I use? I currently take multivitamins, biotin 1000mcg and Complex B
  2. Any side effects I should be aware of?
  3. What kind should I buy? powder, pill, mixed w/ glucosamine??
  4. Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there?
Thanks in advance ladies:grin:
I considering adding MSM to supplements. For those that are using it, could you please advise on the following:
  1. How much should I use? I currently take multivitamins, biotin 1000mcg and Complex B
  2. Any side effects I should be aware of?
  3. What kind should I buy? powder, pill, mixed w/ glucosamine??
  4. Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there?
Thanks in advance ladies:grin:
1. It depends... some people take 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp a day, but in different doses. The powdered form gives the best results.

2. Headaches.... and I heard crazy dreams. I already have crazy dreams, so I can't tell the difference.

3. Powder

4. Ladies say Vit SHoppe is good, I just get mine off Amazon
I considering adding MSM to supplements. For those that are using it, could you please advise on the following:How much should I use? I currently take multivitamins, biotin 1000mcg and Complex B I take anywhere from 2000-3000mg of Jarrow MSM per day.
Any side effects I should be aware of? I was very sleepy at first (detox). I also have vivid dreams. I only drink water (and a lot of it), so I don't have any other negative side effects. Just better skin & nails.
What kind should I buy? powder, pill, mixed w/ glucosamine?? I buy the pure optimsm powder because I like to add it to my bottled water (its tastless in water and dissolves quickly)
Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there?
I use Jarrow MSM. I'm not sure if they sell it at the Vitamin Shoppe. If you do a search for msm, you will get a ton of results that will help you decide on which brand/how much to take. :yep:
  1. How much should I use? I currently take multivitamins, biotin 1000mcg and Complex B I been taking MSM 1000mg from vitamin shoppe for about a week now, and I don't really see a difference in my hair, but my bones and joints don't bother me like they use to since taking it.
  2. Any side effects I should be aware of? No that I notice yet! (that crazy dream one may be true, but I had crazy dream b4 the MSM)
  3. What kind should I buy? powder, pill, mixed w/ glucosamine?? If you like to mix things together, then take the powder, but the pills works fine for me because it's easier
  4. Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there? Vitamin shoppe (I forget how much I paid)
How much should I use? I currently take multivitamins, biotin 1000mcg and Complex B
I started out at 1500 mg for a few weeks and worked my way up to 4000-5000 mcg per day. I also take a B Complex and Multi V.

Any side effects I should be aware of?
I don't have any side effects. I've always had weird dreams.

What kind should I buy? powder, pill, mixed w/ glucosamine??
I buy the powder and mix it with my orange juice. I read that MSM is better absorbed with Vitamin C.

Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there?
I buy Source Naturals Brand online. It has OptiMSM which means it doesn't have fillers. I used to buy Jarrows Brand from Whole Foods but that was $13.75 for 7 oz. while Source Naturals online was $13.25 for 16 oz. I believe I ordered from Vitacost.
1. It depends... some people take 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp a day, but in different doses. The powdered form gives the best results.

2. Headaches.... and I heard crazy dreams. I already have crazy dreams, so I can't tell the difference.

3. Powder

4. Ladies say Vit SHoppe is good, I just get mine off Amazon

I considering adding MSM to supplements. For those that are using it, could you please advise on the following:How much should I use? I currently take multivitamins, biotin 1000mcg and Complex B I take anywhere from 2000-3000mg of Jarrow MSM per day.
Any side effects I should be aware of? I was very sleepy at first (detox). I also have vivid dreams. I only drink water (and a lot of it), so I don't have any other negative side effects. Just better skin & nails.
What kind should I buy? powder, pill, mixed w/ glucosamine?? I buy the pure optimsm powder because I like to add it to my bottled water (its tastless in water and dissolves quickly)
Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there?
I use Jarrow MSM. I'm not sure if they sell it at the Vitamin Shoppe. If you do a search for msm, you will get a ton of results that will help you decide on which brand/how much to take. :yep:

  1. How much should I use? I currently take multivitamins, biotin 1000mcg and Complex B I been taking MSM 1000mg from vitamin shoppe for about a week now, and I don't really see a difference in my hair, but my bones and joints don't bother me like they use to since taking it.
  2. Any side effects I should be aware of? No that I notice yet! (that crazy dream one may be true, but I had crazy dream b4 the MSM)
  3. What kind should I buy? powder, pill, mixed w/ glucosamine?? If you like to mix things together, then take the powder, but the pills works fine for me because it's easier
  4. Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there? Vitamin shoppe (I forget how much I paid)

How much should I use? I currently take multivitamins, biotin 1000mcg and Complex B
I started out at 1500 mg for a few weeks and worked my way up to 4000-5000 mcg per day. I also take a B Complex and Multi V.

Any side effects I should be aware of?
I don't have any side effects. I've always had weird dreams.

What kind should I buy? powder, pill, mixed w/ glucosamine??
I buy the powder and mix it with my orange juice. I read that MSM is better absorbed with Vitamin C.

Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there?
I buy Source Naturals Brand online. It has OptiMSM which means it doesn't have fillers. I used to buy Jarrows Brand from Whole Foods but that was $13.75 for 7 oz. while Source Naturals online was $13.25 for 16 oz. I believe I ordered from Vitacost.

Thanks ladies.... this helps alot. Now I just have to do a little research on brands..... Vivid dreams....hmmmm that makes me a little nervous since I already have coo-coo ones :headspin:
I wonder why dreams are so vivid with msm...I take 2000mg of gnc msm every day and the dreams are definitely of the scale. My only other symptom is frequent headaches when I don't drink enough water.
The vivid dreams don't bother me much. I look forward to going to sleep and seeing what i'll dream about. I'm glad that I can actually remember the dreams once I wake up :grin:
Hi ladies,

I just recently started taking Natures Plus Hair Vitamins. Before I started taking them I researched MSM and from what I remember the suggested dosage was 500mg a day. Thats also the amount in my vitamins.

So, I'm wondering how did you all decide on what dosage to take. You all are taking way more than the suggested 500mg I read about. Maybe I should look into it some more.

Also, I've read about weight gain and breast growth. Please share your experiences with this.

I did a lot of research on the internet and the forums to come up with the dosage I take. I started with 1500 mcg because I used to take the pills and that was the value in one tablet. It said take two which is 3000 mcg. I now take the powder and add a teaspoon of it with my orange juice (5200 mcg). I increased the dosage gradually so my body could adjust to MSM.

If I don't take any other supplements I, at least, take my MSM and multi V in the morning. My new growth is soft and growing in nicely. I also take it for joint health. I've been taking it orally since November and before that I've been adding it to my moisturizer since August.

I've been gaining weight since before MSM. No other body changes to report.
Ok, so I just answered one of my questions.

It says that its best to start with 500mg and then you can increase to 1,000mg and so forth. The max suggested ranges from 4,000mg to 6,000mg.

The best form to take it is powder.
  1. How much should I use? I use 6 grams, but there is a formula I ran across while research MSM: body weight divided by 30 is the amount of grams that should be taken daily. For example, I weigh 140 lbs so I should take 4.67 grams. Taking more won't hurt since it gets flushed out in 12 hours.
  2. Any side effects I should be aware of? Start slow! Take 500 mg for a week and increase the dosage by 500 mg per week until you reach the dosage you want. If you take too much too fast you may get what feels like a cold that lasts a long time, headaches, tiredness, and strange dreams.
  3. What kind should I buy? Pills are convenient, but crystals are most potent.
  4. Where should I buy? I tend to go to Vitamin Shoppe, are there any recommended brands there? Vitamin Shoppe and GNC. I have tried the Vitamin Shoppe brand, but I have seen more results from using Trimedica Pure MSM.
Hi ladies,

I just recently started taking Natures Plus Hair Vitamins. Before I started taking them I researched MSM and from what I remember the suggested dosage was 500mg a day. Thats also the amount in my vitamins.

So, I'm wondering how did you all decide on what dosage to take. You all are taking way more than the suggested 500mg I read about. Maybe I should look into it some more.

Also, I've read about weight gain and breast growth. Please share your experiences with this.


After the first two days, I noticed that they looked a little fuller. I did a shimmy and a shake and thought to myself wow these look great! I googled MSM and breast growth afterward and sure enough women reported having increased growth (permanent) and some had weight gain. I haven't had any weight gain.
After the first two days, I noticed that they looked a little fuller. I did a shimmy and a shake and thought to myself wow these look great! I googled MSM and breast growth afterward and sure enough women reported having increased growth (permanent) and some had weight gain. I haven't had any weight gain.


Well, I could use more up top. I haven't noticed anything yet. I think I'm more excited about the prospect of breast growth more than the hair benefits. I just hope I don't gain any weight. Last year I lost a total of 20 lbs. I would be so hurt if I gained that weight back.